At least there has to be a reaction.


Sure enough, there was a reaction.

But it was not the reaction Mu En expected.

But with a shake of her hand, Weier threw the chocolate that was so expensive that it could make a poor protagonist burst into tears to the ground, her pretty face gradually stiffened.

"Mu... Mu En Campbell, what did you say? This... is this a drunken thing?"


Weier's strange reaction made Mu En even more confused.

Isn’t it just wine-filled chocolate? What’s all the fuss about.

But then, Mu En noticed that Weier's gaze suddenly passed over him and fell on Celecia on the other side, and her expression... gradually became horrified.

Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then immediately turned back to look at Celecia.

In his sight, Celecia still maintained the same posture as she had just put the chocolate into her mouth and gently sucked her fingertips, looking elegant and peaceful.

However, through the flickering candlelight, Mu En could clearly see that Celecia's pretty fair face was gradually... stained with a layer of crimson.

Not only her pretty face, but even every inch of exposed skin had a hint of pink, making this iceberg beauty look like a peach blossom blooming in early spring. She looked... particularly delicate at this moment.

And the most important thing is that Celecia's eyes, which were always cold and rational in Mu En's memory, gradually melted, and then... their eyes became straight and blurry.

"Are you...drunk?"

What the hell, just one wine-filled chocolate will make you drunk?

You can’t detect drunk driving at this level!

"President, she...can't drink alcohol..." Weier said tremblingly.

Mu En was stunned again after hearing this, as if a bolt of lightning struck his mind, and long-standing memories reappeared in his mind.

That was the fundamental reason why he was forced to use black tea in the original plan.

[My constitution cannot drink alcohol, not even a drop. 】

Yes, Celcia said so at that time.

But it’s too long, and the foreshadowing can’t be buried so early. Readers will be confused!

Dead settings suddenly start attacking me?

Mu En turned around and looked at Weier, whose face was a little pale, and asked in shock:

"Since Celcia has taboos, why don't you check it in advance?"

"This is something sent from the palace. How dare I open it privately before giving it to the president?"

"...Does Your Majesty know that Celcia can't drink?"

"I don't know. I've never been in the palace. How do I know this?"

Looking at Weier who didn't know what to do, Mu En looked helpless.

The most likely reason for this was that His Majesty knew that Celcia could not drink alcohol, but the pastry chef below did not know that, so he sent a carefully crafted wine-filled chocolate.

As for the other possibility... What are you trying to do? His Majesty is so powerful that he deceived his daughter and made Celecia drunk?

"last question."

Mu En swallowed and looked at Weier with a solemn expression.

"Even if Celecia is drunk, she still maintains the aloofness and elegance of a princess. If she is just drunk, she can just sleep and nothing accident will happen, right?"




After a panic-stricken silence, Wei'er's expression gradually became serious. She took a deep look at Mu En,


Turn around and run!

Mu Endu was dumbfounded and could not compare with his lightning speed... he ran out the door.

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing, and followed Weier at a sprint speed of 100 meters.


With a bang, the door to the room suddenly closed tightly, and Mu En almost hit it!

Mu En was frightened and smashed the door, only to find that there was magic power surging on the door.

Weier even opened the magic circle that seemed to be used to protect this room.

"Weier, what are you doing? I'm still in there! Open the door and let me out!"

"...Sorry, Moon Campbell, I can't open the door."

Weier's apologetic voice came from outside the door.

"The president's wine quality is very poor, so..."

"What the hell..."

Mu En almost spit out another mouthful of old blood, "As for that, isn't it just drunk, no matter how bad the wine is..."


A harsh sound pierced the air, interrupting Mu En's words.

Mu En's forehead was suddenly covered with cold sweat. He slowly turned his head and looked aside.

At this moment, an icy blue sword blade was grazing his cheek and pierced through the door of the room.

The seemingly indestructible defensive formation was as fragile as paper under the ice blue sword.

"Mu... Mu En Campbell... you... why are you running away?"

Celecia's voice sounded behind her. It no longer had the usual coldness, but was filled with an extraordinarily charming voice.

But when Mu En heard this voice, she couldn't help but feel her two sides trembling, almost speechless.

"Weier, open the door quickly, please, open the door!"

"I told you, no."

