The girls were holding hatchets and slowly approaching. Tears seemed to be falling on their blurred faces.

"Since...since you are unwilling to make a decision, then we are the only ones who have to make a compromise."

"What...what compromise?"

"We decided to fulfill your wish and live in peace..."

"A good thing, this is a good thing!"

"I will divide you equally."

Mu En's face suddenly stiffened, and then he saw three shining hatchets falling on his head.

At the last moment, Mu En had only one thought in her mind.

The hatchet hit my body, it was so damn cold!

"I'm not a scumbag, I'm not!"

Mu En shouted in horror and opened her eyes suddenly.

Fortunately, there was no hatchet in sight, only an unfamiliar ceiling.

"This is……"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then stood up excitedly, "It's dawn? I don't have to endure torture anymore?"

"Hiccup...what's dawn?" said a familiar voice.

Mu En's smile froze for a moment, and he slowly turned his head. His neck was so stiff that he could hear the sound of bones rubbing together.

The familiar scene came into view again.

It was still the same room, still the same candlelight, still the drunken Princess, as if nothing had changed.

At this moment, he was sitting on the only bed in the room, silently looking at Celecia who was half crawling on the edge of the bed.

" long have I slept?"

" long have you slept?"

Celecia tilted her head, stretched out a hand to clasp her fingers one by one, and then made a three sign:

"You slept for five minutes."

"five minutes?"

The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched.

This is wrong. The strength he exerted just now ensures that he will faint until dawn!

If he couldn't control even this, he would be brutalized in the black book day and night.

"Is it Celcia? What did you do?"

"I cured it for you."

Green light emitted from Celcia's fingertips, and the next moment, the green light turned into ice blue.

"I also asked you to get up by the way."


Seeing this, Mu En's mouth twitched fiercely. No wonder the hatchet was so cold. It turned out to be your fault.

"Hey, wait."

At this moment, Mu En suddenly realized something was wrong.

Is Celcia's face even redder?

And what the hell is that cute ending sound of "吖"?

Mu En stretched out a finger tremblingly and asked:

"Celcia, what time is this?"

"This is……"

Celecia raised her head unsteadily, looked at the finger for a long time, and replied firmly:


After saying that, she looked at Mu En again, put her fingers on her lips, and said in confusion:

"Eh? Mu... Mu En Campbell, when did you... learn the magic of clones?"

It's over, even more drunk.

But why, I have never heard of drunkenness gradually getting worse as time goes by.

Mu En slowly lowered his head.

At this time, as Celecia stood up, Mu En finally saw the thing that had been pressed under her body.

That gift box.

However, at this moment, at least half of the grate where the chocolates were stored in the exquisite gift box was empty.

Mu En's eyes darkened.

After eating one pill, he already looked as scary as before, and now he has eaten a dozen more pills...

My life is at an end!

22. Fight!


To my dear father and mother.

I wonder if you are still okay.

Belland is a bit cold in autumn, but I don't know what it is like there.

The chrysanthemums in the Duke's Palace have already bloomed, and now is the most gorgeous season.

Since you left home, I have experienced a lot of things on my own, grown and gained a lot, and now I can call myself a top hunk worthy of Campbell's name.

However, even a strong man will eventually have obstacles that he cannot overcome, and there are also humanoid female tyrannosaurs that he cannot defeat.

Here, I would like to express my condolences to you with this letter that lives in my heart.

Farewell, father.

Farewell, mother.

Farewell, my unborn brother or sister.

I just hope you can still remember me in the future.

May heaven also have white breasts and thighs, Amen.

"Come on, do whatever you want!"

Looking at Celecia who was already in a deep drunken state, Mu En felt that if she did more unnecessary things, she would incur more torture.

So he stretched out his neck, shifted his body, and chose to lie flat on his back.

Come on, don't pity this delicate flower of mine, come and ravage me severely, I don't believe you can really kill me!

Mu En closed her eyes, preparing to wait for the next storm.

However, he waited for a long time, but nothing happened.

There was only a cool, finger-like touch that touched his cheek.

He opened his eyes, looked at Celcia who poked him with her finger, and asked with a sideways glance:

"What's up?"

" you want to eat it?"

Celecia shook the gift box with about half of it left and asked playfully.

Mu En was stunned.

Damn, so cute.

Mu En stared at Celecia's increasingly blushing pretty face, her eyes suddenly straightened.

If Celcia before was a puddle of melting spring water, then Celcia now is the dense steam on the hot spring.

Don’t even mention being cold, the whole person changes from soft to cute, combined with her still somewhat cold appearance, the sensory stimulation given to people is even more imaginative than the previous Saint Saint photo.

Sure enough, the contrast cuteness is the cutest cuteness in the world!

But what’s wrong with cuteness? Can cuteness make people do whatever they want?

“I don’t want to eat!” Mu En said with his neck stiff.

“Don’t want to eat?”

With a snap, Cecilia crushed the edge of the bed with a slap, “Are you sure?”


Take back the previous words, no matter how cute and lovely she is, it can’t cover up the fact that she is a humanoid female Tyrannosaurus who can go crazy at any time.

“Come on, eat it.”

Cecilia picked up a chocolate and personally put it in front of Mu En’s mouth.

Mu En’s body stiffened slightly, he lowered his head and stared at the chocolate… The two slender white fingers on it were like scallions, which made people want to hold it in their mouths more than chocolate.

How to eat?

Just eat it like this?

You took the initiative to deliver it to me!

Mu En leaned over and suddenly took the chocolate into his mouth.

His soft fingers brushed across his lips, bringing a hint of coldness and itchiness, which further highlighted the sweetness of the chocolate.

"Is it delicious?"

"It's delicious."

"I think it's delicious, too."

Cecilia retracted her fingers and picked up another chocolate. This time, she put it into her mouth.

She inserted two slender fingers into her cherry lips without any hesitation, showing an expression of enjoyment on her pretty face. At the end, she stretched out her pink tender tongue and carefully licked the sweetness on her fingers.

I don't know if it was because of the chocolate with a wine core or the completely closed room gradually getting hot. Looking at this scene, Mu En suddenly felt dry in the mouth.

"Do you want more?"


"Come on, ah..."


In this way, you take one, I take one, and with Cecilia feeding them personally, the remaining half box of chocolates was quickly eaten up by the two of them.

Mu En felt hotter and hotter.

The chocolate he ate was like a burning fire, constantly burning his chest and abdomen. Under the influence of alcohol, he felt his cheeks burning, and the whole world was shaking.

Damn, what kind of wine is in the chocolate?

Although one or two pills are no problem, after swallowing many pills in succession, even Mu En felt a little dizzy.

It seems that this wine is not only expensive, but also very strong.

But fortunately, he is not a weak chicken like Cecilia who will fall down after one pill. Even after eating so many pills, he is not drunk at all.

Well, I don’t feel drunk at all.

“Mu… Mu En Campbell…”

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