The knight showed his badge and said with a slightly serious expression:

"According to His Majesty's order, take Moon Campbell to the palace."

"Go to the palace..."

Mu En was stunned for a moment and finally came to his senses.

It seems that there is such a thing...

Damn it, he completely forgot about it.

Sure enough, excessive memory will decrease.

"I see, I wrongly blamed you."

Mu En breathed a sigh of relief, held Lawrence’s outstretched hand, and said with emotion:

"It's just that you came here to invite me. I'm really flattered that one of your deputy captains is here in person."

There are only four legions under the Royal Knights, and a deputy captain can be said to be one of the core members of the Knights. He shouldn't have to do such a trivial matter.

"No, with your status, it is understandable for me to make a trip.

Moreover, this is also an order from above. "

"Sir? Your Majesty?"

Lawrence pulled Moon onto the river bank, shook his head and smiled bitterly, but didn't say much.

With a gentle wave of his hand, the knight knight behind him took the initiative to pull up the curtain and closed it into a closed space.

"I have to obey Her Royal Highness the Princess's orders. I was offended a lot just now."

Lawrence said apologetically, "Brand-new clothes specially made for you to meet His Majesty are ready. They are made by the tailors commonly used by the Campbell family. Please go ahead."

"Thank you."

Mu En nodded and smiled, walking into the curtain.

A few minutes later, when Moon walked out of the curtain in a close-fitting men's dress, even Lawrence couldn't help but secretly admired her.

No matter what the reputation of the young master of the Duke's family is outside, and how much the outside world has been involved in the news that Her Royal Highness Princess Celcia is about to be engaged to him in the past few months, at least as far as appearance is concerned...

He is indeed a good match for His Highness.

royal palace.

With Lawrence leading the way, the journey was smooth.

But when he reached the depths, even he had to be questioned and examined.

Mu En is naturally no exception.

Even if the entire palace is shrouded in a huge restriction and cannot use magic power, no weapons or magic devices are allowed to be carried without special permission.

After unloading his weapon, Lawrence turned back to him and smiled sheepishly:

"The Tulip Corps is on duty this month, so I have to abide by the rules."

"Understandable." Mu En replied.

The two continued walking along the empty corridor towards the interior of the palace.

Mu En looked around curiously.

From the memory in his mind, we can know that he visited the palace when he was a child, but he was very young at the time, so his impression was actually very vague.

Therefore, things in the palace are still novel to him.

"I always feel..."

Mu En looked away and said doubtfully:

"Why is the palace so deserted?"

"That's probably because...most people are still repairing it now." Lawrence replied.


Mu En paused slightly, then reacted immediately.

Although he felt that time passed very slowly due to the various erotic experiences he had had before.

But in fact, the Silent Moon incident just ended one day ago.

At that time, not only was he still struggling to save his senior sister, but the entire top management of Belland was also facing the terrifying pressure brought by the Silent Moon.

It is even said that their side is the main battlefield.

"It must be very hard."

"It was very hard, but you finally won, right?"

Lawrence said casually, but through his resolute face, Mu En could feel the fatigue that seemed to seep from the depths of his soul.

Mu En's eyes flashed.

To be honest, he still can't understand why His Majesty suddenly summoned him.

The day after such a big event ends should be the time when everything gets entangled.

No matter how you think about it, His Majesty's behavior is a bit too eager.

"Master Campbell, I will send you here."

Lawrence suddenly stopped, turned around and smiled:

"Go past that corner and you'll find His Majesty's reception room. He'll be waiting for you there."


Aren't you going to go back and report back to His Majesty?

Mu En frowned without any trace, and then immediately showed a flawless smile:

"Excuse me, Captain Lawrence."

"No trouble, it's your job."

Lawrence nodded slightly in greeting, and then passed by Mu En.

Just as they passed each other, a cold wind suddenly blew from the corridor window.

