No one can blame him because it was just an accident.

A beautiful accident.


"What's the difference between me doing this and the first time?!"

Just like when he got the girl for the first time, although it was due to his stupid plan, it eventually led to the ending, and it was also due to accidents caused by various aspects.

Yes, unexpected.

But this is unfair to the girl.

This does not come from her subjective thoughts, but from the influence of external objects.

Before it was medicine.

This time it was wine.

Very unfair.

"No...don't want to continue?"

Celcia also noticed that Mu En stopped moving and raised her buttocks slightly, as if looking for the scorching heat just now. She raised her eyes, which had turned into a ball of steam due to the effect of alcohol, and looked at Mu En in confusion.


Celcia's cute look, which was completely opposite to her usual coldness, and her ever-desiring movements stimulated his nerves even more, making his iron spear, which had gone through two rounds of battles, seem to be about to explode.

But Mu En still gritted his teeth, suppressing the desire that almost made him explode on the spot, lowered his head and kissed Celecia on the forehead.

"Sorry, as I said before, I want to gain your favor more than your body.

So, Celcia, I won’t do such annoying things to you again. "

As he said this, Mu En couldn't help but reveal a self-deprecating wry smile.

The bullets were already loaded, but he held back at the last moment. If this were in a novel, a person like him would be called a softie by countless readers.

But it didn't matter, he didn't want this "cute" princess to suffer again.

That's fine.

However, what Mu En didn't notice was that the girl's delicate body seemed to have stopped twisting at this moment.

"When you really like me in the future, let's continue."

After leaving these extremely sincere words, Mu En prepared to stand up.

If he continues to stay like this, he is afraid that he will really be unable to control himself.


But at this moment, he seemed to hear a crisp sound, like ice freezing.

No, no, it's not like.

Mu En slowly turned her gaze and looked at her hands supporting the ground.

At this time, a thin layer of ice froze, freezing his hand to the ground, making it impossible to pull it away.

Mu En lowered his head with a stiff face.

Under the body.

The girl was looking at him silently.

However, in those ice-blue eyes, the dense water vapor is constantly condensing, turning into water, and then slowly freezing into ice.

The girl's cheeks were still slightly red, and her skin exuded the lingering fragrance of lust.

But her expression was already extremely cold.

Just like what Mu En is familiar with.

"This is……"

back to normal?

Mu En was stunned for a moment, then came to his senses.

Yes, I can make my body automatically excrete alcohol due to strenuous exercise, and Celcia should be able to do it too.

Even because her realm is higher than mine, she should be faster.

Thinking of this, Mu En suddenly shivered and showed an extremely embarrassed expression.

Because the girl at this moment was still pressed by him, the two of them were only wearing a thin underwear, and even the underwear was a little messy due to the actions just now.

"Sai...Celicia, this is an accident. Do you know it's an accident?"

Mu En explained in panic:

"I have no intention of doing anything to you at all. I have stopped, and I can leave now..."


Can't leave.

Because Celcia was freezing Mu En's hand.


Mu En smiled bitterly: "Let me go, okay?"


Celcia was silent and looked at Mu En.

Look carefully.

Looking at Mu En's face of suppressing desire, her expression occasionally became dull, as if she was thinking about something or a certain sentence.

The ice is still freezing.

However, no matter how pure and hard the ice is, after it melts and condenses again, it will definitely be mixed with something different.

And these things frozen in the ice will exist longer and more profoundly than ordinary people.

"Celcia...melt the ice, okay?"

Mu En still said cautiously: "I won't do anything to you, right away..."

Before he could finish his words, the ice melted.

Mu En was overjoyed and was about to pull away when he suddenly felt two Rouyi hugging his neck.

Then, the familiar world began to spin.

Mu En was already pinned down by the girl.


Mu En was stunned.

What the hell? Come again?

"Celicia, you...what are you doing?" Mu En shouted in horror.

Celecia straightened her body and sat on Mu En. Her nose was twitching and she was still panting slightly because of lust. Her skin shone with an alluring luster under the candlelight.

With a wave of her hand, the two people's last line of defense fell away at the same time.

The pair of perfectly shaped jade rabbits were freed from their restraints and displayed in front of Mu En, still standing upright.


Mu En stared at the mouth-drying sight, speechless:

"You...are you still awake?"

"Moon Campbell, you, a grown man, talk nonsense like a mother-in-law. Isn't it embarrassing?"

Celecia finally spoke, her voice cold.

She lowered her head and stared into Mu En's eyes, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of her mouth:

"Also, when did you have this illusion... that you can control me?"


In Mu En's suddenly wide eyes, she lifted her hips slightly, reached out with her bare hands, and grasped the hot spear.


The body suddenly thrust forward, accompanied by two simultaneous soft shouts, the spear accurately broke into the valley, unstoppable.

The girl's silver-white hair danced, her body rose and fell violently, and her sweat dripped.

She raised her proud head, like a high-ranking princess... Oh, no, she was more like a cold and arrogant queen at this moment, leading her only knight to the deeper and farther, constantly charging, charging, and charging again!

24. Poor Mu En Campbell!

Mu En opened his eyes.

This was the nth time he woke up from a short sleep.

It was only a short day, but he felt as long as a century.

At this moment, it was already the morning of the next day, or noon. Bright light shone into the room from the glass window, imprinted on Mu En's face, like the holy light cast by the great Holy Spirit.

His expression was clean and pure, and there was no trace of desire in his eyes as light as lake water.

Even if the silver-white girl was rustling her clothes at the side, revealing a particularly charming spring scene, he didn't even think of turning his head to take a look.

Oh, woman.

Color is emptiness, and emptiness is color.

Female beauty is just a stumbling block that hinders the growth of a tough man.

He doesn't need it.

He disdains it.

He has seen through it long ago.

At this moment, even if there are a hundred beauties taking off their clothes and standing in front of him, his heart will not have the slightest ripple.

He has already converted to the great Holy Spirit...

... Well, in fact, he was just squeezed dry.

This time, there is really not a drop left.

Thinking of the passion last night, Mu En wanted to cry but had no tears. His eyes were wide open, full of humiliation and helplessness.

For three whole hours!

He was actually pressed down and ravaged by the girl for three hours!

Three hours of madness and violence, like a storm, plundered everything from him.

The thing that came out later was basically the same as water.

So that even though he had rested for so long, he was still in sage mode when he opened his eyes.

Is there still justice?

Is there still law?

Aren’t you just a little bit stronger than me, a little bit more domineering, and a little bit more noble?

What's there to be proud of? If I hadn't consumed too much energy before and wasn't in good condition, I would have been able to...

"How long are you going to sleep?"

At this time, the girl came to Mu En's side without knowing when, kicked his arm lightly with her toes, and said coldly,

"Can't stand up? Do you want me to help you?"

"Who... who can't stand up!"

Mu En was furious when he heard this, and stood up with a carp, although his feet were a little weak, his eyes were a little dark, and his waist was almost sprained...

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