"Oh, is it so?"

An finally stopped, hugged Mu En's neck, and looked at him meaningfully:

"Young master can't do it now. Is it really because of these reasons?"

"Of course! How could I lie to An?"

Mu En nodded repeatedly, her eyes pure and sincere like an innocent child.

"That's it..."

An said regretfully, "There's nothing we can do about it."


Seeing An slowly getting off her body, Mu En finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seemed that his life was saved.

Senior sister Jia An is really a bit overwhelmed.

It can't be said that it's Mu En. No, Mu En feels that his ability in this area is already very good. Among the girls he has experienced so far, he has not easily sent him to the heaven in the clouds several times.

But I can't stand it. These girls seem to have something that cannot be described by common sense!

And as mentioned just now, Mu En's body is indeed severely damaged now. After a battle with the banshee, and facing the pressure of the evil god, some internal injuries and consumption are not so easy to make up for.

Otherwise, no matter what, you must teach this bad maid who likes to seduce her master a lesson!

Mu En made up her mind to practice hard when she comes back. Even if she can't develop outstanding martial arts skills, she still needs a pair of indestructible kidneys!

"I'm sorry, Ann, I will make it up to you later."

Mu En said apologetically.

I couldn't talk to Anna because of my senior sister, and I always felt like I had done something wrong.

"Huh? Why do you want to apologize, Master? And why do you have to make up for it later? Can't you make up for it now?"

An tilted her head and said doubtfully.


Mu En was about to explain, but was suddenly stunned.

Now... make up now?

What does it mean?

Just as he was wondering, Mu En suddenly saw An, with a beautiful smile on his face, taking out a thermos container out of nowhere.

As the container opened, steam filled the air, and a strange smell began to fill the entire carriage.

"This...this is."

Looking at the vaguely dark soup in the container, Mu En's voice suddenly trembled.

"With the young master's personality, I had already guessed that this might happen, so I was prepared in advance."

An poured the soup from the thermos into a small bowl, speaking gently like a wife trying to sober up her drunken husband.

But the meaning of her words shocked Mu En, and some dead memories suddenly appeared and began to attack him.

"Are you happy, young master? This is the Shiquan Tonic Soup I made specially for you, and this time it is an enhanced version that I carefully prepared. Even the precious dragon* was obtained through the channels of the Duke's Palace."

Shiquan Dabu Decoction!

It is indeed that thing!

Mu En's eyes suddenly widened and she turned her head suddenly, "I won't drink!"

"Master, you are still so duplicitous. You were so happy when you drank last time."

"I was forced by you last time, right?"


An touched her cheek in distress and sighed:

"But now I can't bear to force the young master, so I can only use some special means."

"Special means?"

Mu En said in horror:

"What special means?"

"Of course... I will personally give medicine to our young master who likes to lose his temper."

An licked her bright red lips, and the blush on her pretty face became more delicate.

She leaned down, took a sip of Shiquan Dabu Decoction, and said vaguely:

"Come, Master, take medicine."

After that very fragrant medicine-taking process, Mu En stared at her dead eyes, lay on the sofa, and began to digest the medicine.

The Shiquan Dabu Decoction that An brought this time was not just that, there were unknown rare materials in it, and the energy it contained was astonishing.

As soon as it entered Mu En's stomach, the dried magic power and fighting spirit in his body quickly filled up, and the flames of the King of Blight began to burn again. With an effect far exceeding that of any magic medicine, it began to help him repair some hidden injuries.

In just a few minutes, the pale color on Mu En's face had faded and turned rosy, especially her lips, which were so red and tender.

But Mu En always felt that she had lost something important.

"It seems to be working well."

After drinking the decoction, An observed it carefully and smiled with satisfaction.

She then straddled Mu En again and twisted her body passionately.

"Can we continue, Master?"

Mu En glanced at her with dead fish eyes and expressed that he didn't want to talk.

Although her physical strength has recovered a lot, sage mode is sage mode. Now Mu En only feels empty in her heart. Even though she was bullied severely just now, she has no evil thoughts at all now. How can you What about me?

"Oh, it's a pity. Since then, I have decided not to drug the young master. Otherwise, it will definitely be a lot easier now."

An said regretfully, "In this case, I can only use my own method."

An unbuttoned Mu En's clothes and swirled her tender tongue on his chest.

Mu En snorted in her heart, full of disdain.

That's it, I'm not the same person I used to be, this little stimulation...

But before he could finish the cruel words in his heart, he saw An licking all the way down.



Finally, in Mu En's big eyes that gradually became as wide as copper bells, An Zhen lowered his head and slightly opened his red lips...

“Hiss—” Mu En breathed out a breath of cold air, almost vomiting global warming.

Because at this moment, with her hair swaying slightly, An's dignified and beautiful face formed a strong contrast with the meticulous behavior she was doing at this moment.

A heavy and cruel elbow hit directly to Mu En's sensitive nerves.

The sage mode is broken instantly.


The sudden change made An temporarily stop her movements, and from bottom to top, she rolled her eyes at Mu En.

"Young Master is so bad...it's so big...I can't even hold it..."

10. A sign of rivers of blood

"Is it already so late?"

Anna walked out of the old man's carriage and subconsciously glanced at the sky.

The red sunset casts a dazzling afterglow on the river that has returned to calm, adding a touch of bright color to the city that has regained peace.

Time flies incredibly fast, from dawn to dusk in the blink of an eye.

Although part of the factor was the long conversation with the old man, the biggest reason that made her feel that time flew by was probably the things she did with her junior students under the fog of the dark moon.

When your consciousness is flying in the clouds, you always feel that time flies by.

Thinking of this, Ana's cheeks turned red.

Because in the past twenty years of her life, she had never thought that her first time would be so intense and exciting.

When you are under the one you love, you are so beautiful that you almost melt.

Not to mention...she was basically the one who took the initiative later.

"Bah, it's all my junior's fault."

A trace of embarrassment flashed in Anna's eyes, and she put all the blame on the naughty junior.

It was just this moment of her beautiful aura that occasionally flashed across her face, which made the silent ones around her, who had never been close to women, all stunned.

"By the way, where are the juniors?"

Her eyes subconsciously scanned, but she didn't find the person she was thinking about. Anna looked at Kanazawa aside and asked.

"Moon Campbell is there."

As a confidant of the sword holder, Kanazawa knew the old man's thoughts to a certain extent, so he already had enough respect for Anna.

He pointed to the luxurious carriage himself:

"A Campbell."

"That's it."

Anna breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously she just didn't find it the first time, but she was already a little panicked.

It's very unlike her to be so uncool.

It really got deeper and deeper.

Anna looked at the carriage, which was luxurious and luxurious. Even the horse pulling the carriage looked extremely handsome.

It is indeed a product of the Campbell family, and it highlights the temperament consistent with his identity.


Anna couldn't help but recall what the old man had just said to her.

Anna, who knew that she was not suitable to disturb the internal conversation of the Mu En family, did not rush over, but waited for a while.

Anyway, it's impossible for Mu En to suddenly run away with another woman, and she won't be short of it for a while.

But as she waited, she noticed something was wrong.

Her eyes fell on the carriage again, Anna narrowed her beautiful eyes and murmured in a low voice:

"This carriage... is very closed. If you don't want outsiders to hear the conversation inside, just use a soundproof magic. Why...

I want to make it so that I can't even see a person. "

In the carriage.

Under the prying eyes of the river crab beast, the battle of five thousand words came to an end.

The clouds and rain have stopped.

Perhaps because she was fed both above and below, and also swallowed some kind of beauty and nourishing food, An looked a little radiant and more attractive.

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