But at least the momentum cannot be lost.

Mu En raised her head and raised her chest, eyes wide with anger, and said domineeringly:

"I'm feeling fine now!"


Celecia raised her eyebrows, said nothing, turned around and started to clean up the mess.

The madness last night left the whole room in a mess.

Mu En looked at Celecia's pretty face and suddenly felt a little startled.

I have to say that although the stamina is a bit strong, everything that happened last night was indeed extremely exciting.

At that time, the girl's high position, the girl's galloping, the girl's unabashed gentle cry, and when it was about to reach the clouds of lust, the girl's endless ice field melted again, turning into a spring tide that almost drowned everything. …

Just thinking about it made Mu En's sage mode, which even a hundred beauties could not shake, actually show signs of being broken.

However, at this moment, Celecia once again returned to the cold look that Mu En was familiar with.

She has a cold demeanor and elegant manners. Although her steps are a bit strange, and sometimes she doesn't know where she is being affected, and her brows are slightly frowned, she is still wearing a light-colored dress and walking in this messy room, and she still looks like a lady. The noble queen is patrolling her territory.

Even if she occasionally stepped on the traces of dirt that were accidentally spattered during last night's madness, her expression did not change at all.

It was as if she didn't care at all about what happened last night.

Mu En didn't know whether Celcia's initiative last night was the result of residual alcohol and uncontrollable lust, or whether the girl really had some different feelings for him, but at this moment, the girl looked as if nothing had happened. The way he passed was really a shock to him.

"But do you really not care?"

Mu En looked at Celecia, whose eyes were frozen with ice and it was no longer possible to see the true thoughts in her heart, and a bold idea suddenly came to her mind.

"How about testing it out?"

Just do it.

Mu En put on her clothes and approached Celecia step by step, her face suddenly filled with a smile.


"What's up?"

"I have something to tell you."

"What words?"

"Let me get closer and I'll tell you."

Mu En walked up to Celecia, very close, so close that both of them could smell each other's breath.

But Mu En was not satisfied yet, he slowly leaned over, gradually moved closer, and carefully looked at Celecia's expression.

At this distance, Mu En can easily kiss the girl's fresh lips with a tilt of her head. For this princess, who usually has a hard time even getting so close to the opposite sex, let alone the opposite sex, this is already inviolable. field.

But Celicia didn't refuse, as if she didn't care about this man's approach at all. She was just dissatisfied with Mu En's slow movements, and frowned slightly:

"Say what you have to say quickly, don't waste time!"

"What I want to say is..."

Seeing this, the corners of Mu En's mouth curved slightly, and he leaned close to Celecia's ear, imitating the tone last night, and said softly:


The words fell.

It's like nothing happened.

Mu En straightened up in confusion and looked at Celecia.

Then, the corners of his smiling mouth suddenly froze.

Because at this moment, large areas of crimson began to appear on the girl's silver skin.

Those crimson colors were like fire clouds that burned up in the evening, quickly occupying the entire pretty face of this aloof girl, and even her swan-like neck was red.

Extraordinarily delicate and cute.

But the price of cuteness is... In the girl's eyes, under the cold ice field, shame and murderous intent began to condense like lava.

Wait, I didn’t know the reaction would be so big!

Mu En's body trembled because of fear, and he immediately yelled as if to remedy:

"I'm kidding! I didn't mean to tease you, I just..."

It's too late.

The majestic force slammed into Mu En's abdomen, causing his eyes to almost pop out.

The moment before flying upside down, Mu En heard Celcia’s words full of shame and anger,

"Moon Campbell, forget what happened last night!"

"If you can't forget it, I'll help you forget it!"

"Use physical methods!"

"It's been all night!"

Outside the door, looking at the rising sun, Weier became nervous again.

She clasped her fingers and calculated:

"According to the time, the president must have regained consciousness. But since he has regained consciousness, why don't you ask me to open the door? This formation cannot isolate the sound transmission stone."

"Or, what accident happened?"

As if thinking of something, Wei'er covered her cherry lips with her little hand and subconsciously exclaimed:

"Could it be...

Moon Campbell must have been beaten to death! "

Thinking of this, even if she didn't like Moon Campbell, Weier started to panic, and she quickly opened the formation.

