"For...for...for money."


Mu En was stunned for a while.

Recalling some of the girl's actions just now, he blurted out:

"Are you short of money?"


Leah didn't answer.

But Mu En found that not only was her face red at this moment, but her neck was also red.

The answer is very clear. The reason why the girl played in this restaurant was because of lack of money.

But Mu En was even more confused, how could Liya be short of money?

Although she is still going through the so-called mortal trials, her apparent identity is that she is also the daughter of a minor nobleman, and she has enough money.

And in the original book, she was never so embarrassed that she had to go out and make money herself.


Mu En thought of something, looked at Liya, and suddenly realized:

"Classmate Liya, the reason why you are short of money...couldn't it be because of Ariel?"


Liya hummed out of habit.

No agreement... but no objection either.

"I see...it's really because of Ariel."

Mu En leaned his head back on the chair, looked up at the bright stones on the ceiling that exuded a faint luster, and smiled strangely, feeling that everything in this world was becoming more and more bizarre.

——The fateful protagonist Feng Aotian is actually short of money again?

36. Secret (two in one, please vote at the beginning of the month)

Will the protagonist be short of money?


In the many Long Aotian and Feng Aotian novels that Mu En read in her previous life, resource issues were a hurdle that the protagonist had to face in the early stages.

Even many protagonists have the word "poor" throughout.

Because if they want to play counterattack, their identity, at least in the early stage, must not be too noble.

Just like Ariel, before she overthrew her disdainful brothers and sisters, her identity was just a humble illegitimate daughter. The reason why she is so good at cheating and cheating now is because she was fed like this when she was a child. .

Even now that she has become the first heir to the earl, because the earl's family is prosperous and there are many people eyeing her position, she cannot gain the support of the entire earl family like Mu En.

Not to mention that even if she really gets the full support of the Earl's family, it may not be able to support her expenses.

Because the so-called Aotian series protagonists all take high-end routes, burning ten times and a hundred times the resources of ordinary people in exchange for near-invincible combat power and top-level potential at the same level.

For Ariel, learning magic is expensive and is called "a nobleman's trick."

As for the ancient magic she learned, many of the materials have now become extremely rare and horribly expensive, so what she did was not a waste of money at all. There was at least a process of burning money. What she did was basically a direct waste of money.

However, for an excellent Feng Aotian protagonist, although resources are a hurdle, it should not be too difficult to overcome it.

For example, in the original book, Ariel was indeed in embarrassment for a period of time, but with the help of her master in the soul state, she made a large number of ancient magic scrolls and special magic props, sold them on the black market, and even through some black The method of cheating successfully filled the resource loopholes.

Like a glutton, he swallows up all the opportunities and resources he encounters and turns them into part of his own strength. This is the so-called proud protagonist.

But why did something unexpected happen this time?

I remember that last time she was poor because the black market was closed, this time...

Wait, could it be because the black market is still closed?

A flash of lightning flashed in Mu En's mind, and her thoughts suddenly became clear.

Don't ask why Ariel's things can only be sold on the black market, because as the protagonist Feng Aotian, there is another characteristic, that is, there are many things in her body that cannot be seen before she becomes stronger!

Therefore, in the original book, throughout the academy chapter, most of Ariel's resources come from selling props on the black market, picking up leaks, and taking advantage of others in unexpected incidents.

black market……

Just before the arrival of the Silent Moon a few days ago, many noble lords were captured by His Majesty the Emperor, and the entire city was under martial law... Naturally, the black market could not be opened.

As for being black and eating black...

If Ariel could successfully steal Gu Long's hard work before, she would naturally not be short of money for a long time.

But Gu Long's hard work... was snatched away by Mu En.

Even the Silent Moon incident, which was not originally part of the plot of the original book, was caused by Mu En.

"That is to say... in the end... going around in circles... the root of everything... is still because..."


Mu En was stunned.

What kind of ultimate lucky guy is this? The storm caused by the flapping of the wings of his little butterfly... just inexplicably got all over Ariel's face?

