
Jin Ze frowned.

He looked at Anna on the side, and then at An on the other side. Both of them glanced at him casually, and then looked away without caring.

Then he continued to stare at Mu En with interest, waiting for him to make a choice.

Jin Ze was a little confused.

But due to Mu En's identity and the so-called "very important thing" in his mouth, Jin Ze still walked over obediently.

"Tell me, what is the important thing?"

"It is..."

Mu En smiled strangely, his figure suddenly flashed, and then he broke free from the soft hands of the two beautiful girls. The next moment, a fist as big as a casserole quickly enlarged in Jin Ze's sight.

"I have tolerated you for a long time, what are you looking at, you single dog!"


Jin Ze stared in astonishment. He could never have thought that Mu En Campbell would attack him at this time.

Is he crazy?

But it was too late to notice now. Even if Jin Ze's realm was higher than Mu En's, he could not react to Mu En's sudden attack, not to mention that he was completely unprepared.

So Jin Ze was directly punched and flew out.

The scene was quiet in an instant.

Everyone, even An and Anna, couldn't help but stare at Mu En in surprise.

I don't know what's wrong with him.

Jin Ze flipped up from the ground, rubbed the red mark on his cheek, and said angrily:

"Mu En Campbell, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know."

Mu En nodded:

"I attacked a silent person, and a high-ranking official in the Silent Agency."

"Then do you know the consequences of your actions!?"

Jin Ze was so angry that his nose was crooked.

In broad daylight, in the open, attacking a silent person for no reason.

This is a ridiculous incident that hasn't happened for a long time. Do you really think that his Silent Agency is afraid of you, the son of the Duke?

The most important thing is, you actually called me a single dog again?

What's wrong with being a single dog? Is a single dog eating your rice?

Jin Ze directly took out a pair of special shackles specially used to detain evil believers, and said viciously:

"Moon Campbell, your behavior is a felony!"

"I know this of course."

Moon smiled uninhibitedly, his eyes full of the coolness and dominance of the Duke's son, as if he didn't take this evil behavior seriously at all. .

But just when Jin Ze was secretly on guard, thinking that he was going to do something out of the ordinary, Muen suddenly stretched out his hands, lowered his head suddenly, and said:

"So, please arrest me, ah Sir!"


Jin Ze:? ? ?



Jin Ze was wondering, and suddenly felt two eyes falling on him, gradually becoming meaningful.

Jin Ze's bear body trembled, and he immediately reacted.

Moon Campbell, you tricked me!

Facing the two increasingly cold eyes, Jin Ze couldn't help trembling while holding the shackles.

One of them, the murderous intent is almost turned into substance, and it is not easy to mess with him.

The other one, according to gossip, is likely to be the next Sword Holder.

So now the question is.

At this moment, is it the face of the Silence Agency, or his own life?

"What's wrong, you don't want to catch me? As a famous Silencer, are you just going to let me hit the face of your Silence Agency?" Mu En raised his head and grinned.

Seeing Jin Ze, who looked very old-fashioned and didn't know how to adapt, was entangled. When he felt the two murderous eyes moving away from himself and falling on Jin Ze, Mu En couldn't help but secretly praised his genius.

Next, no matter what Jin Ze chooses, he has room to deal with it.

Catch me, I will slip away.

Don't catch me, I will continue to entangle and delay time.

No loss either way.

The most important thing is that he easily diverted the conflict and pulled himself out of the center of the vortex. What a clever and adaptable person.

Humph, it's just a Shura field for two people. Look, I won't easily cross it...

"It's really lively."

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the field.

The corners of Mu En's mouth, which were unconsciously raised, suddenly stagnated.

He turned his head stiffly and looked at the familiar silver-white figure not far away.

Feeling that the two sights beside him also suddenly moved away from Jin Ze and fell on the silver-white figure, like a hunting beast that noticed the same level of threat, Mu En swallowed his saliva and asked in a dry voice squeezed out of his throat like a dying person:

"Ce... Celicia, why are you here?"

