Hearing this, Mu En couldn't help but be stunned.

Sean Jones?

A baron?

You must know that the previous Gu En, as a viscount, became the consul of Xiacheng District, which was already considered a bit incredible by many people.

Although this position is neither high nor low, and there are a lot of troubles, in the past, it would never have been possible for a baron to be able to...

Could it be...

Mu En was suddenly enlightened, and combined with what happened before, Mu En suddenly understood...

For those noble factions, His Majesty did not just throw heavy punches this time, he also used a combination of punches, and the punches hit the flesh, directly hitting the seven inches.

No wonder those guys are so anxious.

"Congratulations, it seems that your Majesty has finally struck gold."

Mu En smiled and said:

"My father once praised your excellence. I imagine that with your ability, you can really free the lower city of Belland from the chaos."

"No, I am where I am today thanks to the support of the Duke."

Sean's eyes were eager, "If it weren't for the Duke, I probably wouldn't know where to waste my time right now, so..."


Mu En raised her hand to interrupt him,

"The prerequisite for supporting you is that your ability is good enough. You don't need to belittle yourself in this regard. My father is not at home at the moment. If you have any words of thanks, please wait until he comes back. Now you just need to do your own thing." No need to say anything else.”


Sean stayed for a moment, the enthusiasm in his eyes gradually dissipated, and he began to look at Mu En with a serious look.

After a long time, he suddenly took a long breath and sighed:

"Let me tell you, how could the Duke's son be as miserable as the rumors say?"

As he spoke, Sean even gritted his teeth:

"Those fat-headed damn nobles spared no effort to discredit the Duke!"


Mu En's eyes twitched without trace. They were not really dark in the past. That was a fact.

"Actually, I didn't do anything."

Mu En continued to show a perfect smile, "I'm just doing what a duke's son should do."

"As expected of you."

Sean sighed:

"I am really of the same lineage as the Duke..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a clear grunt.

The corners of Mu En's mouth suddenly froze, and her cheeks turned slightly red.

Baron Sean was also stunned. He glanced at Mu En's belly, suddenly smiled, and put his hat on his head:

"You can't talk too much, but in order to celebrate my taking office, I made a reservation at a certain restaurant before. I'm worried that I can't find anyone to accompany me. I wonder if Master Campbell can condescend to come?"

"How's the restaurant?"

"The reviews are good. I heard that the chef is from the palace. Not only that, there will be a famous beautiful violinist coming to play in the restaurant tonight."

Mu En's eyes lit up, but then she said with a straight face:

"Since the chef comes from the palace, I have to taste it."

"Haha, that's the case, please..."

30. Sharp knife

Downtown, Jacob's Restaurant.

The luminous pearls exuding a faint light are dotted like stars. In the deliberately dim environment, the special smokeless candlelight sways, like the elves gradually twinkling in the middle of the night.

In the center of the restaurant, there is a very conspicuous small stage, but unfortunately the lights are dim now. In the slightly quiet atmosphere, classical music flows from the phonograph in the corner.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Sean and Mu En arrived at the reserved seats. Sean put his hat and coat on the specially prepared coat rack, glanced towards the center of the restaurant, and said thankfully:

"It seems it's not too late."

"It's not too late."

Mu En said with a straight face:

"I'm just here to appreciate the cooking skills of the chefs from the palace. Can't I just eat some?"

"Haha, that's natural."

After asking about Mu En's taste, Sean called the waiter from before, carefully selected the restaurant's most famous signature dish from the menu, and seriously told the waiter that the chef must cook it himself.

Seemingly seeing something unusual in Sean's solemn eyes, the waiter responded seriously and left. Sean breathed a sigh of relief and turned around, smiling and asking:

"What do you think of this store, Master Campbell?"

"Just call me Mu En."

Mu En touched his chin, glanced across the restaurant, and said:

"not bad."


Sean breathed a sigh of relief, "That's great. To be honest, I haven't sat at the same table with a person like you, Mr. Kan... Master Mu En, so I'm really a little nervous."

