Looking through the hair is like walking through a lush jungle, and finally discovering a hot spring filled with water vapor in the deepest part of the secluded area.

Those are the girl's eyes at this moment.

The ice that has never been melted by outsiders has completely turned into blue spring water under the influence of alcohol. Along with the girl's usual charm and naivety, it is constantly rippling and shaking in Mu En's heart...

"It's beautiful, it's really beautiful..." Mu En blurted out subconsciously.

"How beautiful."

“It’s so beautiful that you can’t take your eyes away.”


It was almost the same answer as before, but it made the corners of Celcia's mouth curl up slightly.

Seeing Celcia smile, Mu En couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But the next moment, Celcia continued to ask:

"Then...among the women you know, where do I rank in terms of beauty?"



Cardiac arrest.

“Row, row, row, row, row…what’s the rank?”

Mu En's teeth chattered.

"What's there to arrange?"

"But I just want to know."

Celecia shook her head and spoke in a coquettish tone, but with a subconscious push of her knees, the door under Mu En's crotch, which had been blessed by the formation, suddenly pushed out a huge dent.

"Answer me quickly."


Feeling the coolness under her crotch, Mu En felt like crying but had no tears.

He didn't even dare to struggle hard, for fear that the girl, who couldn't control her strength in a drunken state and had completely transformed into a humanoid tyrannosaurus, would kill him alive if she wasn't satisfied.

This is not because the wine quality is bad, this is just a completely different person.

"Of course it's ranked..."


Mu En was just planning to sound nice and comfort Celcia, but at this moment, a clear voice made him shut up immediately.

He widened his eyes and looked at the small and exquisite sound transmission stone in Celcia's hand.

"Ce...Celicia, you...what are you doing?"

"Hiccup... of course... I'll record what you said."

"Record...record it?"

Mu En's eyes darkened.

Is it so exciting to play?

"This...isn't this bad? It wouldn't be good if such secrets in the boudoir spread out."

"You don't like it?"


This time, even with tears in his eyes, Mu En had to nod.

"Well, it seems that this question is too difficult. How about I change it to a simpler question?"

Although she didn't know what the connection was between the high difficulty level and just now, Mu En still nodded very vigorously.

As long as it's not this damn problem, anything will be fine!

"Easy, easy... let me think about it..."

Celecia shook her head vigorously, thinking about the so-called "simpler" with her IQ that was obviously about to become negative at the moment.

After a long time, her eyes suddenly lit up and she said:

"I thought of it!"

Mu En also lit up his eyes and looked at her expectantly.

"Since we want to keep it simple, let's not make the scope so large."

Celcia said:

"Hiccup...then...limited to three people."


Mu En's face froze.

"I, Anna Kaberlin, and your little maid...if we choose the most beautiful one among the three of us..."

Celecia played with the sound transmission stone in her hand that was in recording mode, lowered her head, and stared into Mu En's eyes:

"Moon Campbell, who do you choose?"

21. Acridine

"Choose the most beautiful one between me, Anna Kaberlin, and your little maid..."

"Moon Campbell, who do you choose?"

Celecia's words were soft and gentle. At that time, she was confused and sometimes dull. There was a touch of charm in her eyes full of spring water that did not belong to her.

The hot breath she exhaled was mixed with the faint scent of wine and orchid, which was even more troubling.


Listening to Celecia's words at this moment, Mu En was unable to enjoy these beautiful things.

He was sad and angry.

He suffers.

He shuddered.

He burst into tears.


Dare you ask why?

Why do you, one after another, like to ask such multiple-choice questions that torture your soul?

Why is there any need to ask this kind of question, which serves no purpose other than to escalate conflicts?

Wouldn't it be better to have peace?

Wouldn't it be better to be more harmonious?

Wouldn't it be better to be a little more harmonious?

Why do we have to compete?

Wouldn’t it be nice for everyone to be my wings and be happy together?

I just want the world to be peaceful and everyone can find their own happiness. What's wrong with that?

"Hurry...answer quickly."

Celecia urged, and began to twist the ice crystal sword in her hand again, swinging it casually, with such a weak and weak look, it seemed that she would throw away the sword at any time.

But along with this irregular dance, clear sword marks one after another began to rub against Mu En's side, appearing one after another on the door, wall, and floor.

Each time, Mu En seemed to see the little goldfish that she had accidentally raised to death in her previous life, now on the other side of the River Styx, waving happily to her.


"Let me tell you in advance, I will not accept the option of tying for first place." Celicia added.

So why are you so smart at this time?

"Is that so?"

Mu En swallowed the nonsense he had just prepared, glanced at the sound transmission stone in Celicia's hand, took a deep breath,

"It seems that we can only make a decision?"


Celicia lowered her head expectantly.

"Hurry up."

"I choose..."

Mu En stared at Celicia's eyes, with an extremely determined look on his face.

Then, he said the answer.

"I choose-death!"


After saying that, Mu En suddenly raised his hand in Celicia's puzzled eyes and punched hard...

At himself.

With that full-strength blow, coupled with deliberate mental shock, Mu En turned three and a half times in the air, rubbed the edge of the door and hit the wall on the other side, and then...


The room was quiet again.

Looking at Mu En who knocked her out with a punch, Celicia opened her cherry lips slightly and blinked. Her drunken mind was obviously unable to understand the current situation, so she was a little cute.

Unfortunately, Mu En could not see.

In the darkness, a light came on.

A familiar judge sat high up and slammed the gavel in his hand.

"I declare that Mu En Campbell is sentenced to death for multiple affairs, sweet talk, double-talk, tarnishing the princess, and being the ultimate scumbag!

Execution now!"

"Capital punishment! Capital punishment! Capital punishment!"

The jury slammed the table and shouted, and a lawyer named Ai who was very familiar to Mu En was even more excited and slammed the table loudly,

"Slaughter him, kill him!"


Mu En hurriedly argued, "Listen to my explanation, I'm not a scumbag, I'm not!"

But it was too late, the scene changed instantly, the judge and jury disappeared, and suddenly, Mu En found himself standing on an execution platform.

There was neither a guillotine nor a noose on the execution platform.

But three girls walked out slowly from the darkness.

"Master, I'm so sad. Why didn't you choose me?"

"Junior, were you lying to me before?"

"Moon Campbell, are you not keeping your engagement?"

The girls looked sad, holding a shiny hatchet in their hands.

"Wait, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation!"

Moon hurriedly retreated, but there was nowhere to escape.

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