Mu En could clearly feel its weakness.

It seems that the head-on collision with the Silent Moon projection consumed a lot of it.

However, Mu En discovered that the faint light surrounding the book itself seemed to have become much stronger.

It felt like someone had just hit him in the knee and given him a good meal.

Pain mixed with satisfaction, full of contradictions.

Mu En did not communicate with it and disturb its pain and happiness. Instead, with a slight movement of consciousness, the pages of the book opened, showing the previous records.

In that record, the name of the banshee has turned red, which means...

New character up!

Mu En reached out and touched the red record. In an instant, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

It rained heavily.

The cold rain dripped on Mu En's body, bringing a biting chill. The shadows of the shadow-covered neighborhood were hideous, as if there were ghosts lurking there.

"Can you even completely simulate the scene at that time?"

Under the heavy rain, Mu En seemed to have gone back in time.

And that enchanting figure that was familiar but disgusted him was standing silently holding a full-moon scimitar.

There was no emotion in his eyes.

"Anyway, let's give it a try first."

Mu En held a pure white short knife in his hand at some point, with a look of excitement on his face.

The second round with the Banshee begins!

"Is it true that we still lost?"

Mu En opened her eyes and sighed regretfully.

After leaving aside the factors of fear and caution, the banshee, which only existed as a record, relied on the powerful state of the third level peak and its terrifying body under the blessing of the evil god to bring pressure to Mu En by more than one level.

And in the record, he naturally cannot use the Eternal Clock.

A clean loss.

But there's really nothing to regret.

If you are weaker than your opponent, there is no point in reappearing, right?

"It's just that I have to find a way to solve the problem of my single move."

Otherwise, I am the son of a dignified Duke, the betrothed of Her Royal Highness the Princess, the close disciple of Teacher Mela, and the holder of the record for completing the Basic Introduction to Magic course at Santa Maria College in one month. As a result, I have been beaten back and forth, and it is all this simple. Sanbanaxe, it feels so embarrassing.

And when meeting a truly strong person, this will be one of his shortcomings.

"Fortunately, after the matter is resolved, there is still plenty of time left for me."

Mu En stood up and stretched subconsciously.

He had just fought a battle in the consciousness space, but he still felt extremely relaxed both mentally and physically, as if he had just experienced a baptism of holy light.

"This is……"

At this time, Mu En seemed to have discovered something. He reached out and picked up a handful of water from the bathtub, put it to his nose and sniffed it.

After smelling the faint medicinal smell hidden under the fragrance of flowers, Mu En couldn't help but smile:

"Why can't you be more cute and direct?"

It's late at night.

But when Mu En walked out of the bathroom, she found that Celcia's room was still brightly lit.

After hesitating for a moment, he walked over and knocked on the door.

"Can I come in?"

"……come in."

With a creak, the door opened.

Celcia lowered her head and was still processing the documents seriously.

Wei'er, who had a bun face, saw Mu En, her pretty face blushed slightly, but she immediately turned her head away, "I'll make you something to drink. What do you want? Black tea or coffee..."


Mu En and Celcia blurted out in unison.

"Coffee is coffee, it's not so loud."

Wei'er's eyes glanced at the two of them strangely, and she quickly prepared to go out.

At this time, Celcia raised her head and looked at Mu En, her eyes flickering slightly.

At this moment, Mu En was as refreshed as she had just come out of the bath, and her side face was painted by the flickering lights, outlining different handsome lines.

Even Celecia had to admit that the Campbell family's genes and appearance were indeed so perfect that no one could fault them.

No wonder he is still able to seduce so many women despite having such a bad reputation.

"It's so late and I'm still busy."

Mu En came over curiously.

"It's just some documents. I'll help the higher-ups deal with them." Celcia did not cover it up because these documents were not considered confidential.


Mu En subconsciously glanced at several documents and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "These tasks... should be the work of the consul of Xiacheng District, right? Why do you want to help, Viscount Gu En?"

"he died."

Celecia said coldly: "I killed him."


Mu En's mouth twitched.

I feel like it’s better not to ask why.

"I'm afraid the higher-ups are still wrangling with each other to decide who will take office. I'm afraid it will take some time, so I will help deal with it, that's all."

After a brief exchange, Celcia lowered her head and got back to work.

It is indeed not a secret, but Mu En, who is not good at these things, can also clearly see that these things are extremely complicated.

But the more complicated it is, the more energy it requires.

"But... you don't have to do it."

Mu En couldn't help but said, "Viscount Gu En is not the only one in charge of Xiacheng District."

"...Those who were in charge...I probably killed about a third of them."

Cecilia said: "One third of them are in jail, and the remaining third are scared. I'm afraid there are not many who can be used now."


"Of course I can just leave it alone, and no one can blame me for anything. Even if I do this now, those nobles will report me for overstepping my authority in front of my father. I don't want to care about it.


Cecilia lowered her eyes, hiding her fatigue, rubbing her temples and whispering:

"But after what happened just now, if no one manages the already chaotic downtown area, how chaotic will it be?

How many people will die when they should not have died?"


The girl's cold voice and the mixed candlelight filled the bedroom where no one slept at this late night.

Mu En suddenly looked up and stared at Cecilia's pretty face in silence for a long time without moving his eyes away.

Until Cecilia raised her head and glared at him coldly, she was a little dissatisfied with Mu En's straight gaze, and he suddenly grinned.

"Cecilia, has anyone ever said anything to you?"


"They said you...sometimes, you're really cute."

18. Ordinary


Cecilia's frosty eyelashes fluttered, and she looked at Mu En with some surprise:

"This is really the first time I've heard someone use this word to describe me. Are you teasing me?"

Mu En blinked: "I was going to say..."

The chill surged...

"No! No! I'm not teasing you, I'm really praising you!"

Mu En quickly changed his words, and said anxiously: "Cute is a compliment, a compliment!"


Cecilia's long-frozen ice seemed to flash a ripple, and she whispered:

"Unfortunately, this word doesn't suit me."


"Because I'm a princess, that's all."

Cecilia continued to lower her head to deal with those tedious matters.


But Mu En came over relentlessly, "I think princesses should be a little cute, right? For example..."

"For example?"


Mu En suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

The princesses he knew who were cute were mostly from anime or comics in his previous life, and most of them were indescribable.

In this world, the only princess he knew was Cecilia.

But it must be said that Cecilia alone satisfied all of Mu En's fantasies about the word princess.

Cold and arrogant.



And a little "cute."

But in fact, this kind of vague feeling is more appealing, isn't it?

"Forget it."

Mu En suddenly sighed, looked at Cecilia and smiled:

"Cecilia, keep it like this, you are already attractive enough like this."

The girl's jade hand flipping through the documents paused slightly.

The window was open.

The night breeze was blowing.

Cecilia's silver-white hair was scattered, occasionally covering her icy blue eyes as it fluttered.

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