12. Are you right?

The last ray of sunset disappeared in the depths of the horizon, and even the breeze blowing from the riverside brought a bleak breath of late autumn.

The elegant silver-white girl, still wearing a simple white dress, stood there like a blooming snow lotus on the top of a snowy mountain, beautiful and cold.

But when she appeared here, the atmosphere in the field changed instantly, just like a new beast broke into the hunting ground, and the predators instantly became alert, concentrating and squinting, ready to go.

Only the little white rabbit was still trembling.

"Celysia, what are you...what are you doing here?"

But Celcia didn't seem to notice Mu En's question. Her cold eyes casually swept over Mu En and landed on the two beautiful girls beside him.

"Anna Kaberlin?"

"It's been a long time, President."

Anna let go of Mu En's hand, smiled and nodded.

"It's been a long time, it seems like you've changed a lot." Celcia looked her up and down.

"The president is still so beautiful."

Anna was also looking at Celcia.

The girl in front of her has long hair hanging down like the Milky Way, eyelashes like frost flowers, a beautiful face, and cold eyes. Although she is wearing a simple white dress that does not suit her identity, it only highlights her natural beauty.

So beautiful.

Anna sighed secretly.

When it comes to beauty, she thinks she is not inferior to anyone else, but the aloof and independent temperament of Celecia, like a snowdrop, is difficult for anyone to compare and imitate.

Anna understands that for men, this kind of temperament that can be seen from a distance but not played with is the most sultry flame.

Especially for a certain pervert.

"I remember...your name is An."

Celecia turned her attention to An again and said softly:

"I met you at the Duke's Palace before. You were Mu En's personal maid."

"It's such an honor to be remembered by Her Royal Highness the Princess."

An also retracted her hand, twisted up the skirt of her maid uniform, and saluted respectfully.

Facing a princess, for the sake of the face of the Duke's Palace, she still had to regain the dignity of a perfect maid, so she could no longer pull Mu En in such an obvious and affectionate manner.


Celecia nodded slightly and said nothing more, as if she was just saying hello.

But then, she looked at Kanazawa again.

Especially the shackles in his hands.

"Kanazawa, what do you want to do?"

"That... that, Moon Campbell attacked me..."

"Even if he attacks you, as long as he is not an evil believer, then this is just a public security incident. When did the Silence Agency reach out so far and become qualified to manage public security incidents?"

Celecia narrowed her beautiful eyes and said coldly.


Kanazawa was stunned for a moment, and then his expression immediately became excited.

"Yeah, this is a public security incident, it's not my business, haha, it's none of my business."

"Moon Campbell, just wait, I will go to the guard to report you now. I will definitely not have any good juice for you then, just wait!"

After saying that, Kanazawa ran away, and ran very fast, and in the blink of an eye he disappeared.

Mu En looked at the direction Jin Ze was running in, with a confused look on his face.

I don’t know how many flaws there are, but I have nowhere to complain about them.

What kind of security incident is it? The people I beat are not ordinary people. Think about your status as a silent person, brother!

And you have no use for the guards. Just those drunkards from the guards. Do they have the guts to come within ten miles of here?

Anyone here can crush them to death a hundred times, a hundred times!

Mu En couldn't help but burst into tears.

At this moment, even the silent people around them didn't know when to evacuate. Only this man, three women and four people were left on the quiet street.

I don't know when, the three women were already leaning against each other, standing in a triangle, and Mu En was at the center of the triangle.

What kind of ultimate stable structure is this? Santiago would call it an expert after seeing it!

But calm down, Mu En, stay calm.

It's not time to despair yet.

If you think about it carefully, this triangle is not hopelessly stable.

After all... no matter how you look at it, Celcia has no love for herself.

And with her character, she would never be jealous and compete with other women for men.

The bond between him and her is nothing more than an engagement. Although this engagement will soon turn into a substantial engagement, Celicia will definitely not be bound by such a thing.

So, you were just passing through, right, Celcia.

Mu En looked at Celecia expectantly.

Celcia's eyes turned around and finally returned to Mu En again.

Then, her red lips opened slightly, and with Mu En's full expectation, she slowly said:

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