Just when Mu En was relieved, he suddenly said, "How about chocolate?"

"Cough...cough, what?"

Mu En almost couldn't breathe,

"That chocolate was really made by His Majesty?"

"not me."

Aldrich III said, "But what I acquiesce in, and what comes out of my palace, naturally cannot escape my eyes."


Mu En was stunned.

Has anyone ever tricked his own daughter like this?

"Too many things have happened recently. Some people can't accept the current results, so they want to use their brains."

Aldrich smiled coldly, and the cold arrogance at the corner of his mouth was somewhat similar to Celecia when she was angry:

"Therefore, I just went with the flow and made them give up completely."

"So...has His Majesty's goal been achieved?"


Aldrich III looked at Mu En and said with a faint smile:

"Although I don't know the details, I think you were probably disgusted by her ugly appearance when she showed her only weakness."


Mu En smiled awkwardly,

"Celcia was also extremely beautiful at that time."

"Haha, with Celcia's temperament, you can still stand in front of me alive despite seeing that shameful appearance. Isn't this the best outcome?"


Depend on.

So you not only cheated your daughter, but you also cheated me, right?

Mu En's mouth twitched hard, feeling a little annoyed.

But soon, this annoyance turned into a little pride.

Fortunately, although the ending is humiliating, the process is at least beautiful.

Although it was calculated, this wave was actually not a loss.

But at this moment, Mu En finally saw clearly the hidden waves behind this "accident".

it's actually really easy.

As soon as the news came out that he and Celcia were about to hold an engagement ceremony in a few months, those who did not want to see the Campbell family marry the royal family naturally took action.

And this engagement was made by His Majesty himself, and it is almost difficult for others to change it.

However, there is one person's will that is enough to shake this engagement.

That was Celcia herself.

Because she is the most famous princess in this country, a pure white witch who is admired and admired by countless people, she herself represents a huge power of public opinion.

Moreover, she is not just an embroidered pillow. Her terrifying talent and demonstrated qualities in all aspects have led many people to predict that she may be the youngest crowned powerhouse in the empire in the future.

No one can ignore the will of such a man who combines strength and status, not even His Majesty.

Therefore, just like the trend of the original book, when the original owner failed to do that kind of thing and was discovered by Ariel, with the help of caring people, it instantly turned into a huge wave that even the Campbell family could not stop.

The tragic ending of the original owner is largely related to those who hide behind the scenes.

And this time it's the same, their idea is very simple, that is to make Celcia... hate Moon Campbell, and clearly show her resistance to this engagement.

It's even better to take the initiative to kill Moon Campbell.

In this way, let alone a marriage, it is not impossible for the Campbell family and the royal family to completely turn against each other.

For this reason, they even did not hesitate to act so eagerly, seizing the opportunity before all parties' attention was diverted from the previous major events, in order to ensure that everything goes smoothly.

Therefore, under Aldrich's cold eyes, the box of specially made chocolates was delivered to Celcia and Mu En at the right time.

But there are always surprises.

Those guys who have exhausted all their agencies may not even think of it...

By some chance, a certain pig could eat cabbage so fast.

Although it has not yet reached the point of uprooting the entire cabbage, the ice sheet that has been frozen for a long time has finally loosened, right?

28. Questions and Answers

Fortunately, I arched quickly...

Mu En couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness that the old pig had not been beaten to death after entering the vegetable garden and destroying the cabbage all night.

No matter what, if Celcia still hates him as much as before, after what happened last night, he may really become an innocent soul in the hands of the cold and arrogant princess, just as Aldrich III said.

But what Mu En still can't understand is...

Why is His Majesty, who has been watching this matter indifferently and doing nothing from beginning to end... so sure of this result?

Isn't he afraid that something really went wrong with his engagement with Celcia?

After all, it stands to reason that he should very much hope that this marriage contract will be concluded successfully. After all, he needs the Campbell family, or the name Campbell family, to help him check and balance those decadent aristocratic factions.

