"Moon Campbell, you have to come with me."


Cardiac arrest.

In an instant, Mu En felt that the air pressure in the field had dropped a notch again, and the two eyes that were still showing respect for Celecia's identity suddenly turned cold.

An equilateral triangle, perfectly closed.


Mu En's teeth chattered and she said tremblingly:

"Why... why?"


Celcia was about to answer, but she seemed to have finally noticed the strange atmosphere here. She glanced at An and Anna, raised her eyebrows slightly, and suddenly drew an arc at the corner of her lips, and changed her words:

"I want you to come with me. Do you need a reason?"



There is no doubt about it.

The girl was obviously standing in front of him, but Mu En felt as if a cold and domineering CEO was standing above him, stepping on his face with his jade feet wrapped in black stockings.

She is so domineering and I love her so much...

No, is now the time to talk about this?


Mu En couldn't understand.

Celcia, why do you want to get involved?

How can this small pond of mine withstand the disturbance of a great white shark like you?

Two of them are scary enough.

"Wait a moment, Your Highness Princess."

At this moment, An finally couldn't help but stand up and said:

"The young master is still injured and needs to return to the Duke's Mansion to recuperate. I'm afraid I can't leave with you."

"That's right."

Anna also echoed:

"And just taking people away without any reason is not good. This is not in line with your status as the president."

"Strange, when it comes to recuperating from injuries, what better conditions could there be than the palace?" Celecia responded casually.

An's face changed slightly, she really couldn't refute this.

"As for...identity?"

Celecia replied, "This is even more strange. In terms of status, compared to you who have unclear relationships, I should be the most qualified to take him away."

As she said that, Celecia turned her head, a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and looked at Mu En meaningfully:

"Are you right, your fiancé will be engaged to me in a few months?"

13. Separate paths

"Are you right? You will be engaged to me in a few months...my fiancé?"

Celcia's cold voice, like the breeze and snow, echoed in the street where there were no bystanders but a pond full of great white sharks. For a moment, it was as if the supreme god had deprived her of her voice, and the street was eerily quiet.

Mu En trembled her lips, being stared at by Celecia's calm and teasing eyes, but she didn't even have the courage to look back.

Because clearly the powder keg has been lit.

"What? Engagement?"

As expected, Anna's eyebrows immediately rose.

She knew that Mu En and the girl in front of her were in a real engagement relationship, and the engagement would happen sooner or later. Moreover, it was an agreement made by the emperor himself, and it was basically difficult to change, but she did not expect that this moment would happen so quickly.

Moreover, this princess, who is famous for her aloofness, actually said it herself in public.

What does it mean?

Is this a declaration of war?

Anna's face darkened slightly, and her hair suddenly spread without wind. In the depths of her eyes as clear as gems, a bright moon gradually rose up.

She was angry.

On the other side, An was much calmer. She had known the news for a long time, so naturally she would not react much to Celicia's words.


Her palms still tightly grasped the hem of her skirt, and the sound of steel ringing faintly could be heard in the air.

As the young master's personal maid, she should have expected this scene.

She shouldn't have had a problem with it.

But, even now, she still feels...

Very unhappy.

The night is getting darker.

A light mist drifted from the not-so-distant riverside, but the mist was quickly dispersed by invisible energy, making the air exceptionally clear.

The cold breath was replaced by a vague murderous intention, ready to go in this stagnant atmosphere.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

Time goes very slowly.

Just like the sweat dripping from Mu En's forehead at this moment, it was so heavy that it was hard to breathe.


Celecia looked away from Mu En, flipping her silver hair from her forehead. Her beautiful eyes were as calm as ice, as if she didn't care about these two hostilities at all, and she said indifferently:

"What? Are you going to take action against me?"

There is no magic fluctuation.

No fighting spirit is displayed.

There is no hostility.

No murderous intent.

It was as if it were a commonplace thing to say.

But at this moment, the girl's light words seemed to put great pressure on An and Anna, and the brewing hostility suddenly froze.

This comes not only from the unfathomable strength of this famous genius in the empire, the girl known as the Pure White Witch, but also from her identity.

She is the third princess of the Leopold Empire and the most distinguished person in this country.

With An and Anna's current status, it was enough of her kindness to be able to stand in front of her and speak.

If they really attack an imperial princess in public, what will greet them may be the will of the entire country.

So the girl's arrogance is so natural.

"It seems that you two have no objection to me taking him away."

Cecilia's cold face still showed no expression.

"Then let's go, Mr. fiancé."

"Eh? Um... are we leaving now..."

Cecilia glanced at Mu En coldly, without saying anything, she stretched out her jade hand, grabbed his collar, and dragged Mu En away as if she was holding the back of a kitten's neck.

Mu En turned back with a sad face, clasped his hands together, and sincerely apologized to the two girls.

It's not that I don't want to resist, it's just that this master is too difficult to mess with.

Don't bite me when you turn around, I'm innocent too!


Watching the two disappear from their sight, An and Anna were silent.

After a long time, they looked at each other.

Anna said, "I'm leaving."

An said, "I'm leaving too."

"Then goodbye."


Anna walked and left first.

However, she did not choose the road back to the academy.

The road under her feet led to the silent agency.

"I didn't want to fight."

Anna murmured.

In this world where even an ultimate lesbian like Ariel can openly open a crystal palace and even use magic to give birth to children, it is normal for a powerful and noble man to have several women.

Given Mu En's identity and his future achievements, Anna has long been prepared for him to have other women around him.

She is not a person who likes to fight for anything, and she doesn't care about the so-called status.

As long as she can stay with the person she likes, it is enough.

The so-called greed is just to hope that the person she likes can give her more warm love.


At this moment.

No matter how gentle her character is and how peaceful she is, she can't stand others stepping on her face and "showing off" with the so-called marriage contract.

Even if that person is a noble princess.

"So, wait, Your Highness, the high and mighty princess."

On Anna's pretty face, the enchantment was gone, and a rare majesty that Mu En had never seen emerged.

There was moonlight scattered in her gem-like eyes.

With every step she took, the deep shadows around her began to twist and dance wildly, as if they were surrendering one by one under this supreme authority.

"I don't care about the so-called Duchess.


I am looking forward to it."

Anna's eyes were firm, and she whispered to herself:

"You, the noble princess, will also bow your head in the future... the moment when you call me 'sister'."


After Anna left.

An stood there, also looking at the direction where Cecilia and Mu En left, staring for a long time.

On that dignified and pretty face, as if it was an illusion, a trace of distortion and hideousness flashed.

"Sure enough, if I want to get rid of these bugs around the young master, I am far from enough now."

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