In an instant, the terrifying aura suddenly erupted, as if it had been suppressed for a long time!

Level three!

Unlike the man's "stupid method" of directly clearing the body of magic power and fighting spirit, the waiter relied on expensive magic tools to hide his strength, which was a level higher than Mu En's!

In other words, the assassin at the beginning was just a feint attack.

The real highlight is pulling out the seat for Mu En, pouring red wine for Mu En, doing this and that for Mu En, going back and forth to get close to Mu En many times, but keeping silent until Mu En's attention is drawn away. , the most relaxing moment...

The waiter who just suddenly took action!

And when he took action, it was as fast as thunder.

The sharp dagger in his hand came close to Mu En's chest in just an instant, and once again pointed directly at the heart!

There is no escape.

"Oh shit!"

Mu En cursed secretly, the burning sensation in the alchemy core behind his back was extremely intense, and the time delay was pushed to sixty times the limit.

He was ready to fight.

However, at this moment, there was suddenly an inaudible hum in the air.

This brought Mu En's desperate actions to an abrupt halt.

Because a faint holy golden light suddenly struck in front of the waiter, causing his actions to freeze for a moment.

One moment is enough.

Mu En's face was ferocious, and his figure was instantly blurred.

It was like a video where the fast-forward button was suddenly pressed, and his actions even seemed a little funny.

But in this flash of lightning, he successfully dodged the blow aimed at his vital point by turning sideways, and the supposedly fatal dagger instead of stabbing, instead of slicing across his chest.

But a clear wound was still left, and Mu En was furious:

"Your grandma, what on earth are you guys...

There are so many pecs that love labor! "

The pure white arc reflected the candlelight, and Elizabeth appeared in Moon's hand, stabbing into the chest of the astonished waiter.

The waiter fell to the ground, completely lifeless.

At this time, the third assassin never appeared again.

Sean reacted quickly, called in help, and quickly sealed off the entire restaurant.

A horrific assassination finally came to an end.

Mu En slumped on the chair, breathing heavily.

He looked down at his chest and smiled bitterly.

What a deal.

I went out to have a meal and was assassinated. But the strange thing was that he was fine, but his pectoralis major muscle was almost torn into pieces.

Are you so jealous of my pectoralis major that even Her Royal Highness would praise?

"'re hurt!"

Just as he was vomiting, he heard a voice that sounded like a lark suddenly in front of him. He even forgot about disguise in the panic.

Mu En looked up in shock and saw the performer standing in front of him, looking at his bloody chest, and said anxiously:

"You... don't move, I will treat you now!"

"Wait, no need..."

Mu En wanted to refuse because the injury looked scary, but in fact, for Mu En, it was not a big deal at all.

But Miss Performer gave him no chance to refuse. She squatted directly in front of him, stretched out her hands, and from the slender palms of her ten fingers, incomparably pure holy light flowed out.

"This level of Holy Light Technique..."

Seeing the injury on his chest recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and feeling the sense of peace brought by the pure holy light, Mu En lowered his head and stared at the face that was still shrouded in mist.

He couldn't help but sigh and said softly:

"As expected, it's you, Riya-san."

35. Reason

"As expected, it's you, Riya-san."

In this warm holy light, Mu En sighed softly.

The world is so wonderful.

For example, in just two days, he not only faced the most terrifying existence in the world, but also experienced the most nostalgic beauty in the world.

Not only did he meet the most noble ruler of this country, but he was assassinated by an unknown person that night.

Another example.

The saint in front of him will be respected by countless believers and has a nobler status than him, the son of a duke. She is also the childhood sweetheart with whom the protagonist of Destiny has the closest relationship...

To be in this small downtown restaurant...playing the piano and performing?

And he happened to be bumped into by a yellow-haired villain like himself?

Damn it, I always felt like my DNA was moving, and I was about to blurt out the words "Classmate Liya, you don't want Ariel to know that you are doing this kind of thing behind her back, right?"

"I...I'm not Liya!"

"Miss Performer" still refused to give up and retorted fiercely:

"I don't know who Liya is. have the wrong person!"


Mu En didn't say anything, just looked at her quietly.

Look at her.

