"In order to better raise the baby, I will temporarily return to the countryside led by Campbell. After all, Xiao Muen will start school soon. I am staying in the Duke's Palace and am alone. It is better to go back to the countryside, but I can avoid it. Those annoying aristocratic ladies, please be quiet."

31. Parents are true love, you are an accident

"This, this, this..."

Seeing the fingers intertwined and looking at each other affectionately, Mu En suddenly felt as if she had been bitten by a dog.

This development is wrong.

Am I not supposed to be your beloved son, Moon Campbell?

Where is your doting?

How about your meticulousness?

As a result, I was suddenly left alone and ran away. Is this reasonable?

Is it reasonable?

And why did a younger brother and sister appear suddenly?

The reason why Moon Campbell was so miserable at the end of the original co-authored book was actually because you had a new son and daughter, so you just forgot about him, right?

"Um...father, mother, you two are gone, what should I do?"

Mu En felt that she still had to rescue him, or at least follow them and not stay in this dangerous ghost place of Belland. .

"How about I..."

"Huh? What should you do?"

Noyasi looked over with a strange look on her face:

"Xiao Mu'en, aren't you about to start school? Santa Maria College provides food and accommodation, and is safe and reliable. Is there anything to worry about? If you are worried about pocket money, don't worry about it. We have already handed over your pocket money to An. , you can just take it from An.”

"No, I didn't mean that..."

Santa Maria College is with the protagonist and Celcia, so how can it be safe and reliable for him, Mu En!

"I mean...what if I encounter assassination again?"

Mu En's mind raced, looking for a reason:

"Yes, that's it. I was just lucky last time. If I encounter an assassination next time, wouldn't I be doomed?"

"Assassination? Why did you encounter assassination?"

Ron frowned, looking incomprehensible.

"What's the benefit of assassinating you?"

"Of course, I am..."

I am the son of a duke.

Mu En originally wanted to say this.

But he froze mid-sentence.


He is indeed the son of a duke, but who can assassinate him?

Would assassinating him be a blow to the Campbell family?


Because the current Duke of Campbell is his father, Ron Campbell.

This [Lion King] is in his prime.

And most importantly...

Mu En's eyes glanced at Noyasi's belly.

——Now that the Campbell family has the second-in-line heir, who would be so stupid as to suffer the wrath of the Duke’s family and assassinate him, a good-for-nothing?

Too busy? !

"I know that the Celiac incident has caused a certain psychological shadow on you, but don't worry, no one will be so free to assassinate you."

Long En patted Mu En on the shoulder and comforted him with an expression that said you would just lie down in peace if you were such a loser:

"And if someone really wants to assassinate you, the people they send will not be very strong. I have reinforced the boundary of the Duke's Palace, so there will definitely be no problem."


Mu En is about to cry but has no tears.

Are you trying to comfort me? You are stabbing a knife into your son's heart.


"No buts."

Long En sighed: "I know you are reluctant to let us go, but why are we the same?"

"It's a pity that in this world, it's hard to have the best of both worlds."

"Your father and I are going to the front line to take charge of the military. It would be extremely gracious for Your Majesty to allow Noyasi to return to the countryside to have a baby."

"As for Mu En, you can only stay in Belland."

"Originally I was very worried about you, but your recent behavior has exceeded my expectations."

Long En punched Mu En lightly on the chest and said happily:

"You're growing up, Moon Campbell, and starting to act like a real man."


Mu En was so moved by her father's words that the corners of her eyes grew warm.

But he reacted immediately.

Huh? wrong?

Doesn't this mean that I will be left as a hostage in Belland while you hold the power on the front line?

If one day your old thigh slaps you, I have countless good generals and hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers under my throne, and the dog emperor is fatuous, incompetent and treacherous, why don't we fight against it?

Then am I about to be slapped by the emperor?

Don’t want that kind of ending!

But Long En didn't give Mu En a chance to react at all. He directly picked up Noyasi from the waist and strode onto the carriage.

"Well, little Mu En, let's leave first. You have to be serious in school." Noyasi stuck her head out of the car window and waved to Mu En.


"Ah, right."

Ron looked at An:

"An, Mu En and the Duke's Palace will be left to you during this period."

"Don't worry, sir."

An respectfully said:

"I will definitely serve the good young master and will never let anyone hurt him."

"Haha, you are still so reliable."

After saying that, Long En suddenly winked at Mu En, his lips moved, but his voice appeared directly in Mu En's ear.

"If you can't find another noble lady for the time being, An is also fine. I'm not like those old-fashioned noble masters. As long as she can give birth to a son for my Campbell family, I don't care about status.

Besides, once your mother and I leave, you and An will have more opportunities to be alone. Isn't that a great opportunity? An will definitely not resist you!"

"Father, what are you talking about!"

Mu En said angrily.

"Haha, no more, we'll go first!"

Long En laughed and swung the reins in his hand.

The griffin made a deafening roar, and its wings spread suddenly, pulling the carriage into the sky.

"Goodbye, little Mu En."

Noyas was still waving her hands.

"Goodbye, mother."

"Goodbye, father, be careful on the road."

Mu En could only respond with tears in his eyes, and then watched the biggest supporter who brought him a sense of security gradually disappear from his sight.

"Ah, fate, fate, why do you torture me so much? Is the price of ten consecutive five yellows that time so high?"

Looking at the empty gate of the mansion, Mu En suddenly felt that his heart was empty.

Once his father left, the perfect plan he had just made was completely ruined.

He still had to run naked like a newborn baby to face all kinds of hidden dangers.

"Does this world really hate me, a yellow-haired villain?" Mu En laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Master Mu En, what's wrong with you?"

Aware of Mu En's abnormality, An asked worriedly:

"Are you too sad?"

"I'm fine."

Mu En shook his head and walked towards the inside of the mansion.

"What plans does the master have next?"

An followed:

"Do you want to have breakfast first, or go to the garden to see that the new variety of tulips introduced by the lady seems to be blooming."

"No, neither of them."

Mu En said:

"I'm going to the library."


An was stunned.

She looked at Mu En's back with a hint of disbelief.

The young master who never liked reading books took the initiative to go to the library?

"Then breakfast..."

"Bring it to the library."

32. Not liking to read books may be inherited

The Duke's Mansion, library.

Mu En stood at the door, looking at the rows of tall bookshelves in front of him that were filled with books, and couldn't help but wipe his face hard.

"Go to your mother's world."

"A clay man still has three points of anger. If you torture me like this, the worst thing is to fight with you!"

Mu En raised his face. At this moment, the confusion, panic, and anger in his eyes because of his father's departure and the failure of the plan have disappeared.

Instead, there is only determination.

What's wrong with the yellow-haired villain? Doesn't the yellow-haired villain deserve happiness?

I want it!

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