"Don't be nervous, actually I'm not too picky."

Mu En shook the aperitif red wine that the waiter had poured in advance and took a sip with a smile.

"As expected of the Duke's son."

Seeing this, Sean sighed again.

"There is indeed a fundamental difference between you and those nobles."


So how should I explain to you that as a time traveler, let alone drinking this inferior wine, when I thought the end of destruction was coming, I was even prepared to be a beggar?

Mu En shook his head and changed the topic:

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect that Baron Sean would make a reservation in advance at a restaurant like this."


"Although this is a bit rude... but can your wallet really bear the cost of inviting me to dinner?"

Mu En glanced at the ill-fitting dress beside him with a half-smile.

Although the material of the dress is not low-grade, this kind of dress is obviously second-hand, and it will be much cheaper in many tailor shops.

Some declining nobles often buy this kind of dress to show off.

Although this restaurant is not as good as some of the top restaurants in the upper city, the price is definitely very high.

At least it is not something that a declining baron can afford casually.

The position of consul will not make people rich overnight, not to mention that he has just received the appointment and has not even taken office yet.

"I didn't expect... I was still discovered."

After being exposed by Mu En, Sean scratched his head mischievously and said with a wry smile:

"Master Mu En is right. This meal tonight directly cost all my savings."

"That is to say..."


Sean suddenly interrupted Mu En and said seriously,

"Master Mu En, please rest assured that this meal is not specially for you. In fact, I said before that I booked the restaurant seat in advance. Before that, I didn't know I would meet you."

"Oh, why..." Mu En raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"This extra seat is reserved for my wife."


Mu En was stunned for a moment and almost jumped up from his seat.

"That is to say, I took your wife's..."

"No, no, no, Master Mu En, don't worry, you didn't take my wife's seat."

As he said this, the middle-aged man with gray hair turned his head and stared at the rose on the table that was different from the other tables. It was obviously placed here specially, revealing deep longing and sadness.

"After all, my wife will never be able to sit here."


Mu En's expression froze.

Wait, you make me even more uncomfortable when you say that.

What does this mean?

I spent all my savings to come here on this special day to mourn my deceased wife, but I still shamelessly come to eat for free?

"I think I'd better leave first..."

"No, no, no, Master Mu En, please...please stay."

Baron Sean suddenly became excited. He suddenly stood up and pushed Mu En back to her seat, then awkwardly withdrew his hand and said anxiously:

"I think she will be very happy that you can sit here..."


Mu En was confused.

It was obviously an important day of mourning, but you were having dinner with a man here.

If your wife knew about it, would she really be happy?

Will she really not come to chat with me at night?

"Because...Because being able to become the governor of the lower city and having dinner with the son of the duke whom I admired showed her that I had worked hard for a full ten years, and finally, finally saw hope."

At this time, Sean clenched his fists hard, and his face, which looked a little prematurely aged, suddenly revealed a complex grief...and hatred.

"The hope of revenge for her!"


Mu En stared in astonishment.

Wait, this kind of development, can't it be...

"Yes, revenge."

Sean turned his head and looked at the small stage in the center of the restaurant, his eyes a little blurry, as if his thoughts had crossed time and traveled back to the distant past.

He seemed to see that moving figure again, standing there playing the heavenly music, the whole person glowing, so fascinating.

Then the scene changed, he seemed to see that figure again, white and swollen by blisters, in his arms, unable to open his eyes forever.

And the nobleman who was high and mighty and whom he would never forget said to him in a sarcastic tone:

"You dog-like thing, you want to overthrow me?"

Hatred and anger mixed in his heart, and then he suppressed them deep in his heart. He shook his head with some self-mockery,

"I won't tell you the specifics in this situation to ruin Master Mu En's mood. I just want you to know that maybe I do have the idea of ​​​​pleasing you, and maybe I really want to use the power of the Duke to achieve my goal.

But tonight, I just want you to sit here and let her see..."

Sean put his hands on his knees, his body trembling constantly, as if every cell was trembling.

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