"Me? The heir? But I'm not even the Silent One yet."

"You don't have to worry about this. The Silent Agency is not that kind of bureaucracy. What matters is not seniority, but strength. As long as you are strong enough to suppress everyone, then everyone will do their best to obey your orders."

"But I'm not strong enough either."

"It's not enough now, but in the future..."

The old man looked at Anna meaningfully, as if he had seen something inside her body, and said:

"I believe in your potential."


"Not to mention, old man, I'm not dead yet. Before I hand over all my abilities to you, I'm afraid I won't be willing to die until I die."


Anna was silent and lowered her eyes, seeming to be thinking seriously.

After a moment, she clenched her clothes tightly with her fingers, hiding her inner struggle, and said softly:

"But I still..."

"Can't bear to leave that boy?"

The old man said the second half of the sentence for Anna and sneered:

"Do you think you can interact with each other freely at St. Mary's College, but once you leave and join the Silence Agency, you won't have this opportunity?"


Anna didn't speak, but her meaning was very clear.

How could I be willing to leave him when my love for my junior classmate was so full that it overflowed?

"Oh...you girl."

Seeing the cabbage he had raised for ten years being swallowed by the golden pig, the old man's eyes showed a trace of helplessness and depression, and he continued:

"Actually, I made this decision because of your relationship with that kid."


Anna cast a confused look, a little confused about the relationship between them.


The old man suddenly looked out the window and smiled contemptuously, "You must have forgotten that boy's identity."


Anna hesitated slightly, then reacted immediately.

The man she longed for was named Moon Campbell.

He is the only son of Duke Campbell, and his future is almost certain to be a Duke.

And most importantly, due to the fact that it was passed down through generations and unable to flourish, the Campbell family has naturally become the only die-hard royal faction among the great nobles.

Just like this, as a link, he and the famous princess of the empire had a marriage relationship granted by the emperor himself.

"The engagement..."

Anna murmured softly, followed the old man's gaze, and turned to look out the window.

On the roof not far away, in the faint sunlight, the silver-white figure stood tall and graceful.

As if she was born to be shrouded in the spotlight, just standing there quietly is enough to make anyone obsessed.

"It's so beautiful." Anna sighed.

And as if she felt something, the silver-white girl suddenly turned around and looked at the girl in the carriage from a few blocks away.

This seemed to be the first time the two people's eyes met. There was no murderous intent, and there was no special meaning.

It looked so peaceful.

Just like the sea without a breeze.

But the old man's smile suddenly narrowed and he said:

"Girl, as I just said, as the future Duke, it is very normal for Moon Campbell to have several lovers."


"Don't you want to compete for the position of the only duchess?"

7. Different directions

"An, ok...long time no see."

After several struggles, Mu En finally walked into the carriage and met the meaningful gaze of her maid.

An still looked dignified, wearing a close-fitting maid uniform. She sat there with her back straight and her hands on her knees. Every movement was as elegant and precise as if measured by a ruler.

"It's been a long time, not long ago. Didn't we just meet a few days ago? But the young master..."

An's eyes fell on Mu En and he said with a half-smile:

"Why is the young master so wet?"

"Ah, this..."

I can't tell you that I jumped into the river just now to cover up something...

Mu En smiled reluctantly and said:

"It's not like I was too happy to see An, so I took a shower first before coming."

"Oh? Master, when you take a shower...why are your clothes even soaked?"

"Well... I even wash the clothes together, doesn't it look more solemn!"

"Really? But why..."

An Xiaoqiao's Qiong nose shrugged, her eyes glanced under Mu En, then she glanced at the distance outside the window, and said with a smile:

"I always feel that the young master has a strange smell~"


Mu En shivered and almost jumped up in fright.

You didn't hesitate to destroy your image, and jumped into the river to face the look of those silent people looking at madmen, and you can still smell it. Is your nose even more powerful than that of the Snake Man?

But he still forced himself to calm down.

Experience tells him that the more times this happens, the less panic you can have.

The more you panic, the faster you will die!

"Yes...it's perfume, An. The smell you asked about is probably the scent of perfume left on my clothes." Mu En said with a straight face, making random remarks.

"The smell of this perfume... is really unique?"

