On the edge of the bed, Cecilia ate more than Mu En, so now the whole person seemed to have turned into mud, and the whole person collapsed there, and his eyes had become extremely blurred.

"You...you haven't answered my question yet?"

"What...what question?"

"I...Anna Kaberlin...and your little maid...who of us is prettier..."

"Why...why is it still this question?"

Mu En was furious when he heard this.

It's okay once, but again and again, do you really think that I, Mu En Campbell, am a soft persimmon?

Mu En slammed the bed and stood up, staring at Cecilia and said:

"Enough...enough, shut up...shut up, don't ask such questions in the future!"

"By...by what?"

"Just because...just because I said that, I told you not to ask, so you can't ask!"

"Mu...Mu En Campbell, you, you, you, you, are you going to rebel?"

Cecilia suddenly frowned, stood up staggeringly, and the ice crystal sword appeared in her hand again.

"Don't... don't think that you can turn into three people and then... you can turn the tables. With me here, you will never be able to turn over!"

"Nonsense... Nonsense, I am the man who is determined to be on top!"

Mu En stood up from the bed, pointed at Cecilia's nose, and said viciously:

"You are, you are just a little stronger than me, your realm is a little higher, and your family is a little more awesome, what's there to be proud of, I... I will let you see today who is the one who keeps his word in this family!"

"Humph, you... you?"

Cecilia staggered and sneered:

"My swordsmanship is not vegetarian!"

"My superpowers are not for show!"

"Then stop talking nonsense and show your true colors!"

"Okay, whoever... whoever wins will be on top!"

In an instant, they were ready to go.

The two of them stared at each other, like predatory beasts, looking for each other's weaknesses with sharp eyes.

Then, like thunder and fire, the two moved at the same time.

Cecilia waved her sword, and the sword came out like a shadow. The top swordsmanship from the royal family has reached perfection in her hands, and it is so powerful that it almost turns into a shadow in the room.

Then... the sword was thrown away by her.

Cecilia tilted her head and looked at her hand. A trace of confusion appeared on her blushing face, as if she didn't know why the sword disappeared while dancing?

Mu En was much simpler and more brutal. He directly operated the alchemy core, delayed the time tenfold, and started!

The alchemy core operated automatically, so it was impossible for it to go wrong.

But the moment he rushed out, he stepped on the bedclothes... and slipped.

Even if time became slower, slipping... could not be reversed.

So, in this short moment, Mu En and Cecilia looked at each other in confusion.

But as if fate was hard to defy, the two still touched each other in this special way...

Then, they hugged each other.

23. Queen

"It should be fine."

In the quiet courtyard, Wei'er paced back and forth outside the room, and a trace of hesitation and struggle appeared on her face from time to time.

Of course, she was not worried about Muen Campbell.

She was worried about the president.

Although she knew that the president would be very cruel when drunk, she calmed down and thought that she had put the drunk president together with a man.

A man and a woman alone in the same room?

Although she knew that the president was in a state of rampage, let alone letting people take advantage of him, it was very difficult to get close to him.


After all, it was the notorious Muen Campbell. Who knows what despicable means he would use?

If he accidentally tarnished the president's innocence...

"No, I want to confirm it!"

Wei'er took a deep breath, leaned on the door, and began to remove the formation that blocked the room.

Of course, she couldn't remove it completely, as the risk was too high.

She only removed part of it and wanted to listen to the movement inside first.


But just as she was relieved, a loud noise came from the room, which frightened her body.

"What...what's going on?"

Wei Er was startled and quickly stuck to the door and continued to listen.



"Bang bang bang!"

Various loud noises continued to be heard in the room, as if two beasts were fighting inside, brutally destroying everything around them.

The huge movement, even if it was just against the door, Wei Er felt as if the whole room was shaking.

"Is this...so intense?"

Wei Er swallowed her saliva.

This kind of movement is much louder than the last time the president accidentally drank a sip of wine.

