No, this person is Wei'er, the secretary of the Student Union, the little follower who often follows Cecilia.

Mu En reacted.

"Moon Campbell!"

Wei'er also quickly recognized Mu En. I don't know what she thought of, her little face suddenly turned red, and two streams of blood spurted out of her nose.

"You, you perverted scumbag, why are you here? Are you following our president?"


What the hell?

He admitted that he was a perverted scumbag, but what kind of new trick is it that you are cursing and bleeding from your nose?

"Okay, he is a guest."

Cecilia knocked Wei'er on the forehead with her head, "I told you to read less weird books, and quickly prepare hot water."


Wei'er wiped the blood from her nose, covered her forehead and pursed her lips, and glared at Mu En hatefully.

Just when she turned her head and stepped into the door, an open picture album suddenly fell out of her skirt.

Mu En looked subconsciously.

The beautifully painted album depicts two men entangled in an indescribable posture.

Apart from the bald hunk, the other half-dressed, shy blond handsome nobleman looks familiar to Mu En.

Damn, isn't that him?

Fan art album?

Or gay?


Mu En looked at Wei Er with horror.

"It's not that I don't have it, you're seeing things!"

Wei Er's head suddenly burst into steam, and she grabbed the album and went into the room.

For a long time.

Mu En turned his head silently and looked at Cecilia, with a twitch at the corner of his mouth:

"Your secretary... has a dangerous hobby."

"... She has only been like this recently, and she used to only read serious novels."

Cecilia looked a little helpless, and it was obvious that she was a little troubled by Wei Er's special hobby that she didn't know where she got it from.

But then, her eyes condensed and glanced at Mu En:

"By the way, what did you say just now was too fast, and what did you say should be deepened understanding?"


Mu En's face froze, and he smiled awkwardly;

"I said your sword was too fast, and I should have a deeper understanding of your strength."

"That's good to know."

After leaving a cold gaze, Cecilia turned and walked into the door.

Mu En sighed as if with regret, and followed in.


After entering the door, it was a courtyard that looked very ordinary.

The layout inside was even more plain, and it was completely impossible to tell that it was a princess's room.

It was just that Mu En could faintly feel the flow of magic in the air, and it seemed that there was a strong formation arranged here.

Fortunately, even if it was simple, daily necessities were still available.

After assigning a room to Mu En, Weier took Mu En to a bathroom.

In the case of the whole courtyard being very plain, only this bathroom is decorated very exquisitely. Expensive wood and smooth stone are used to lay out a huge bathtub like a small hot spring. The steaming hot water is swaying with fragrant petals.

"Take a bath."

Wei Er twisted her neck and said coldly.

Mu En stared at her for a long time and hesitated:

"Miss Wei Er."

"What's the matter?"

"You are not peeping at me taking a bath."

"What... what?"

Wei Er was immediately embarrassed and annoyed, stamping her feet in anger:

"Mu En Campbell, what do you mean, how could I possibly watch you taking a bath? You will get stye if you look at your naked body!"


Mu En bowed his head.

As Wei Er stamped her feet, another picture album accidentally fell to the ground.

This time, the one who entangled with the handsome and shy blond boy was a strong man like a bear.


It's not the same again!

"Anyway...anyway, you should be careful. If you do something perverted, I won't forgive you!"

Weier stuffed the album into her arms and ran away quickly with a red face.

After she left, Mu En closed the bathroom door. After carefully confirming that there would be no magic or props for peeping and secretly taking pictures, he was relieved, took off his clothes, and soaked in hot water.


Mu En couldn't help but moan comfortably.

Looking back, he hasn't had a good rest for a long time.

He has experienced too much during this period, especially in the past two days, whether it is the confrontation with the evil god or the entanglement with the two little goblins, all of them can empty his whole body.

If it weren't for this body that had undergone unimaginable training and the blessing of the flame of the King of Withering, I'm afraid he would have collapsed long ago.

At this moment, lying in the comfortable hot water that obviously has some kind of medicinal bath effect, all the fatigue rushed to his heart.

Mu En raised his head and gradually fell into a deep sleep.

The lights in Cecilia's room were still bright.

She was processing some documents.

As if she sensed the girl's quiet entry, she asked without raising her head:

"How is he?"


Weier helped Cecilia sort out the documents and curled her lips and said:

"He just seemed very tired and fell asleep in the water. I always feel that it's not worth it for you, the president, to give him such precious medicinal herbs for a bath."

"Those medicines are for external use. Did you let him take them?"

Cecilia said casually.

"And based on what he did before, he is qualified to use those medicines...wait."

Celecia suddenly frowned and looked up at Weier:

"He was in the bathroom, how did you know he was asleep?"


Wei'er's pretty face froze, and her bun-shaped face suddenly deflated.

"I...I guessed it!"


"Of course... how could I use special methods to spy on that perverted scumbag taking a shower? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"



"Go back and throw away those inexplicable picture albums of yours."


Wei'er was about to cry, feeling like the sky was falling.

It's all that damned Moon Campbell's fault. He's definitely here to do no good.

Those picture albums were obtained by paying a lot of money for her paintings. They are rare gold-inlaid collector's editions that are circulated among some small groups in the academy!

It hurts so much...

But after a while, Weier suddenly clasped her fingers and said:


"What's up."

"I lost it...can I draw it myself?"


17. Cute

Mu En opened her eyes.

With the blessing of the special material and the still warm water, he looked inside his body and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Both the injuries and the deficiencies in the body have almost healed.

The abundant magic power and fighting spirit circulated in his body, making him feel a full sense of power that he had not seen in a long time.

After almost desperately squeezing everything out of the body, and with sufficient external supplements, every inch of the body's depths burst out with vitality.

Unknowingly, it had subtly improved both his physical strength and his cultivation level.

Especially the magic power. With the continuous consumption and replenishment of the alchemy core, the magic power that could only sustain him to perform a few lighting spells has at least doubled.

It's a pity that the upper limit of magic power depends mostly on individual talent. Training in this area only gradually releases the talent. And with the Campbell family's magic talent...

Mu En felt that in future fights, she should prepare more gadgets that could replenish her magic power at any time.

"Only after the magic level reaches the third-level secret ritual or above can we be able to extract magic power from the air at will. I still have a long way to go."

Mu En sighed and continued to sort out this harvest.

In fact, there is nothing to gain. After all, he is not a destiny protagonist who can gain enough experience points to upgrade after every major event.

To be honest, he didn't get anything out of this incident. Instead, he lost a lot of valuable props.

But, it's worth it.

Because no matter how precious the item is, it can't be compared to a hair from my senior sister, right?

"Fortunately, it is not all without gain..."

Mu En's consciousness sank deep into the depths.

In that land of pure blackness, black books float quietly.

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