"Purely natural, unique and normal, haha, normal."


An squinted her eyes and stared at Mu En for a long time, and the carriage fell into a stagnant atmosphere.

In this tight and low pressure, Mu En felt her heart beating faster and faster, and when she was about to lose control, An suddenly smiled and said,

"Why are you so nervous, Master? As your personal maid, do you think I will doubt your words?"

"No... no, of course not. I also believe in An unconditionally. You are one of the people closest to me." Mu En wiped the water droplets from her forehead and said.

"It really makes An extremely happy to hear these words from the young master."

An was smiling, and there was a rare hint of shyness on her dignified and beautiful face.

But then her expression became serious.

"Okay, I won't scare the young master anymore. I'm here for business this time."


"There are two things. One is that earlier today, many nobles in the palace suddenly sent many gifts."

"Gift...why at this time..."

"The people in the palace said it was a reward personally given by His Majesty in recognition of the Campbell family's outstanding contribution during this crisis.

As for those nobles, they usually sent them away, but this time there were suddenly more, but they still sent them back according to the previous handling method. "

"Outstanding contribution?"

Mu En raised her eyebrows in surprise, a little confused.

What outstanding contribution?

In this incident of the Campbell family, the Duke was away leading troops and the Duchess was raising a baby in the countryside. It cannot be said that they made no contribution, they were simply irrelevant.

In order to save his senior sister, he plunged into the center of the whirlpool alone.

But he didn't mobilize the power of the Duke's Palace.

And from the moment he saw so many silent people surrounding him, Mu En understood that what he had done in this huge wave could not be regarded as turning the tide, but at most it could be regarded as the icing on the cake.

Even without him, the evil god's plan would most likely not succeed.

Nothing will change... except that the senior may actually die.

Well, there's also the Moon that might be able to struggle a little more.

However, no matter what, what Mu En did cannot be called an "outstanding contribution."

Not to mention……

He had just come out of the dark moon mist, and the gifts from the palace arrived earlier than him, so the time couldn't match up.

"I heard that after this incident, many nobles in the royal capital suffered heavy losses." An seemed to point out.

"Is this...?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment and then quickly reacted.

Thanks to His Majesty the Emperor's wonderful operation, Bellande's noble faction suffered a major blow this time, and I'm afraid they won't be able to bounce back for a long time.

As for the Campbell family, due to their status as a die-hard royal faction, although they did not do anything, they also lost nothing. Coupled with the stability of the imperial power, they inexplicably gained great benefits due to the decline of one another.

Although he may be even more jealous in the future.

"It seems that there are some advantages to the low population."

Mu En sighed with a complicated mood.

Generally speaking, the more noble aristocrats are, the more they hope for the decline of imperial power.

But among the great nobles, there was the heretic Campbell family.

After several generations of single inheritance, the family was not prosperous, and naturally the greatest means of forming cliques and selfish interests among nobles was lost - marriage.

After all, there is only one Duke Campbell, and there is only one son of Duke Campbell. You can't expect them to marry the daughters of dozens of nobles.

Precisely because of this, the Campbell family could only rely on the power of Duke Campbell to gather a large number of small and medium-sized nobles and become the leaders of the royal faction.

"Now that I think about it, in the original book, after that incident, Moon Campbell was demoted to a commoner and ended up miserable. Even the Duke's Palace was not allowed to interfere. It is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. It is most likely driven by other nobles."

Mu En thought to herself.

After all, many people don't want to see a high-ranking duke get so close to the royal family, and even marry into the royal family.

However, what did he do to the princess due to his bad behavior, and caused such a big fuss? In the original book, it was only the original owner who was demoted to a commoner, and it did not shake the status of the Campbell family at all. This shows that the emperor's attitude towards Campbell family trust.

"Huh? Wait, that's not right."

Mu En suddenly thought of something, raised his head and said doubtfully:

"It doesn't make sense why the palace would suddenly send something over at this juncture. Isn't this intentional to bring hatred to our family?"

"Concerning this, when people from the palace sent things, they also brought words."

Not sure if it was an illusion, Mu En suddenly felt that An's tone was uncharacteristically weird.

"What are you talking about?" Mu En asked curiously.

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