Humph, that's just a corrupt thing that blocks my progress.



Mu En suddenly came back to his senses.

What's going on? Is he listening to music like a Buddha?

Mu En subconsciously turned his head and looked at other people.

He found that it was not just him. Other guests were listening carefully to this charming music. Their irritability and anger had long gone, and their expressions became extremely calm and peaceful, with light in their eyes, as if they saw the guidance of the goddess.

Even Sean, who just recalled the pain of losing his wife, had blurred eyes and a smile on his face, as if he was intoxicated by the most desired happiness in his heart.

What the hell?

Is this music so contagious?


Mu En turned his head again and looked at the "beautiful" performer who was playing the violin elegantly on the stage.

As the son of a duke, Mu En naturally had a certain level of musical attainments, so he could clearly tell that this "beauty" was indeed very skilled and worthy of the title of "performer".

But the music she played could not possibly purify the soul and make people see the beauty.

For music that can resonate with people, the performer must also infuse the same emotions, but she didn't even show her face, so naturally she didn't infuse much emotion.

She was just playing in a formulaic way, but the music was still so touching.

There was something mixed in the music.

Mu En suddenly narrowed his eyes.

But he looked at it carefully and could not find any magical fluctuations or any special breath on this "beauty" violinist.

It was just that as her performance became more and more in-depth, the feeling of glowing all over her body became stronger and stronger.

It was as if her casual gestures would cause flawless holy light to flow, automatically purifying all the filth in the world.


Holy light?

Mu En suddenly widened his eyes, as if he had grasped something.

The song ended.

The restaurant fell into a deathly silence.

And when the "beautiful" violinist held the violin and saluted nervously, the atmosphere in the venue was instantly ignited.

A wave of fierce applause rang out, mixed with praise and crying, almost overturning the roof of the restaurant.

Even Sean, who was next to Mu En, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and clapped his hands vigorously:

"What a wonderful music, I seem to see my deceased wife resurrected and smiling at me."


Mu En did not respond, his eyes flickered and he thought for a while, then he waved to the waiter who was busy maintaining order.

"Can you ask the beautiful musician to come over?"


The waiter wiped his sweat, not caring to maintain the professional smile he had trained for, and said bitterly:

"Dear guest, I know you are enthusiastic, and everyone is the same, but according to the rules of this restaurant, guests cannot disturb the musicians, otherwise..."


Mu En threw a stack of banknotes on the waiter's plate, "This is a tip."

The waiter's eyes were straight, and he swallowed hard.

"This... This is not good..."


"Restaurant rules..."


"I have seen many rich people, and you can't..."

Click, click, click, click, click...

"I, I will go now, and I promise to call her for you!"

The waiter ran away with his hands shaking, holding the mountain of banknotes on the plate.

Soon, Mu En saw him sneaking to the side of the stage and talking to the beautiful musician.

I couldn't hear what they said, nor could I see their specific movements.

It was only vaguely apparent that the beautiful musician was very reluctant at first.

Until the waiter stuffed something into her arms, and stuffed something else, several times in a row.

Although it seemed that she didn't throw money as many times as Mu En, she finally agreed.

She walked towards this side.

She looked a little uneasy, but it seemed that under the push of something, her steps were still firm.

However, after her steps crossed the bright light range of the stage and the boundary between light and darkness, her figure suddenly stopped.

Generally speaking, standing in the light, it is difficult to see things in the dim without any special means.

So when she walked into this dimness, she finally saw Mu En's face clearly.

That face, no matter what, she never expected it.

Then her delicate body began to tremble slightly.


Like a mouse seeing a cat, the majesty on her chest became more spectacular.

She seemed to be ready to turn around and run away at any time, but perhaps driven by something, or perhaps thinking of something, she took a deep breath and stood cautiously in front of Mu En.

Although he couldn't see her face clearly, Mu En inexplicably tasted a sense of pity.

"What's wrong?"