It’s hard to fathom…

Mu En carefully glanced at the emperor. The supreme ruler of the empire was clearly sitting in front of him, but he seemed to be shrouded in fog.

Even now, Mu En is still a little unclear as to why he summoned her.

You can't just be lonely in the deep palace and drag yourself into chatting...

Just as various speculations were emerging in Mu En's mind, Aldrich III suddenly left his sleepy state and stood up from the large sofa.

"Campbell boy, follow me."

He turned around and walked towards the other end of the room.

Mu En followed him silently.

Just when he thought that Aldrich III was going to take him to see something special, or to meet someone... Mu En's eyes suddenly brightened.

They came to the outside, to a balcony.

Through the fence that looked like white jade carved with various complex patterns, the setting sun gradually sank over the vast plains in the west, burning the vast clouds, and shrouded the towering city in a magnificent red sky.

Here, from a high place, you can overlook most of Belrand.

Aldrich III held his hand on the white jade fence, and his deep eyes, which could not be illuminated by the sky, stared at the majestic city under his feet.

"Mu En Campbell, at this moment, standing here, standing at the highest point in this city, what do you see?" he suddenly asked.

"What do you see?"

Mu En was stunned.

Just as he was about to think carefully about the deep meaning of this sentence, Aldrich's voice sounded in his ears again.

"Answer me now."

This voice was full of majesty and seemed to be wrapped in a special power. All of Mu En's thoughts were disturbed and he blurted out the words subconsciously.

"The sunset is beautiful."

"...What else?"

"And...the rivers flowing under the sunset are also beautiful, which reminds me of a scene that I will never forget."

Mu En's mouth was drawn with a smile and his eyes were gentle.


Aldrich III turned his head and glanced at him, raised his eyebrows, and then patted the fence.

"I want you to see this city."


Mu En lowered his head and looked down at Belrand.

In his lake-like eyes, most of Belrand was reflected. In this position, it seemed that nothing could escape his eyes.

What a wonderful feeling, everything is in sight, everything is so small, just like an ant under his feet.

So his expression became completely solemn.



"That street..."

Mu En pointed in a certain direction, looking extremely serious.

Even Aldridge III turned his head and looked seriously at the famous Queen Street that Mu En pointed to.

"What's wrong with that street?"

"That street..."

Mu En took a deep breath, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes:

"That girl in a short skirt has big breasts and white thighs!"


In silence, accompanied by a crisp click in his hand, Aldridge III retracted his hand on the fence, ignored the cracks on it, turned around, and looked at the blond boy again carefully.

Mu En shuddered back to his senses and immediately cried out that it was not good.

What the hell am I doing? Why did I say such disrespectful words in front of His Majesty?

What should I do? Will His Majesty punish me for disrespect?

Or tell Cecilia about it and let her kick my ass?

But just when Mu En was feeling uneasy, Aldrich III suddenly laughed.

"Ha, ha ha... Big breasts, white legs? This is the first time I've heard such a thing."

That was the first time Mu En could discern this absolutely unfaking smile on this man shrouded in mist.

The eyebrows that were exactly the same as Cecilia's were raised sharply, like a long sword out of the body.

It seemed that the whole world was shaking with the man's laughter.

"Mu En Campbell, you are much more interesting than I thought."


Mu En wiped the cold sweat from his forehead,

"I don't know what your majesty means."

"Even though I am in this palace, I have heard a lot of your deeds," Aldrich III paused, "not very good deeds..."

"Rumors, those are just rumors that others spread to discredit me! Your Majesty, don't believe them!" Mu En's eyes widened with anger.

Forget about the past self, but the current self has nothing to do with those so-called bad deeds.

"But not long ago, someone complained to me that you took advantage of your status as the son of a duke to do whatever you wanted in the academy, doing some immoral and absurd things that were not in line with your noble status... such as streaking."


Mu En almost spit out blood.

What the hell, why would such a small matter be heard by His Majesty who is far away in the palace!

Your Majesty, are you so bored?

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