"they said……"

After settling down for a moment, he said sourly:

"Let the Duke's Palace begin preparations for the engagement ceremony between you and Princess Celcia in a few months."

8. Two kinds of happiness


After hearing what An said, Mu En almost spat out a mouthful of blood. He stared at An with straight eyes and said in a trembling voice:

"Wha... what? You said... an engagement ceremony?"


An nodded and said:

"Master, have you forgotten? According to the popular agreement, the engagement ceremony cannot be held until Her Royal Highness Princess Celcia celebrates her eighteenth birthday."

"Of course I know this, but this is too sudden." Mu En said blankly.

Celcia said before that she is one year younger than herself.

And she had just passed her eighteenth-year-old coming-of-age ceremony three months ago, and a few months later, Celcia had just turned eighteen.

Although this age is not too young for a normal noble girl, Mu En did not expect that she would be so anxious.

No, it would be better to say that he never thought of this before. After all, his attention was distracted by too many things. Now that he suddenly heard about it, he was naturally very caught off guard.

"When exactly?"

"On Celcia's eighteenth birthday, the ceremony will be hosted by the royal palace. The Duke's Palace only needs to do some auxiliary work, and... young master, you are just going to attend."

"……too fast."

Mu En murmured somewhat absentmindedly:

"I'm not even ready yet."

"I was also jumped, but according to people from the palace, this was an order given by His Majesty himself."

An sighed:

"After just hearing the news, the entire Duke's Palace was in a panic. Fortunately, according to the time, Madam was able to come back by that time, so she had a backbone.

It's just that the master's side... I'm afraid it's difficult. "

"Well, my father will definitely be disappointed."

Mu En also sighed.

But then he realized, no, is dad the one who should be worried?

It's me who should be worried!

I'm getting engaged! Engaged! Engaged!

It was obvious that he was still worried about surviving and not being slapped to death by the evil god, but in the blink of an eye... he had to consider important matters in life.

It had only been a few months since he traveled back in time, but he felt as if he had gone through centuries. After experiencing so many things, he had unknowingly integrated into this identity and this world. When he looked back... he couldn't help but sigh.

"This is the first thing, what about the second thing?" Anyway, there are still a few months, there is no need to worry now, leaving those complicated thoughts behind, Mu En continued to ask.

"There is a letter from the Master and Madam."

An handed two wax-sealed envelopes with the Campbell family crest to Moon.


Mu En was stunned.

Then he immediately finished it, tore it open, and read each word carefully.

Two letters.

One father.

One mother.

It can be seen that they are all written by his own hand. Just from the style of the glyphs and semantics, it can be seen that they are not used.

Most of the letters from that cheap father were about the heroic and domineering military life. For example, during this period, how many miles did your father and I push the front line, how many demons were trapped and killed, and how many demons were killed in a one-on-one duel before. The demon clan boss on the opposite side had several of his teeth knocked out.

Just at the end of the letter, he mentioned: "Boy, I'm very happy that you can get 80% in the exam. I also want to find a good-looking woman to give me a grandson, or a granddaughter. Don't spoil the princess. I'm a man." What's wrong with the extra women? If anything happens, I'll take care of it for you..."

But just for this sentence, Mu En could clearly feel that there were many modifications on the letter paper, as if these dozens of words were much more difficult to write than the thousands of words before.

The letter from the cheap mother was much smoother, because the whole letter was filled with nagging comments about him, such as "Have you eaten well, slept well, had a good rest when studying, don't be too tired" Take care of yourself...and your father is right, don't pay too much attention to that princess, she will fight if anything happens."

It is simply a clear interpretation of the words "loving mother and failed son".

But every ordinary word would attract Mu En to read involuntarily.

For a long time, Mu En read the two letters carefully, folded them carefully, put them away, raised his head, and took a long breath.

Sure enough, words are the most touching thing in the world. With just two simple letters from home, Mu En can feel the incomparable warmth in her heart.

Mu En turned to look out the window, and suddenly felt an inexplicable emotion coming to her mind.

Thinking about it carefully, although at this moment, the injuries in the body have not healed, there is still a vague feeling of emptiness.


The senior sister has been rescued.

The moon is dead.

I'm afraid the evil god won't cause trouble again in the short term.

At this moment, the years are quiet and the sun is shining brightly.




"Does what I have now count as happiness?"

"……I have no idea.


