Can't see clearly.

But that cold and beautiful face seemed to soften for a moment.

"Are you very free?"

Mu En was in a daze for a moment, and the girl once again looked like a snow lotus on the mountain, swaying coldly:

"If you have time to talk nonsense here, why not stay away and stop disturbing my work."

"Who said I was here to disturb you?"

Mu En shamelessly approached and said with a smile:

"I'm not here to help you?"


Celecia glanced at him suspiciously, "Do you recognize the whole word?"

"...What image do I have in your eyes?" Mu En slapped the table in anger.

"Flirting with women, talking sweet words, wandering around, talking nonsense..." Celcia's face was expressionless.


Mu En suddenly withered as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her, and muttered:

"What does this have to do with whether I can read or not?"

After saying that, he still stretched out his hand to pick up the thick stack of documents in front of Celcia.

Celecia sighed softly, picked out some and handed them to Mu En:

"Help me take care of this, keep it simple."

"oh oh."

Knowing that she was not good at this aspect, Mu En did not show off and obediently took the simple documents specially selected by Celcia.

Now that he decided to help, Mu En gathered his thoughts and quickly got into work mode.

Speechless for a moment.

Only Celcia accidentally raised her head and looked at Mu En's profile as she was working hard. A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and her expression softened slightly.

In the warm candlelight, everything is so harmonious.

"Here comes the coffee!"

Weier pushed open the door and saw two people who were completely serious about their work. Without even raising their heads, they knocked on the table next to them and said in unison:

"Set it here."


Weier was stunned for a moment, and her eyes swept over Mu En and Celicia more and more suspiciously.

These two people...what happened today?

Something fishy?

Weier put down the coffee, blinked her big eyes, and came to Mu En curiously: "Mun Campbell, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you see it?"

Mu En replied: "Help Celcia."


Wei'er's eyes suddenly widened and she said in disbelief.

"Do you know all the words?"


The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched.

That's enough, you guys!

Mu En took a sip of coffee and said casually:

"It seems that Xiacheng District is not as chaotic as I imagined."

"Indeed, the current situation is much better than I expected. With the management basically paralyzed, no special chaos happened."

Celecia replied: "I'm afraid I have someone to thank for this."


"Bruce Wayne."

Mu En paused.

"Did he...this Bruce Wayne do something?"

"He integrated the gangs in Xiacheng District, so that during the period when no one was managing the entire Xiacheng District, there were no fights or robberies between gangs. On the contrary, those gangs actually took the initiative to maintain order. ,Effect……

It's actually much better than the food sacks of the guards. "

"Haha, that's it. It seems that Bruce Wayne is quite powerful."

"Naturally, the person who can be respected as the 'Dark Emperor' by the rats in the lower city must have two skills, but compared to how he did it in a short period of time, I am more curious about..."

Celecia raised her head and looked at Mu En meaningfully: "Are you correct about his identity, classmate Mu En Campbell?"

"Really? I'm curious too."

Mu En put on a straight face and said seriously:

"Being able to integrate the downtown area and end the chaotic situation between gangs, and also being able to play a huge role at such a critical moment, will invisibly reduce your workload Celicia. Being able to do this, I think that Bruce Wayne must be a top-notch handsome guy who will impress people from all over the world."

"I don't know if he is handsome or not, but he is able to conquer those gangs. Either he has a noble status and a lot of money, or he is strong and has outstanding skills. In addition, he will appear in the lower city at that special time. A person who meets this condition is himself not much."

Celecia leaned over, stared into Mu En's eyes, and asked:

"What do you think about this, classmate Moon Campbell?"

"Haha, about this... what can I guess? I'm just an ordinary son of a duke."

Celcia was very close, and the fragrance was blowing gently, which was very sultry.

Mu En maintained a magnanimous expression and smiled:

"After all, I don't know much about you in the lower city. Why don't you ask Celcia someone else?"


"Yes, it is."

"Am I overthinking that?"

"I have no idea what Celcia means, haha..."


Seeing the two people whose heads were almost touching, Weier's eyes widened in surprise again.

what's the situation?

What are they talking about?

Why can't I understand?

Also, judging from the countless romance novels she has read, with this distance between the two of them, the next step would be either a fight or something else...

When did their relationship get to this point?

Could it be that……

Is the ultimate perverted scumbag with countless boats on his feet finally going to take action against the pure president?


We must not let Moon Campbell succeed!

I have to protect the president!

I have to make trouble!


A muffled sound broke the close eye contact between the two.

They turned their heads subconsciously and saw Wei'er slamming a beautiful gift box on the table, and then...showing a sweet smile.

"Oh, it's so boring to just drink coffee. I suddenly remembered that the palace sent snacks today. Let's eat together."

19. The setting of death suddenly began to attack me

"Oh, it's so boring to just drink coffee. I suddenly remembered that the palace sent snacks just now. Let's eat together."

Wei'er took out a beautiful gift box.


"Yes, it seems to be a special chocolate made by the pastry chef of the palace. No matter how much money you have, you can't buy it outside. His Majesty personally sent it here to reward the president who has worked hard recently."

Wei'er secretly clenched her fists.

With the president's love for sweets, how could he care about you, Muen Campbell, when he met something like chocolate?

Especially with the bonus of His Majesty personally sending a few words.

"Chocolate? Then let's eat together."

As expected, when hearing the word chocolate, Cecilia's eyes flickered slightly, and she stopped asking Mu En, took a step back, and seemed a little impatient.

Hum, in terms of understanding the president, my Wei'er is still better.

Seeing the two of them pull away, Wei'er opened the gift box with satisfaction.

One by one, exquisitely shaped chocolates lay quietly in the grids.

Each one was specially made into the shape of a heart with a mold, looking small and cute.

Cecilia stretched out her slender fingers, picked up a piece and put it in her cherry mouth, and her cold face immediately showed a satisfied look.

Sure enough, at some moments, you will be a little cute.

Looking at Cecilia's profile, Mu En smiled slightly.

Then he was not polite, picked up a chocolate and put it in his mouth.

Bitterness and sweetness, with different aromas, immediately melted between the lips and tongue.

As the tip of the teeth bit lightly, a strong aroma of wine, mixed with the fragrance of chocolate, rushed straight to Mu En's forehead, making him feel refreshed. .

It's still wine?

Between the lips and tongue, the slurry combined with the melted chocolate does not make people feel sweet, but rather has a special refreshing taste.

Relying on the instinctive experience of the body, Mu En almost immediately distinguished that this was an expensive high-end wine.

The kind that costs 100,000 Emiles or more per bottle, just one swallow, Mu En's throat and stomach are hot.

Can we only say that he is worthy of being a pastry chef in the palace? Although chocolate is also a relatively expensive high-end snack in this world, using such high-end wine as an embellishment highlights a luxury.

"The taste is wonderful."

Mu En sincerely praised,

"The combination of wine is also extremely accurate, making people feel that they are not eating chocolate at all, but enjoying a work of art. If it can be paired with the top coffee of Weston, it will be perfect."




Mu En frowned, a little confused.

His comments were so impressive, but no one responded?

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