Is the president's drinking habit worse again?


"It seems that I thought too much."

While being surprised, Wei Er couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It's impossible to take advantage of someone, who can take advantage of a humanoid Tyrannosaurus?

It's just...

"Poor Moon Campbell."

Even though she couldn't see it with her own eyes, Wei'er seemed to have seen Moon Campbell being severely ravaged by the president in her mind.

"Don't die..."

Listening to the terrible noise in the room, Wei'er clasped her hands together, sipped crystal tears from the corners of her eyes, and prayed sincerely:

"At most, even if you are still the president's annoying fiancé in the future, I won't say bad things about you."

After praying, Wei Er stood up silently, closed the formation silently, and strengthened the formation again silently.

Welded the door completely shut.

Just as Wei Er guessed, a fierce battle was going on in the completely welded room.

But after the two launched their "strongest" attacks at the same time and failed at the same time, the fierce battle began to develop in a strange direction.

There were no moves and rules, no abilities and skills.

The two were like street women fighting, entangled with each other.

Grabbing hands.

Pressing feet.

Pulling clothes.


Rolling back and forth.

Knocking over everything they touched, squeezing it apart, and turning it into slag.

With occasional curses.

Like two monsters, they brutally destroyed everything.

From one end of the room, they kept fighting to the other.

The candlelight flickered.

The documents on the table flew everywhere.

The room became hotter and hotter.

And this physical fight, unconsciously, suddenly changed.

Perhaps it was the spring light revealed when Cecilia's clothes were torn open, or perhaps it was the corner of her lips that Mu En accidentally touched when he was trying hard to suppress her.

It was like a spark, sinking into a gunpowder barrel that had been driven by alcohol for a long time.

It was like a thunderbolt that struck the earth and exploded instantly.

The hand grabbing turned into a entanglement of ten fingers.

The foot pressing turned into a rubbing of the body.

The biting turned into a kiss on every skin.

There was no need to tear the clothes, because they had already turned into flying fragments, and the two of them were left with only the last thin barrier.

Cecilia's fully exposed perfect plumpness, the flawless skin like mutton-fat jade that was set off by the black underwear, was like the most intense poison, stimulating Mu En's nerves, making him hug the girl who was temporarily under him fiercely in his arms, as if he wanted to merge her with himself forever.

The girl twisted her body like a water snake. Under the soaring hormones and this close contact, her sensitive parts were gradually developed and aroused by Mu En. The lust rose in her heart, and together with the alcohol, she lifted her consciousness to a height of 10,000 meters, wrapped in countless warm clouds.

She subconsciously catered to Mu En, and even began to look forward to his next move, looking forward to him breaking through the restricted area and bringing endless rain and moisture.

But, just when the last thin line of defense was about to be breached, Mu En's movement suddenly stopped.

He stood up from Cecilia, his eyes were red, he was panting, and sweating profusely, like a beast in heat.

Desire burned his will like a flame, and the thunder and fire between heaven and earth were like a trigger that was about to be pulled, and there was no time to lose.

But, perhaps it was the alcohol that evaporated with the sweat, or perhaps it was a certain persistence deep in his heart that made Mu En's brain recover a trace of clarity at this last moment.

"Damn, what am I doing?"

He looked at the girl who was still panting under him.

The girl's name was Cecilia.

She was a princess of the empire.

She was a pure white witch admired by countless people.

She was noble, arrogant, and pure.

As long as she raised her feet, people who wanted to lick her feet could line up from Queen Street in Belrand to the gate of the palace.

But such a girl who was as pure as a snow lotus and untainted by filth, such a girl that no man thought of in his dreams, was now under him, twisting her perfect white body, with charming eyes and breath like orchids, and standing up to meet him.

There was only a line of defense between the two of them.

No, it couldn't even be called a line of defense.

Because he only needed to push himself up to completely possess the princess and let her enjoy the pleasure under him.

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