"Calm down, the first thing I have to do is get stronger."

Mu En looked at the rich collection of books in the Duke's Mansion.

Although it is still far away from the Santa Maria Library, the collection of books here is more than enough for Mu En.

"Now that my father is gone, I will teach myself and then verify it by fighting against assassins."

"In other words, the current resources of the Duke's Palace can at least allow me to become stronger enough to defeat the assassins recorded in the Black Book!"

"At that point, you already have enough power to protect yourself!"

"I still want to grow up in a wretched way, so I won't go to school for the time being."

"It doesn't matter if father and mother are gone, at least no one will care about me."

After re-formulating the plan, Mu En's eyes became more determined.

He no longer wasted time and directly took out a book from the bookshelf closest to him and started flipping through it.

However, he was not in a hurry to read it carefully, but casually flipped through two pages and closed his eyes.

A few minutes later, he opened his eyes again, with uncontrollable joy in his eyes.

"Sure enough, books can also be recorded."

"It just seems like words need to be seen by my eyes in order to be recorded."

"But this is enough. I don't need to spend time memorizing them one by one for the time being. Instead, I will roughly scan through these books and record them all through the black book."

“That way I can flip through it at any time when I need it!”

Mu En thought this, and then no longer hesitated. She started with the book in her hand and started flipping through it quickly.

Don’t try to overthink it, just try to imprint it all into your eyes.

"Hey, wait, what kind of book am I reading?"

After almost finishing the entire book, Mu En remembered this important thing and turned back to look at the cover of the book.

"You can also use a fish bone to open a lock - a hundred ways to break into a house?... What a scam!"

After reacting, Mu En smashed the book on the ground with a hint of anger:

"Why does the Duke's Palace have such a collection of books, and why are they placed in such a conspicuous place?"

Mu En, who did not believe in evil, once again randomly pulled out a book from the bookshelf:

"Monkeys can also learn the techniques of picking up girls - teach you how to catch the goddess gracefully... I just want to know how not to be pinned to the ground and ravaged by the goddess."

"Even a fool can learn it in three days! - Observing whether a woman is fertile through her hip circumference... It will take three more days, but the rural aunt will give you a clear analysis in three minutes."

"**'s mating and breeding methods...is this a book I should read?"

"Fangzhongshu...cough cough, I just know that Kangkang's book is not formal, and it is definitely not meant to be written down."

"What a bummer. Half of the books are useless and even have some weird stuff."

Mu En, who had spent most of the day sorting out the entire collection of books in the Duke's Palace, felt deeply disappointed with Campbell's ancestors. None of those old people, including his cheap dad, definitely liked reading!

I'm afraid setting up this library is just for show, otherwise there wouldn't be any messy books stuffed in it!

Even a third of the books in it are of that indescribable type!

"But fortunately, at least half of the books are useful."

Mu En looked at the book in her hand and looked happy.

Even if you don't like reading, as an ancient family that has lasted for hundreds of years, the Campbell family's collection of books is undoubtedly extremely rich, including a large number of books on martial arts, magic, and even beliefs and gods. .

And these books are extremely useful to Mu En at this moment!

For example, the book [Introduction to Elementary Martial Arts] in his hand is like a nectar after a long drought for Mu En who urgently needs to re-lay the foundation!

“Whether you learn or not is left to be decided later, you have to record it first.”

With excitement, Mu En couldn't wait to open the book.

But at this moment, An's voice came from behind him.

"Master, are you still reading?"

An walked into the library, glanced at the cold food aside, and frowned:

"You didn't even eat properly."

"Don't worry, don't worry, wait until I finish reading this book."

"But that's what you said just now."

An suddenly stepped forward and forcefully closed the [Introduction to Elementary Martial Arts] in Mu En's hand.

"An, what are you doing?"

Mu En smiled bitterly and said:

"I have my own sense of proportion."

"Master, dinner is ready."

"Well, is it already so late? I didn't even pay attention. Just like lunch, bring it over..."

"But Master, if you do that, you will forget to eat again."

