She lowered her head and looked at her hands, remembering the strong sense of crisis when she faced Celecia just now.

That was her intuition. Through that intuition, she clearly knew that she was far from Celcia's opponent.

After all, even though they are both God's favored ones, she boasts that her talent is not weaker than Celicia's.

However, the time that Her Royal Highness Princess spent practicing and the resources she had were completely incomparable to her.

Not only Celcia, but the woman named Anna also gave her a strong sense of crisis.

She is also a difficult opponent.

And as the young master becomes more and more outstanding, who knows what kind of charming bitch he will attract.

"Can't wait any longer."

An sat back on the carriage and whispered the order.

"Let's go."

The carriage swayed and set off towards the outside of the city.

An cupped her cheek and watched the city gradually retreat, stroking the key in her hand that looked like it was carved out of blood-colored jade.


She also seemed to be talking to herself.

"I wonder if just killing tens of thousands of demons will make me strong enough?"

14. Ideas

"Celcia, please let me down now."

After being carried by Celcia for two blocks, Mu En finally lost her composure and said with a serious face.

Although the soft little hand on the back of the neck can be felt in this posture of being held by the collar, and the touch is very good, as the son of a dignified Duke, this posture is still very insulting to his reputation.

Even if you are a princess, Celcia, you can't bully her like this...

"What, do you have any objections?"

Celecia lowered her head and glanced at Mu En with cold eyes.

"No, no."

Mu En showed a sincere and peaceful smile, "How can I have any objection? My feet are a little weak right now. I can't ask for someone to help me walk."

"Really? Are your feet still weak now?"

Celecia glanced down, her expression somewhat meaningful.

"No, not soft anymore!"

Mu En's instinct stirred, and she immediately broke away from Celecia's little hand and jumped on the spot a few times.

"My whole body is strong and energetic. I can walk ten floors in one breath without losing my breath!"

"Yeah, that's good."

Celecia let go of him and said, "Go on your own."

After saying that, she continued to move forward leisurely.

Celecia was wearing a flowing white dress, walking gracefully on the deserted streets late at night, her gentle steps raising the fluttering skirt from time to time, like a changing cloud, riding away in the breeze.

So beautiful.

Mu En sighed the same as Anna.

It was obvious that the girl in front of her was just walking normally, but the grace she displayed inadvertently was enough to eclipse this majestic city in the night.

Mu En stared at her beautiful back for a long time, then finally came to his senses and strode to catch up.

He adjusted his steps and walked side by side with Celcia, using his peripheral vision to carefully look at the profile of Her Royal Highness the Princess.

His face was still expressionless, and his beautiful face seemed to be condensed with a layer of ice that would last for thousands of years.

"Um...are you angry?"

Seeing that Celecia remained silent, Mu En asked tentatively.


Celecia finally stopped temporarily, "Why should I be angry?"


Mu En scratched her cheek awkwardly, "Did you see the scene just now?"

"Just now?"

Celecia's eyes flashed, "Was that something worth being angry about just now?"


Mu Enzheng didn't know how to answer, but he saw Celcia turning her head to look at him, with a hint of sarcasm on her beautiful face.

"You don't think I'm doing this out of jealousy, my fiancé?"

"How is that possible..." Mu En sneered.

"Of course that's impossible."

Celcia slightly raised her white neck, like a proud white swan.

She is Celcia.

She is the princess of this country.

She has her own pride and reserve.

Steal a man?


That is absolutely impossible for the four words Celecia to appear.

Even if she is no longer a princess one day, even if Moon Campbell is really good enough to completely attract her attention, even if one day he is really abducted by a woman, she will never have the slightest thought in this regard.

Absolutely, yes, no, can, can!

"I did that just to remind you."


"Moon Campbell, the news that you and I are about to get engaged has spread throughout Belland. I hope you won't flirt with other women in broad daylight at this juncture, which is disgraceful to the palace.

There are many people staring at you and the Campbell family now. When the time comes, those people will accuse you of insulting the royal family and want to punish you in front of your father. Don’t blame me for not reminding you. "

" like this."

Mu En scratched her head awkwardly.

He really hasn't thought about this.

As soon as the news of the engagement came out, the Campbell family had become the focus of the entire Belland noble family.

It is indeed time to be more cautious at this time.


You can't do it in broad daylight, but you can do it secretly.

Mu En touched her chin...and suddenly became excited.

It always feels more exciting this way.

"Speaking of which, Celcia, are you okay?"


"This engagement."

After a brief excitement, Mu En became serious again and began to think from Cecilia's perspective.

"I remember you don't like this engagement."

Mu En stared into Cecilia's eyes and said seriously:

"If it's just an engagement, you still have room to turn around, but if the engagement ceremony is concluded, you will never get rid of the three words Campbell."

The engagement ceremony is both a ceremony and a contract.

In the empire, this ceremony also has a sacred effect.

After the engagement, others look at her not only as Her Royal Highness, but also as the future Duchess.

"So, you are... thinking about me?"

As if she didn't expect Mu En to say this, Cecilia turned her head and said with a smile.

"Of course."

Without avoiding Cecilia's gaze, Mu En said seriously.

"I hope to hear your true thoughts."

In the original book, Cecilia was not the kind of person who would be bound by an engagement and the so-called identity, otherwise she would not be so fascinated by Mu En.

She has always shown that she doesn't care about this engagement... because she really doesn't care.

If she doesn't like this fiancé, she would never marry him even if she stabbed the original owner to death with a sword.

So Cecilia suddenly appeared in this way and said such words, which surprised Mu En so much.


Cecilia suddenly chuckled.

"I can hear such words from you who did such excessive things to me. Should I feel funny or touched?"


I didn't expect Cecilia to suddenly bring up the old things. Mu En almost spit out a mouthful of blood and said with a depressed face:

"I said it was just an accident, do you believe it?"

Cecilia did not comment, but changed her tone and said: "Just as you think, if I don't like you, I would rather stab you to death with a sword than marry you."



"But, I am also the princess of this country after all."

Cecilia suddenly turned her head and looked at this city shrouded in the thick night, but still magnificent.

She was born and raised here, and she shoulders the expectations of many people, so she has to bear the corresponding responsibilities.

The word "Princess" brings her not only resources and identity.

But also responsibilities.

"I naturally don't want to be a mere tool, but if I can find a balance between my personal likes and dislikes and the interests of this country, I don't think I will refuse.

After all..."

Cecilia turned her head, her silver hair fluttering in the breeze, and her still cold eyes looked at Mu En deeply,

"You are not so annoying now, are you?"

15. You can't do it

"Just not so annoying?"

Mu En turned his head to look at Cecilia with some surprise, "I thought your evaluation would be better for me."

"This evaluation is good enough."

Cecilia paused, "Compared to you before."

"Really, but I think it's still not enough, because just not annoying, you have to marry me, how can you see it is a bit too pitiful."

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