After thinking everything through, Mu En could not help but feel guilty.

Is this the black hole effect of the protagonist?

Suck everything? Love it, love it.

"But that's not right either."

Mu En suddenly came back to his senses, looked at Liya and said:

"Ariel is not so short of money now. After all, I gave her one million directly not long ago!"

Mu En thought of the money he gave her in excitement when Ariel woke her up.

Even if you spend more money, one million will still have to be spread over a period of time.

How many days has it been? !

"As expected...it was indeed you who caused it!"

But after hearing this, Liya not only did not show her gratitude to Mu En, but instead glared at him and said angrily.

"Did I hurt you?"

Mu En looked strange, "What did I do?"

"During this time, something was wrong with Ariel."

Liya's eyes were slightly red and she said:

"Every night she stares at the one million you gave her, muttering something like, 'I won't let your scheme succeed,' 'I won't give in to just one million,' and this money can't corrupt it." I' or something like that.

He obviously had a huge amount of money, but he didn't spend any of it. Instead, he lived in even greater straits, as if... he was in a daze! "


Mu En was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then couldn't help but cover his forehead and smile bitterly.

It turns out that the stubborn protagonist still doesn’t trust him, let alone accept his kindness casually.

The one million he gave her casually aroused her suspicion.

Sure enough, as a yellow-haired villain who had made things difficult for her many times, it was not so easy for her to forgive him.

"So, in order to help Ariel get through the difficulties, you secretly ran out to play music to make money?"


Liya nodded lightly, "Ariel spent all her money on I don't know where she spent it. Although I can feel that her strength has improved every day, but...

If she eats black bread every day like this, her body will definitely not be able to bear it. "

Liya pursed her lips, "If this continues, she really won't grow up."


Looking at Liya who was thinking about her childhood sweetheart, Mu En suddenly didn't know what to say.

What's this? Life is not easy, Qingmei is a performer?

I always feel that this plot has gone too far.

"But, Liya-san..."

Mu En sighed, looked at the girl who had been talking with her head lowered, and asked softly:

"You come out to make money for Ariel, what are you going to do about yourself?"


Liya raised her head, a little confused on her face.


Mu En said seriously: "What should you do with your studies?"

You must know that as a candidate saint of the Church of Life who is undergoing trials, Liya's studies are not just as simple as the courses in the academy.

She must not fail in her saintly duties.

Not to mention that she could not relax even more during the period when the holy ceremony to determine the status of the saint was about to come.

Ariel's crazy consumption of resources to increase her strength during this period must be to help Liya prepare.

But she didn't expect that this would lead to Liya, who should be studying with peace of mind, to sneak out to make money during this period because she was worried about her.

"Study...study will not be affected."

Liya clasped her fingers and said softly:

"I just sneaked out at night. I still have a lot of time during the day."

"Then you study during the day, earn money at night, and rest... when will it be?"

"...No, it's okay."

Liya paused for a moment, with a reassuring smile on her pretty face:

"Actually, Holy Light Technique also has the effect of removing fatigue. I can do it!"


Mu En looked at her, her eyes flashing.

How could it not matter.

Even if the holy light can wipe away the physical fatigue, how can it soothe the mental pain?

As Mu En, who often tempers his spirit in black books, he knows best that spiritual dryness is far more unbearable than physical exhaustion.

No, whether it was out of guilt for Ariel or some other reason, I had to help her.

Thinking of this, Mu En subconsciously touched her storage utensils.

But Liya immediately noticed his movements and said anxiously:

"Let me tell you in advance, I...I will not accept your charity, nor do I want your dirty money!"

"...This is not a charity, this is a thank you for saving me just now."

"I've already said it, I didn't save you at all just now, and if you want to thank you..."

Liya touched the bracelet on her wrist and whispered: "The money before was enough. Although it is very hard, I still want to get paid for my own efforts.

After all, this was the first time I really relied on my own strength to help Ariel. "


Mu En couldn't help but look into the eyes of the girl in front of her again.

Clear, bright, with an indelible tiredness, but still... so firm.

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