Mu En raised his eyebrows, looked at the trembling "beautiful" performer again, and asked curiously:

"Do I have something terrible on my face?"

"No... no."

She spoke, her voice as beautiful as a lark.

Then she was stunned for a moment, and the voice suddenly became strange and hoarse:

"I just had some... accident."


Mu En looked at her with a smile, crossed his legs and shook the wine glass, and said casually:

"This is interesting. The word surprise...doesn't it sound like I'm lucky enough to be known by a great performer like you?"

33. Mutation!

"This is interesting. The word surprise...doesn't it sound like I'm lucky enough to be known by a great performer like you?"

Mu En shook the red wine glass and said with a half-smile.

"That's... no! I don't know you at all!"

The beautiful performer's tone was obviously confused,

"What I just I was suddenly called over by a noble man like you, so I was surprised!"

A noble son?

Mu En raised her eyebrows, turned to look at Sean next to her, and gave a signal with her eyes.

Sean shook his head.

After all, when he came to a place like Xiacheng District, it was naturally impossible for Mu En to wear the luxurious and solemn clothes he wore to meet His Majesty, so he had already changed into ordinary casual clothes before coming.

Now it seems that he is just an ordinary handsome blond guy, and naturally there is no trace of nobility on his body.

In this world, you don't have to be yellow-haired and rich, you must be a noble.

However, Mu En did not hold on to this point. Maybe the other party was just guessing, so he continued to say with a slow smile:

"Really, that's it, but you said you don't know me, but Miss Performer, why... do I always think you look familiar?"

"Does it... look familiar?"

"Yes, height, temperament, tone of voice, and..."

Mu En raised her eyes and glanced at the beautiful performer in front of her again. She turned her eyes in a circle, and then involuntarily fell on... the majestic mountains.


Feeling Mu En's obvious gaze, the beautiful performer immediately covered her breasts and said in an embarrassed tone:

"Pervert... pervert!"


Mu En coughed dryly, looking embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Who told you to cover your face so tightly?"

It was so pitiful that he wanted to say nothing about that, but "the overall feeling".

After all, he is not a person who is addicted to beauty, so how can he always stare at other people's things.

He still understands the most basic courtesy when talking, to look at the other person's face or eyes.

But the problem is...

Her face was too tightly covered by that magic, and he couldn't look hard at the fog where he couldn't see anything clearly.

Human eyes will always grasp the key points involuntarily.

So his eyes could only naturally and uncontrollably fall on the most conspicuous place.

It moved there on its own, so I wasn't blinded by the evil Nako!

"Anyway...anyway, you have recognized the wrong person. I don't know you, and the word acquaintance has nothing to do with you."

The beautiful performer hugged her chest tightly, seemingly not noticing that the squeeze would be even more astringent from Mu En's perspective, and said in a feigned fierce tone:

"If you just called me here just to tease me, then please allow me not to accompany you. I will also give back to you every cent of the money you asked the waiter to bring you just now!"

"is that so?"

Mu En sighed after hearing this, but was not too obsessed with the "beautiful girl"'s true appearance.

No matter what, it would be too impolite to force a girl to show her face, and he was just a little curious.

...Maybe he really just admitted his mistake.

After all, although there are some similarities in all aspects, the person in his mind should still be at Santa Maria College now, so whether it is identity, location, or behavioral motivations, they are completely related to the person in front of him late at night. I couldn't get in touch with the beautiful musician who played music in the restaurant.

As for the holy light... that little bit of holy light doesn't mean anything. There are countless believers of the goddess in this world, and there are many who can use the holy light. Moreover, when he took out Elizabeth and flashed it, it was much stronger than the one just now.

"I apologize for my rude behavior just now, beautiful Miss Performer."

Mu En put down his wine glass, caressed his chest and saluted solemnly:

"There's no need to refund the money. Please believe me. I didn't ask you to come here because I wanted to tease you, but because I really have business."

"Main... business?"

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