But before she could open the door, she heard a bang, and a figure smashed the door, turned into an afterimage, and flew out.

The figure crashed directly into the wall outside the yard and was submerged by the collapsed masonry, leaving only a graceful buttocks exposed.

"This is... Moon Campbell?"

Wei'er subconsciously widened her beautiful eyes.

Judging by his breath, he didn't seem to be dead.

But why did he suddenly fly out at this time?

Could it be that...he was severely ravaged by the president last night?

The image of Moon Campbell being hung up by Celcia and whipped severely with a whip appeared in Weier's mind. Her pretty face turned red, and she subconsciously turned around and looked into the room.

Then he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The room was in a mess, the tables, chairs and stools were all reduced to debris on the floor, and even the big bed she had specially prepared for the president collapsed.

What kind of fierce battle did it take to make the room look like this!

Thinking of this, Weier couldn't help but look back at the figure buried in the bricks, and a tear of pity flowed from the corner of her eyes.

"How pitiful, Moon Campbell...you must have suffered a lot last night."

25. Visitors from the palace

In the room, Celcia looked at the big hole created by Mu En's flight, took a deep breath, and gradually calmed her breathing.

With her strong ability to control emotions, the burning cloud on her pretty face gradually dissipated, and her expression quickly returned to calmness.

It was as if nothing had happened.


Weier poked her head around and cautiously walked in from the door. What she saw was Celecia, who was dressed in a light-colored long dress and had a cool and noble expression. Every strand of her hair perfectly fit the name of a princess.

You are truly worthy of being the president...

Looking at this exquisitely beautiful girl, Weier couldn't help but be stunned and sighed secretly.

I actually had the idea last night that the president would be taken advantage of by Moon Campbell. It was so stupid!

Look at the president's posture, which is not stained by a trace of dirt, like a treasure carved by the gods himself. Even if she is her fiancée, how could she be defiled by that scumbag Moon Campbell?

There is no chance.

The president is the president, always holy and aloof, like a snow lotus standing proudly on a high mountain, disdainful of the filth of this world.

That's why I admire her so much.

At this time, Weier subconsciously looked around the messy room.

I couldn't help but marvel.

Look at the shattered tables, chairs and stools, the documents scattered everywhere, and the big bed that seemed to have been ravaged by two elephants in heat, overwhelmed by the weight and completely collapsed.

Moon Campbell, were you treated as a sandbag by the president last night and practiced casually for hundreds of rounds?

Thinking of this, Wei'er couldn't help but feel endless pity in her heart.

Moon Campbell, considering how miserable you are, I will definitely say less bad things about you in the future!

Just as she was thinking about it, Weier suddenly felt a cold gaze, and her face suddenly froze with a pitiful expression:


Celcia looked at Weier coldly, "Classmate Weier, you ran very fast last night."

"I, I'm worried about the president."

Weier blinked and explained:

"If the president loses control and accidentally causes serious consequences, you will definitely feel guilty when you wake up. So, as your secretary, of course I must take the initiative to avoid these possibilities."

"Then what do you mean by locking up Moon Campbell with you?"

Speaking of this, Celecia, who had always been cold and cold, couldn't help but grit her teeth, "Is this also to avoid losses?"


Wei'er nodded her little head vigorously and said matter-of-factly:

"As long as Moon Campbell attracts your attention, President, there will be no unnecessary losses. Isn't the effect very good? This time, the President did not directly demolish the house.


After saying that, Weier curled her lips and said with disdain:

"With Moon Campbell's strength, there's nothing he can do to the president, right? It's perfect!"


Seeing the ignorant Weier, Celcia almost became angry.

Yes, he really couldn't do anything to her.

On the contrary, it was only three hours that he was pressed under her and ravaged fiercely.

This is indeed a big deal! (gritting teeth)

"never mind."

Celcia took a deep breath and once again calmed down her uncontrollable emotions when she thought of that guy.

She had no intention of punishing Weier again, because it would make her feel guilty.

"Where is that guy? Is he dead?"

"Moon Campbell? No, but he seems to have fainted. Do you want to give him some treatment?"

Weier suggested kindly.

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