But there was a light in his eyes, a light that hurt.

"Ten years, a whole ten years...I am finally qualified to take this first step!"


The music in the restaurant suddenly changed, becoming fast and harsh, like a strong wind.

Mu En looked at this man quietly.

Although he said that this was just the first step in ten years of hard work, everyone knew that this was by no means the last step.

And he probably won't stop until all his blood is gone.

At this moment, Mu En finally understood.

His Majesty's sudden promotion of this baron to the consulship of Lower City had profound meaning.

Not just because he has enough ability, not just because he is a royal faction united by the name Campbell, but also because of the unquenchable hatred in his heart.

That hatred is like a knife. If used well, it will eventually penetrate deep into the self-righteous hearts of those people.

31. "Beauty"

An Avenger...

Although the governor of Lower City is not a top position in the entire Belland, just like the mayor of the provincial capital, there are always a bunch of people suppressing him.

But this is a position of real power after all, and...

Now that the underground gangs in Xiacheng District have been integrated by themselves, there is another consul who hates those people to the core...

I'm afraid those guys who extend their reach into the lower city to make money will really not have an easy time in the future.

"Since you're talking about this, it would be rude for me to refuse."

Mu En sighed softly and sat back on the chair.

After thinking about it, before Sean could say anything, he suddenly waved to the waiter and said something.

After a while, tableware was placed where the rose was, red wine was poured, bright and warm candles were lit, and the soft and comfortable chairs were respectfully opened a short distance away by the waiter, as if they were waiting for someone. The arrival of the lady.

The appetizers are on the table, three portions.

"This...this is." Sean said slightly.

"Don't get me wrong, I just invited an invisible beautiful lady to have dinner. It has nothing to do with you, a rough guy."

Mu En raised the wine glass and touched it lightly to the empty one.

"So, don't think that you owe me anything extra. If you want to repay a gift... if you have the ability, resurrect her and pay me back in person."


Mu En's words are a bit rogue. How can a dead person be resurrected?

But Sean's eyes suddenly turned red. He glanced at the unmanned seat next to him under the flickering candlelight. There seemed to be a slim shadow shaking, and a trace of fascination flashed in his eyes.

He pursed his dry lips hard, as if he had made up his mind, turned his head and said seriously to Mu En:

"Master Mu En, if it is used in my place in the future, please do..."


Mu En suddenly raised her hand to interrupt him:

"It's not very good to think of forming a clique for personal gain just after taking office."

He smiled pretending to be joking:

"Isn't your first priority now, not to be a consul? I think His Majesty must have been disgusted with the incompetence of the previous consuls. If you can't achieve results, everything you say will be false."

"That's the way it is."

Sean straightened his back, "The moment I received the appointment order, I swore in front of my wife's tombstone that I would never let such a tragedy happen again, so becoming an excellent consul is only my first step. It’s just a goal!”

"That's good."

Looking at Sean with determined eyes, Mu En couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Even though he held a sharp hatred in his heart, he was still not blinded by hatred.

For such a person, no wonder my father would also praise his excellence.

"But since you said so, there is one thing that I must confirm with you again." Mu En suddenly said with a straight face and a change of tone.


Seeing the serious Mu En, Xiao En subconsciously tightened his heartstrings. It is rare for Master Mu En to make a request. I must be prepared and show my kindness well...

"The beautiful violinist you mentioned..."

Mu En crossed her hands on her chin, and a gem-like brilliance suddenly flashed in her blue eyes:

"Does she keep it true?"


Sean was stunned.

Then looking at Mu En's face, which didn't seem to be joking at all and was even more serious than before, the heavy look in Sean's eyes collapsed involuntarily.

He showed a relaxed smile that he had never shown again after talking about his wife, and sighed:

"Master Mu En, you are really a very different person from the rumors, but you are a little or two close to the rumors... a wonderful person."

Seeing that the atmosphere on the table finally returned to the peace and relaxation that a normal dinner should have, Mu En also smiled and said indifferently:

"Stop talking so much nonsense, I just want to ask you if the beautiful girl is worthy of the name of a performer... Is it true that she is a beauty, but she will be an aunt after a while?"

"The beauty is just a promotion for the restaurant. I have never seen it with my own eyes, but..."

