She still hugged Mu En quietly, as if she didn't want to leave for a moment, breathing heavily, looking at Mu En with charming eyes, and asked,

"Master, are you comfortable?"

"Shu... comfortable, very comfortable."

Mu En raised her head, showing an expression that didn't know whether she was crying or laughing.

"It's just a little weak."

"Who told you to have an unpleasant smell there, so naturally I have to clean it up vigorously."

Anna's pretty face, which could not be called dignified at all, showed a hint of coquettishness. She pursed her lips like a girl and hummed.


So what is the structure of your nose? Why can you smell everything?

Mu En didn't want to speak, she raised her head and continued to digest the medicine in her body, otherwise she wouldn't be able to walk for a while.

An seemed very quiet at the moment, lying on Mu En's chest, holding her chin, and looking at Mu En's face quietly.

His eyes flickered slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Under the pink light of the carriage, it fell into a reassuring silence. Only a faint smell in the air and some water stains could tell what kind of fierce battle this place had experienced.



"I want to take a day off."


Mu En suddenly raised his head and looked at An in surprise.

"What did you say?"

"I said, I want to take a leave of absence and not be the head maid of the Duke's Palace for the time being."

Ann said softly.

"Ask for leave?"

Mu En frowned, a little confused.

In his memory, An had been with him as a personal maid since he was eight years old, and had never asked for any leave, so when she suddenly said this, Mu En was naturally a little unbelievable.

"What are you going to do?"

"Well... Master, just think that I am returning to my hometown to visit relatives."

"Do you have any relatives in your hometown? Why have I never heard of you?"

"You can always find out if you go back and take a look, right?"

An stretched out her hand and stroked Mu En's cheek:

"Okay, young master, I don't really want to leave the Duke's Mansion completely. I just want to leave you temporarily for a while. Anyway, you are in school during this period, and we don't have much time to see each other, right?"


Mu En was silent for a moment, "Do you want me to send someone to protect you?"

"Need not."

An said: "My strength is enough to protect myself."

"Well, since it's your own idea, I have no reason to stop you."

Mu En thought for a moment and smiled:

"Then be careful on the road, and... come back early. No matter whether you find your relatives or not, the Duke's Palace will be your forever home."


An Qiao's face twitched slightly, and she stared at Mu En's warm and genial smile like the sun for a long time. Then she suddenly leaned her head on Mu En's chest and murmured softly:

"'s your gentleness that makes people fall in love with you unconsciously."

After another brief moment of tenderness, An sprayed a little perfume into the carriage and Mu En's body. After arranging her clothes, An finally let Mu En leave.

When we got off the carriage, it was already dark.

Mu En stepped out of the carriage, but she didn't even notice that there was someone in front of her, and she fell into a soft embrace.


A familiar voice came into my ears, "We've been chatting for so long."

"Ha...haha, yes."

Mu En stood up from the embrace and said stiffly:

"Some important matters related to the life and death of the Campbell family, so we talked for a long time."


The senior sister's voice was somewhat meaningful. Mu En looked up at her, only to find that she was looking past him and behind her.

Mu En swallowed and turned around. Sure enough, she saw An standing at the door of the carriage, dressed in a neat maid outfit, with her hair tied up high, looking at her senior sister dignifiedly and elegantly.

"Anna Kaberlin."


"This isn't the first time we've met."

"Yes, it's not the first time."

"That's it."

Anna flipped her hair lightly, with a soft smile on her face, and said softly:

"Really, it's really annoying to have a sneaky cat come to eat after just leaving for such a short time."

"I should be the one to say this."

An also responded with a standard smile:

"Stolen cats can be found everywhere."



A silent stare.

The smile on his face did not change at all.

It's like best friends who are exchanging pleasantries and discussing which dress is prettier.

But at this moment, Mu En's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and a gust of wind blew by, making him unable to help but tremble with coldness.

He shrank his neck and wanted to run away.

But his arms were held tightly.

"Today is a very special day, so I won't care about it for now. Junior, let's go back to the academy." Anna said with a smile.


An stopped Anna and said, "The young master is injured. He should come back to the Duke's Mansion with me to recuperate."

"The college also has a hospital."

"The Duke's Palace has the best resources."



The two looked at each other again.

This time, there seemed to be a bright moon rising in Anna's eyes, and countless shadows twisted and swayed under her feet.

Behind An, the metal trembled softly, and the Silent Ones present suddenly found that their weapons were somewhat out of control.

The two of them were still smiling.

Mu En just wanted to cry.

The death warning in his brain kept buzzing, making his head hurt.

But suddenly, the death warning stopped.

It was as if they had given up on treatment.

Because the two of them suddenly stopped looking at each other, looked at Mu En, and asked in unison:

"Junior brother (young master), what do you think?"

11. As we all know, the triangle is...

The wind at night is very cold.

Mu En's heart is even colder.

He turned his head to look at his left, and the girl with a charming teardrop mole at the corner of her eyes was holding his arm, looking at him affectionately, with a gentleness that made people's heart flutter.

He turned his head to look at his right, and the maid with high hair and dignified appearance pulled his sleeve, smiling, and her eyes stayed on him tightly, with incomparable dependence and attachment.

Ah, it's really strange.

This is clearly the scene that any man would dream of, with girls hugging him from both sides, and the girls around him are all peerless beauties who have had physical contact with him, and the distance is negative...

But why do I feel like crying at this moment?

Why do I feel that I would rather fight with the evil believers than stay here?

"Hey, Master, answer us, which side do you choose?"

"That's right, junior brother, answer, no matter what your answer is, we won't blame you."

That's great, you won't blame me for being such a scumbag...

No way!

Do you think I will believe it?

This is obviously similar to the ultimate two-choice similar to the previous life, which one do you save first if your mother and I fall into the water!

No, this is even more terrifying.

Because when the subject of the question becomes two people...that is double the happiness, double the excitement...

Double the hatchet.

The sweat has wet Mu En's back, and he wants to find a chance to run away, but the two of them are holding him tightly at this moment, obviously not ready to let him go without getting an answer.

What should I do?

I feel that no matter which one I choose, my fate will be very tragic.

At this moment, Mu En's brain is working as never before. If he is not a little weak now, he even wants to start the time delay to get time to think.

But the fact is that people always burst out with great potential at the most critical moment.

So at the moment of inspiration, he caught the opportunity!

"Come over there."

Mu En suddenly waved to a place not far away.


Jin Ze, who was hiding in the shadows and eating melons, was stunned and pointed at himself and asked.

"Mu En Campbell, are you calling me?"

"If not you, who else?"

Mu En smiled kindly, "Come over here, I have something very important to talk to you about."

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