Even though the fog was still separating her, Mu En couldn't even see her face clearly, nor could he look directly into her eyes, but she seemed to suddenly suffer from severe social phobia, and her delicate body trembled violently.

Shaking and shaking, it was even more intense than when he first saw Mu En. Even the hands that were using the holy light almost shook into Mu En's nostrils.


Mu En sighed again, and before the girl started to act indecently, he pressed her hands back to his chest and said helplessly:

"There are not so many coincidences in this world. You have to start accepting the reality."


Liya suddenly sniffed hard and let out a pitiful cry as if she had given up on struggling:

"Why...why? I'm so careful, I chose a place so far away from the academy, and I pretended to be like this, but why do I still bump into people I know, and my identity is still revealed."

The fog that shrouded her face dissipated, revealing that innocent and lovely face.

His eyes were red, which was extremely pitiful.

"Maybe it's because you are too kind. You knew your identity might be exposed, but you still took action at that time."

Mu En smiled, then his expression became serious, he stared into the girl's eyes and said solemnly:

"So, now I can finally talk to you in a polite manner, classmate Liya, thank you for saving me just now."

"What saved you? Even if I didn't take action just now, you still have a way to deal with it."

Liya pursed her lips, and her big, watery eyes swept over Mu En's chest, which had almost recovered:

"And the wound on your chest is not serious at all. Using the Holy Light is simply a waste. Give me the Holy Light!"


Mu En looked a little embarrassed and said sarcastically:

"What I wanted to say just now, but you moved too fast, you can't blame me."

"Hmph, Ariel is right, you are a bad person!"

Liya glared at Mu En fiercely, then stretched out her pink fist and hit him hard on the chest.

But the girl's pear blossoms are covered with rain and her cheeks are bulging. Not only is she not fierce, but she is also extremely cute.

The pink fist that was thrown at her in anger had no force, but it gave Mu En a wonderful touch.


Seeing Mu En's enjoyment, she seemed to realize how intimate her behavior was to outsiders. Liya retracted her hand like an electric shock, her face suddenly blushed like a ripe peach, she lowered her head, no Dare to look at Mu En again.

Mu En was almost blown away by her cuteness.

"Ahem, um, Liya-san..."

But Mu En quickly gathered her thoughts, pretended to be serious and looked at the girl in front of her, and asked:

"Although I am suspected of being nosy, as a classmate, just in case, I still have to ask...

Why do you appear here at this time? "

Although Mu En seems to be wandering around now, in fact, St. Mary's College should still be in normal classes.

Especially when the entire Belland was under lockdown some time ago, Santa Maria College also reopened the first level of the Great Secret Ceremony that was originally closed.

Generally speaking, except for those with special status like Celcia, it should not be possible for other ordinary students to enter and leave the academy at will.

Liya couldn't be like herself, kicked out by Teacher Meira.


Liya glanced at Mu En quietly, and then lowered her head:

"I...I can tell you, but can't complain to the college, and you can't tell the college what I said later."


Mu En showed an upright smile, "You can rest assured that I will not do such despicable things as threatening others by using others' excuses."


"More real than pearls."

"You swear to the goddess."

"I swear to the great goddess of life."

Mu En stretched out four fingers and said seriously:

"I will never reveal what Liya-san says next, otherwise I will be hacked to death with a hatchet."

After receiving the assurance, Liya breathed a sigh of relief and said as quietly as a mosquito:

"Yes...I came out through the secret passage discovered by Ariel..."

"Secret passages?"

Under the cover of the great secret ritual, where can the secret passage come from?

Mu En was stunned for a moment, but then he came to his senses.

What Liya said was probably not some secret passage.

It is the secret passage opened by Ariel's soul-state teacher through the flaw in the first layer of the Great Secret Instrument.

After all, the first level of the Great Secret Ritual is only a derivative of the Eternal Clock. It is not even considered peripheral. It is normal for there to be flaws.

But being able to discover and crack these flaws just by looking at the state of the soul also shows that Ariel's teacher is not simple.

After all, he is the protagonist. If he can't even get out of the academy, then why do he do anything and be the protagonist?

"As for why I'm here..."

Liya almost buried her head in her chest and stammered:

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