Along with the sound of the wind, Mu En faintly heard Lawrence's vague words.

"Moon Campbell, be careful, someone may want to kill you..."

27. Fortunately, I can arch quickly.

"Someone... wants to kill me?"

In the howling cold wind, Mu En's heart suddenly tightened, and the vague voice was like a sign before the disaster was coming, immediately casting a dark shadow on his heart.

But when he turned back, he found that Lawrence had walked away, and the words he just said seemed to be just his illusion.

"Is this... specially here to remind me, or..."

Mu En narrowed her eyes, thinking of Lawrence's identity, and many speculations suddenly appeared in her mind.

Unfortunately, guesses are just guesses. In the absence of insufficient information, it is difficult to analyze anything based on just a sentence that someone wants to kill him.

But relying on some recent developments, Mu En was still able to vaguely grasp the context of the situation.

Moon looked at Lawrence's receding back, curled his lips, and chuckled:

"Heh, some people finally can't sit still?"


"I'm Moon Campbell."

After turning the corner, facing two tall guards who were blocking the door with their axes and halberds crossed, he said softly:

"Please inform them."


After a short silence, a cold gaze finally fell on Moon through the gap in the armor, and a low voice like the buzzing of a war drum came from the metal can:

"Please wait a moment, His Majesty is meeting guests."


Without asking why he had to wait, Moon stood in front of the door and waited patiently.

About half an hour later, the door slowly opened and a figure walked out.

He was a middle-aged man who looked very elegant, wearing a gentleman's suit that didn't fit him well. He didn't look very old, but his temples were a little gray.

He saw Mu En, who seemed not surprised by his appearance, and smiled and nodded, "Master Campbell, please go in. His Majesty is waiting."

This man...

seems familiar.

Mu En looked at the man deeply, and always felt that there was some impression in his memory.

Mu En did not think deeply, because now was not the time to do such things.

He also nodded slightly to the man, and then walked into the room.

After his eyes blurred for a while, he adapted to the slightly bright light in the room, and then he saw the majestic man wearing a crown sitting on the wide chair opposite.

The supreme ruler of the Leopold Empire, Emperor, Aldrich III.

"Your Majesty."

Mu En hurriedly touched his chest and bowed respectfully.

"The eldest son of the Campbell family, Mu En Campbell, came at your summons."


Aldrich seemed to be asleep and did not answer.

But Mu En did not dare to raise his head casually, but just counted his heartbeats and waited quietly.

The air seemed to be stagnant at this moment, and Mu En could only hear his slightly heavy breathing.

"You are here, Campbell's kid."

Finally, Mu En heard the noble emperor speak. His voice was not deep, but it was full of majesty that was difficult to disobey.

"Look up."


Mu En looked up, but did not dare to look directly at him. He just looked at him with his eyes fixed.

At this time, he found that the emperor was taller than he imagined. He sat there with his chin in his hand, looking drowsy, but the pressure was like a mountain, making people breathless.

It was hard to imagine that he would have a daughter as petite as Cecilia.

Could it be that this emperor also likes lolita...

There is little description of this emperor in the original book, so Mu En can only think about it like this.

But Mu En didn't show any of it, but continued to hold his breath and wait for the emperor's next words.

"Come here."

The sleepy Aldridge suddenly stretched out his hand to Mu En.

Mu En was stunned for a moment, and walked over obediently.

Aldridge raised his hand and patted Mu En on the shoulder.

"Last time I saw you, you were not even half as tall as you are now. I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have grown so big. Your face will really look like that old guy Long En after you grow up. I'm afraid that your appearance alone can charm many girls."

"Your Majesty is still so wise and powerful." Mu En flattered him.

"Hehe, your mouth was not so smart last time."

Aldridge III's deep eyes, like a bottomless valley, looked at Mu En, as if he wanted to see through him completely. Until Mu En's scalp was numb, he slowly retracted his gaze and returned to his sleepy appearance.

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