Miss Performer was stunned, "What is it?"

"This friend of mine really likes your music."

Mu En pointed to the side,

"Today is a memorial day for his late wife, so I'd like you to play a song just for him."

"Please...please play one more song!"

After hearing Mu En's words, Sean was stunned for a moment, then stood up with some excitement and said with pleading:

"Ten years have passed. I thought I had forgotten her face, but your music made me...let me see her clearly again. Please play it again. I haven't seen enough. I still want to... Still want to..."


Seeing Sean, who was actually crying from the corners of his eyes at this moment, and his feelings were not false at all, Miss Performer couldn't help blinking her big eyes under the mist.

She glanced at Mu En quietly, and she couldn't help but have doubts in her heart.

Did this guy...really just want me to play for his friend?

Didn't you discover something and want to reveal the truth deliberately, or did you want to tease me?

Am I overthinking it?

"Why, don't you want to?"

Mu En looked at her with a smile, her clear blue eyes were different from before, without any impurities.

"That...okay then."

Sean's sincere grief made her unable to sit idly by, so Miss Concert raised her violin again and whispered:

"If it's just playing, fine."


Mu En and Sean thanked each other at the same time, then straightened their backs and listened carefully.

So, the song started again.

The melodious music is like a holy sound coming from the sky, and it seems to be able to heal all inner scars.


Sean once again fell into missing his late wife.

As for Mu En, perhaps due to his long-term contact with Elizabeth, he was never infected again by the faint holy light that seemed to be out of the girl's control and automatically escaped.

He held his chin and looked quietly at the performer who was immersed in the music.

It seemed that she was also affected by Sean's sincere thoughts. She was obviously emotionally invested in her performance, and she was no longer just pulling the bow in a formulaic manner.

Therefore, even if the holy light is removed, Mu En can still clearly feel that the song...comes to life.

The song that came to life showed a completely different power than before, and even Mu En was unconsciously intoxicated by it.

In a trance, it seemed as if a holy saint appeared in front of Mu En.

With a hazy sense of beauty, the saint is opening her broad and warm embrace towards Mu En, guiding Mu En to keep approaching her, approaching her, and then...


Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

The music was interrupted.

The scene in front of him disappeared, and his eyes returned to the dimly lit restaurant.

Sean opened his eyes blankly, as if he hadn't come back to his senses yet, and Miss Performer's delicate body trembled, obviously frightened.

Mu En frowned and looked in the direction of the sound with displeasure.


At the adjacent table not far away, a man suddenly slapped the table and stood up, saying angrily:

"Why can I do a solo for them, but I...I can't?"

With that said, he walked towards Mu En.

His face was red and his neck was thick, and his steps were shaky.

This is……


"Guest...guest, please don't do this."

The waiter who had received a lot of kickbacks from Mu En hurried over to stop the drunk man.

But the thin waiter obviously couldn't stop the man's progress, and could only be dragged towards Mu En by him.

It wasn't until he was very close to Mu En that the man pushed the waiter away, stretched out his hand, pointed at Mu En, and looked fierce:

"Tell me, why...why? Is it...could it be because you, a pretty boy, are good-looking?"

The strong smell of alcohol made Mu En even more unhappy.

He was about to push this alcoholic maniac who was obviously just an ordinary person away, but perhaps under the influence of alcohol, the staggering man, before Mu En could make a move, he stepped on the ground and stepped towards Mu En, fall.

Mu En subconsciously wanted to catch him.

But, at this moment.

The man's hand pointing towards Mu En suddenly expanded violently without warning.

The ferocious muscles were piled up like a horned dragon, and his sleeves broke instantly.

The skin of the arm shimmered with metallic luster, and the five fingers were slightly bent, and sharp claws like daggers popped out!

Is this... animal transformation?

Mu En's pupils shrank suddenly.

There is no vindictiveness.

There is no magic.

There wasn't even any killing intent.

Just a simple physical change.

Therefore, when the dagger-like claws almost touched Mu En's chest, the death warning that Mu En had always trusted was delayed in sounding!