An stared into Mu En's eyes: "I promised that the master and his wife would take care of you, so I don't allow you to be like this, master. At least dinner must be delicious."


Mu En looked at An who was squatting in front of her. She had a pleasant floral fragrance that penetrated her nose, and her brain felt a little dizzy, which seemed to be aroused by the exhaustion of sorting out books for a day.

Looking at An, who had a rare unquestionable look on his face, and then looking at the book in his hand that he had not yet had time to record, Mu En sighed and said helplessly:

"Okay then, let's go eat first."

Although I have been busy organizing all day today and haven't had time to record it yet, the time is not so urgent that I can't even have a good dinner.

Just think of it as a combination of work and rest.

Mu En stood up, put the books back on the bookshelf, and walked to the restaurant.


An, however, was not in a hurry to follow. She suddenly turned around and took out the book that Mu En had just written.

"Introduction to elementary martial arts..."

An scanned the words on the book.

Then she looked up again and looked at the bookshelves.

The books on the bookshelf have obviously been thoroughly organized and are no longer as messy as before.

Some useless miscellaneous books were placed in the innermost corner, and those precious books recording martial arts, magic, and various knowledge were specially placed by Mu En within easy reach.

"Master, you have indeed changed."


A cold light flashed.

The elementary martial arts entry in An's hand was immediately cut into two pieces by a sharp blade that appeared from nowhere, and then turned into broken pages, which An threw into the wind outside the window.

"It happens so fast, so suddenly, like overnight, you're not you anymore."

"In this case, there are some things that I can't wait any longer."

"Don't blame me, Master Mu En."

33. Deja vu

"Phew, it's still delicious."

Mu En sat at the dining table where he was the only one, playing with the knife and fork elegantly and enjoying today's dinner.

The chefs at the Duke's Palace still maintained their standards and brought him the ultimate taste enjoyment.

"Since you think it's delicious, Master shouldn't even forget to eat."

An stood behind Mu En and couldn't help but complain.

"If the master or madam finds out, I will be punished."

"Sorry, Ann."

Mu En smiled apologetically, "I will pay attention to it in the future."

"This kind of thing shouldn't be said in words."

An leaned down and placed the crystal goblet for Mu En.

"Master, would you like to drink some? This is the collection of red wine sent by Earl Locke. It is said that his winery can only produce a hundred bottles of this wine a year. It is a treasure that even he himself is reluctant to drink. It has been sold out on the market. The price is as high as 200,000 Emile a bottle."


Mu En wanted to agree. After all, it was a good wine that he could not afford to drink in his previous life, so he naturally wanted to have a taste.

But when she thought about what she still had to complete after dinner, drinking was not good for memory, so Mu En still resisted this desire and chose to refuse.

"Forget it, I won't drink."

An's hand holding the red wine bottle froze.

"...Then what would you like to drink, young master?"


Coffee is refreshing.

Although it didn't go well with dinner, Mu En didn't want to take the drink to the library, where every book was precious.


"What's wrong?"

Mu En noticed something was wrong with An. She did not fulfill her request as quickly as usual.

"Sorry, Master Mu En, for some reason, the only drinks you have tonight are red wine or black tea."


I always feel like I have heard this before.

However, Mu En didn't think too much, but subconsciously asked:


"Due to the negligence of a certain maid, the bag containing the coffee beans was bitten by rats, and a lot of the coffee inside was eaten by rats."

An replied: "I don't think Master Mu En wants to drink coffee that has been gnawed by mice."

"...I really don't want to."

Mu En nodded:

"Then let's have black tea."

When it comes to refreshing yourself, the same goes for tea.


An bowed slightly and prepared to leave to make tea.


Mu En suddenly stopped her and said doubtfully:

"An, are you going to take a dip yourself?"

"Huh? Master, am I not a maid?"

"But you are already the head maid, and you can do something as small as making tea..."

"Even though I am already the head maid, I am still the young master's personal maid. Naturally, I have to do things like making tea for the young master myself."


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