An stared at Mu En's face and said softly:

"The young master seems to be very happy now."


Mu En smiled, "It feels pretty good."

The thing she was looking for suddenly appeared within reach. Mu En leaned against the window, admiring the quiet scenery outside and enjoying these beautiful thoughts.

It would be great if it could continue like this.

But the good times didn't last long. Suddenly, there was a sound of machine movement, and the carriage's windows suddenly closed and turned into a black curtain, blocking all light and sound outside the carriage.

"What's going on? Enemy attack?"

The beautiful thoughts dissipated in an instant, and Mu En subconsciously tightened her heartstrings, stood up instantly, looked around vigilantly, and was about to pull out Elizabeth.

But he was stunned for a long time and didn't find where the enemy was. He only saw An, who was sitting opposite, slowly unscrewing the precious luminous pearl, emitting a beautiful pink light in the cramped carriage space.

"Master, don't be nervous, it's not an enemy attack."

Blocking the two of them, the small table used to place the teacups had disappeared at some point. Anna stood up, pushed Mu En back onto the soft and large sofa, and said softly:

"It's safe here, no one will bother us."

"Safe? Excuse me?"

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched. Why do you always feel that An's words are a bit inconsistent?

But he didn't have time to pay attention to this, because through the pink light, he suddenly noticed that An's dignified and pretty face was a little crimson and her breathing was a little heavy.

Wait, is this supposed to be...

At this moment, the crisis alarm related to the survival instinct in Mu En's mind sounded again, and he subconsciously wanted to escape...

But An was already pressing up, her delicate body clinging tightly, her fragrance lingering, her beautiful touch, sight and smell constantly stimulating Mu En's nerves.


Mu En swallowed hard,

"What...what do you want to do?"

"Master, aren't you asking questions knowingly?"

An chuckled and said:

"Master, don't you want to be happy? I will make you happier."

No, no, no, come here at this time, this is not only happiness, this is going to heaven!

Literally ascending to heaven!

No, run away, you must run away!

Mu En looked around, looking for a way to escape.

But An seemed to see through his thoughts. She put her arms around Mu En's waist and pressed her round chest tightly against her.

"Master, I said before that I will not imprison you anymore. You can just break through the carriage and escape. But there are so many people outside now. Do you want them to see me like this?"

An's tone was unusually charming.

Mu En subconsciously lowered her head and found that An's long hair had been loosened, and the first and second buttons of the maid's uniform had been unbuttoned, revealing a flawless half and dark purple underwear.

In this purity and dignity, there is also extravagant charm and temptation.

Damn it.

Helpless, Mu En silently took back the hand holding the knife.

"Don't worry, this carriage is specially made, and no movement or sound inside will be transmitted outside.

I just belong to the young master alone. "

An lay close to Mu En's ear, with a bit of excitement in his tone:

"It's just... I also want to have a taste. There are so many people outside, and even the princess who is about to get engaged to you hasn't left yet, but the young master and I are in a place where no one can disturb us. How does it feel to do it once?”

9. Healing

Inside the narrow carriage, the pink lights are beautiful and the atmosphere is ambiguous.

The girl sat astride her thighs, gently twisting her water snake-like waist. Her perfectly shaped soft flesh kept rubbing against some of Mu En's sensitive parts. The fragrance filled the air, sultry, and the fair skin exposed under the slightly messy clothes. , which constantly touched his nerves.

This should have been a wonderful moment, a scene that would make any man's mouth dry, his heart beat faster, his body burned with evil, and he could not wait to indulge in sexual desire.

However, there was no excitement in Mu En's heart at this moment. He only felt the premonition of death in his brain constantly buzzing, seeming to remind him of the tragic scene in which he might be squeezed dry.

After all, Mu Enke had just been entangled with another little goblin for a few hours, and he was still in the sage time.

That's true. Not a drop is left.

"Then... An, it's a bit inappropriate now, why don't we come back next time?"

Mu En suggested with difficulty while responding to An's touch and kiss.


An gasped lightly,

"Master, don't you like this? Or is it not exciting enough?"

"No, no, no, it's exciting enough. It's definitely exciting enough. And I like it very much."

Mu En nodded repeatedly, and then said bitterly:

"But although it can't be seen from the outside, I am actually injured now, and all my magic and fighting energy have been exhausted in the battle just now, and my physical strength is almost at the bottom. It is indeed not a good time to do such a thing."

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