34. It’s really you

The so-called premonition of death is not something metaphysical, but an extremely keen perception of danger that has been tempered under countless life and death crises.

It's like a spider can feel the movements of its prey on the other end through the slightest trembling of the web.

And when the slightest tremor does not exist, there is no fighting spirit, no magic power, and even no killing intent, and it seems that he is just an ordinary person, and an extremely ordinary person falls in front of him, Mu En's death premonition is simply impossible. Early warning.

Therefore, it was not until the dagger-sharp claws popped out from the man's swollen fingers that Mu En completely reacted, and the alchemy core was running in an instant.

But it was already too late. The sharp claws had almost touched Mu En's chest, and the delay could not allow him to teleport out of danger directly.

Professional assassin.

Mu En's eyes flashed, and his mind was running wildly.

Without long-term special training, it would have been impossible to achieve such perfect concealment and such violent explosions.

This was a premeditated assassination.

Under the delay, Mu En could even see the ferocity, ruthlessness, and murderous intent blooming out of the assassin's eyes like a volcano!


It's like you can only carry plastic knives to pass the security check.

Concealment is indeed there, but the plastic knife...can it kill someone?

"You come to kill me without even using your magic power and fighting spirit. Who do you look down on?"

A trace of fierceness appeared on Mu En's face. At this moment, he did not retreat but advanced, choosing to take the initiative to hit the assassin's claws!

Blood splatters!

The clothes on Mu En's chest were torn apart, and the sharp claws were inserted into his flesh and blood.

But the sharp claws that were clearly aimed at his heart were actually stuck halfway by the pectoralis major muscles that had been trained to be extremely strong and blessed with fighting spirit.

There was finally a trace of panic in the assassin's eyes, and he looked at Mu En in disbelief and said:

"How... how is it possible? According to the intelligence, you are not that strong!"

"Ha, I see, you are really looking down on me when you come to kill me with outdated information."

Mu En sneered, leaned forward, and grabbed the swollen arm.

Then, thunder!

The shock wave surged, and the assassin's swollen body twisted instantly.

Without the blessing of fighting spirit, even if it transforms into a beast, it is still an ordinary flesh and blood body.

Then, blood splattered again.

This time, it's the assassin's blood.

The scarlet blood was forcefully squeezed out from under the body and skin, and the shock waves that had become so handy were directly twisted into the fragile internal organs of the assassin under Mu En's control.


The assassin coughed up the minced meat from his internal organs, and most of his life was taken away in an instant.

His eyes were slightly dull and dull.

He knew that he had failed, so a look of despair appeared in his eyes, but that despair soon turned into... ruthlessness!

He gritted his teeth sharply, trying to crush something in his teeth.


He saw in front of him that the intelligence mentioned that the Duke's son was "around the second level of strength, with sharp moves, and good at using two swords." He didn't even take out the sword, and his figure suddenly fell into a trance.

In an instant, a big hand suddenly grabbed his chin without warning, and with a click, his jaw was suddenly broken.

"Whether it's a TV series, a novel, or reality, you guys always like to hide the poison of suicide in your mouth."

Mu En ignored the still bleeding chest, pinched the assassin's neck with one hand, picked him up, and said with a half-smile:

"Are the people who hired you so stingy that they are not willing to put a curse on you or something?"

The assassin swung feebly in Mu En's hands, his limbs were broken and his internal organs were injured. At this moment, he could do nothing.

He couldn't even commit suicide. When he thought about his failed assassination and the interrogation and torture he would undergo in the hands of his target, his blood-stained and trembling face could not help but show deep fear.

That's how it should be.

But Mu En did not see the fear on his face. Instead, he saw a strange smile at the corner of his mouth covered in blood.

Is he laughing?


Could it be...


"Master Mu En!"

The two exclamations sounded simultaneously with the death warning in Mu En's mind.

It was like a needle pricking his nerves.

Mu En's pupils turned instantly, and then he saw another person beside him.

The person he ignored.


In Mu En's perception, the waiter was just an ordinary person.

However, with a click, an inconspicuous bracelet on the waiter's wrist shattered and opened.

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