“For the sake of world peace, for the safety of Bellander, and for the headline in tomorrow’s newspaper not to be that the three surrounding blocks were razed to the ground by a human tyrannosaurus...

Someone must be inside to restrain the president.


Wei'er outside the door, with tears in her eyes, turned her head away and said:

"Moon Campbell, don't die."

20. A question about death

"Moon Campbell, don't die."

Weier's voice sounded outside the door with half pity, half encouragement, and nine parts gloating, which made Mu En immediately begin to doubt the reality of this world.

It's outrageous enough to get drunk just from a piece of wine-filled chocolate, but what's even more outrageous is that this matter can be related to world peace and urban danger.

Well, that seems really possible.

Mu En glanced at the ice crystal sword next to him that could easily penetrate the formation, and his heart couldn't help but tremble.

With how ferocious Celecia was at the moment, if she really ran out, Moon had no doubt that she would directly level at least three blocks.


"What's the use of keeping me in there? I'm no match for her. Open the door quickly and let's find a solution together!" Mu En tearfully slammed the door and roared.

"It would be really hard to control if you let the president out. Don't worry, the president is just drunk, not completely irrational. As long as you attract her attention, you should be able to hold on until the drunkenness wears off.


"Damn it, you're not even sure about it, okay, open the door quickly, Weier, you're committing murder, do you know about murder?"

"What kind of murder? I am doing this for justice and for the peace of the majority of people!"

"Since it's for the sake of justice, why don't you do it yourself!"

"Oh, just in case, I am going to strengthen the formation now. After that, no sound can be heard from inside. Then you can do your best. I am optimistic about you, Moon Campbell."

After Weier's pretentious words, followed by a "beep" sound, the magic power flowing on the door suddenly became thicker.

Then the world fell silent.

It was so quiet that Mu En could only hear her own increasingly violent heartbeat, and... another increasingly messy and heavy breathing.

"Hey, Mu... Mu En Campbell, why don't you look back at me? Am I not good-looking?"

The ice crystal sword was pulled out from the door, staggering, and plunged down again amid Mu En's fear.

This time it passed by Mu En's waist.

Mu En's bear body trembled, and he turned back with a sad face, and then when he faced the girl, he forced a smile.

"How could it be? Celcia, you are so beautiful, I can't wait to stare at you all the time."

"Really? But why do I feel that you are not sincere?"

Celecia suddenly leaned forward.

Being able to almost thrust the sword into Mu En's waist, she was naturally very close to Mu En.

And this forward movement made her almost completely close to Mu En's body.

But Mu En was more than half a head taller than her. She tilted her head and looked for a long time, but she could only see Mu En's chin and Adam's apple.

Celecia pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, "You are too tall, let me shorten it for you."

"No, no, no!"

Mu En was so frightened by Celicia's words that she almost left her body. She quickly waved her hand to suppress the long sword that Celicia was about to raise, and said tremblingly:

"I have become shorter by myself, I have become shorter by myself..."

Mu En slowly bent her knees, but did not dare to bend too low. She could only sit in the air, half-crouching, a little shorter than Celcia.

Seeing that Mu En had become shorter, Celcia nodded with satisfaction, then stretched out her other hand, and with a snap, held it next to Mu En's head.

Is this...bidong?

Mu En's vision went dark, and she felt a sense of humiliation welling up in her heart.

The son of a dignified Duke, with a seven-foot bear body, he is the ultimate macho man who is unyielding in the face of evil gods. How could he be "beaten" by the wall?

The same goes for Yaobidong...

" don't seem to like this action?" Celcia looked directly at Mu En.

"I like it, I like it so much."

Mu En smiled hard and nodded hard.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this posture. If you think about it really makes people bump into each other, doesn't it?

But the little deer in his heart was almost killed.

"Then... hiccup... tell me again, do I look good?"

Celcia burped and continued the question she just asked.

Mu En's breath froze.

He raised his gaze and stared at the girl in front of him carefully.

At this moment, the special candle swayed with bright light, casting a soft halo on the girl's white and tender skin.

The flames in the fireplace were burning, making the room warm as spring. The girl was only wearing a single suit, which outlined her perfect figure.

The silver hair fell naturally and brushed against Mu En's cheek, smelling fragrant and a little itchy.

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