Sean turned his head, and the small stage was reflected in his eyes, with an extremely nostalgic expression appearing again:

“My wife and I first met in this restaurant. She was a student at the conservatory at the time and played music here to earn living expenses.

At that time, I just listened to her first song and I was deeply fascinated by her, so I thought that this restaurant may not be as luxurious as those places where gentlemen often go uptown, but at least it has a good taste. , you don’t have to worry. "


Mu En raised her eyebrows and looked towards the middle of the restaurant.

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Ten minutes later.

When Mu En's elegant yet fierce way swept over the feast that even he would admire, and finally filled her stomach to seventy percent full, the beautiful violinist also turned on the stage lights. , the models appear.

The entire restaurant fell silent, and Mu En also stopped what she was doing and turned her head expectantly.

Then, his expression froze.

After being stunned for a moment, Mu En slowly turned around, looked at Sean, who had the same dull expression, and asked sadly:

"She is said to be beautiful, but what about her face?"

That's right, the violinist was wearing a black evening dress, and his excellent figure was prominently curved forward and backward.

Well, her thighs are slender, her waist is slender, her skin is fair, and her breasts are amazingly big.

But the problem is...

The most important face of the beauty was blurry.

It's really a blur.

It's like there's a layer of mist hanging over it. Not to mention what it looks like, even its nose, eyes, and mouth can't be seen clearly.

"This...I don't know this either."

Sean wiped his sweat:

"Perhaps her playing level is outstanding enough, so her appearance doesn't matter at all."

Mu En couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

Live performance of music is not just for hearing to a large extent. The performer's demeanor and movements will also bring different senses to the audience.

You say that you are like those fairies and goddesses in novels, wearing a veil or a half mask or something, which makes people unable to help but think about it, but what does it mean that you use magic to paste a mosaic on your face?

It's like the husband bought new sexy underwear and was looking forward to spending a wonderful night with his wife, but the wife said to him shyly:

Honey, this makes me a little shy, how about... you put sexy underwear on my face.

I have no interest at all!

The restaurant, which was originally quiet, began to become a little noisy, with shouts of anger from time to time.

It seems that other guests are also very dissatisfied with the restaurant's behavior of introducing a mosaic spirit.

But the strange thing is that the dissatisfaction has brewed to this point. The restaurant just keeps sending waiters to appease them, but there is no move at all to replace the person or force the "beautiful" performer to show her face.

Are you really so confident?

Seeing the "beauty" holding up the violin, and the performance was about to begin, Mu En still became interested.

Moreover, Mu En touched her chin and her eyes glanced directly at the perfect arc outlined by the evening dress.

He's actually so hot, even bigger than his senior sister...

So big and shocking...

I always feel like I’ve seen it somewhere.

32. Holy joy

Through the bright lights on the stage, the "beautiful" violinist seemed to be bathed in a charming sheen.

Apart from the mosaic-like mist on her face, the non-revealing black evening dress on her body highlighted her perfect curves to the fullest, but even such a slim black dress could not cover up the heavy peaks on her chest. .

When she slowly lifted the violin, it seemed that it was not held between her collarbone and chin, but placed directly on the upright height.

It feels like I can really put milk tea on my chest, at least two cups!

However, this majestic feeling seems a bit familiar...

Mu En touched her chin and began to think subconsciously.

But he soon put this thought out of his mind.

No matter how you put it, it's a bit too far to judge people based on their chest. He's not just some cheesy male protagonist, he has some kind of innate ability.

And, the playing is about to begin.

The "Beauty" performer seemed a little nervous. It could be seen that she took several deep breaths, which made the scene on her chest even more spectacular.

But when she put the bow on the strings, everything stopped.

Like an invisible realm spreading, the world fell into absolute silence.

The guests who were angry just now all calmed down now, and involuntarily, their eyes stayed on the performer.

Then, the piano played.

The sound of music like flowing water drowned everyone in an instant.

Mu En's eyes suddenly brightened, and he seemed to be no longer in this narrow and dim restaurant, but on the sea.

The waves are sweeping and the waves are roaring.

The blue sea and blue sky form an extremely pure picture.

Then, where the sea and the sky meet, a light shines.

That's not sunlight, that's not starlight.

That seems to be the most holy thing in the world, and it can purify all the filth in the soul...the holy light.

Mu En felt like she was being purified.


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