So, did she acquire Ariel's stubbornness during their long-term relationship, or is this the nature of this fragile-looking future saint?

In this case……

"Classmate Liya, I will go back to the academy soon."


Liya looked at Mu En in confusion, wondering why he suddenly said some strange nonsense.

"For a true nobleman, music appreciation is a required course."

"But it is a pity that Santa Maria College, which is famous for its magic, does not have a dedicated music appreciation class."


Mu En reached out to Liya and said with a smile:

"Classmate Liya, can I hire you as my personal musician with a high salary that matches your status as a performer?"

"Private musician?"

After a brief pause, Liya suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, hugged her majestic chest and stepped back, staring at Mu En warily:

"What...what do you want to do?"

As she spoke, her face, which had just calmed down, suddenly turned peach red again, and she said nervously:

"Is it... could it be that, like Ariel said, you would use this reason to lure me to a deserted place and then do such beastly things to me?

You want me to do this...that...and put me into all kinds of shameful positions? But I... ugh...

...No, absolutely not! I will never let you succeed!

I...I am..."


Seeing Liya's fierce reaction, Mu En couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

What on earth did that bastard Ariel instill in this innocent girl?

"Classmate Liya, I told you she was in the academy."

Mu En explained helplessly:

"How could I do some beastly things to you under the cover of the Great Secret Ceremony?

If I really did it, if you just yelled, I would be strangled to death by Professor Plan who came over.

And if you are still worried, I can settle the salary on a case-by-case basis. Once you feel that I have bad thoughts about you, you can immediately terminate it on your own initiative. "


"There's nothing wrong with that."

Looking at the entangled girl, Mu En knew that if she continued to entangle, she would come up with countless reasons, so she suddenly smiled evilly and viciously revealed the trump card that she had been brewing for a long time:

"Classmate Liya, you don't want Ariel to know about your performance to make money!"


Liya's delicate body trembled, and she suddenly let out a mournful cry. Her lovely red rabbit-like eyes stared at Mu En hatefully:

"You... are despicable."

"Just think of me as mean."

After the DNA was released, Mu En felt relieved. She raised her hand with a smile and asked, "So, what's your decision?"


It seems like a long time.

I don’t know what kind of tangle and struggle that little head went through. After Mu En’s urging and a long silence, Liya’s eyes flickered, she bit her lip, and finally reached out her hand...

But just when that white and delicate palm was about to come into contact, she suddenly stared at Mu En closely and said seriously:

"Moon Campbell, don't want to pick me up, do you?"


Mu En almost spit out another mouthful of old blood, and said with a shocked face:

"Where did you see that?"

"Ariel said that when a man is suddenly very nice to you and wants to help you in a roundabout way, it means he wants to have sex with you."

Liya tilted her head and said seriously:

"Ariel, tell me to stay away from people like this."


So Ariel, what on earth have you instilled in others?

Is this the power of Lao Siji? Before sharpening the knife, I had already started thinking about getting insurance.

Mu En sighed softly and looked at the girl in front of him carefully.

Her pure and lovely appearance, her flawless appearance, and her unique top-notch figure can definitely seduce the desire of any man.

Coupled with her future status as a saint, how many men can refuse her?

And according to the calculation of time, although a certain old Si Ji is already sharpening his sword now, Liya's feelings for Ariel should still remain as a simple childhood sweetheart.

After all, her emotional affairs and the holy ceremony that determines her status as a saint have not yet begun.

There is room for prying in the corners.


If Mu En really dared to do this, let alone ask for forgiveness, he might really be beaten to death by the angry Lord Feng Aotian in the future.

"Do not worry."

Mu En looked at Liya and said with a smile without any impurity:

"I have absolutely no such thoughts about you."


"More real than pearls!"

"you promise."

"I promise!"

"Don't lie to me."

"I swear to the goddess!"

Mu En puffed up her chest, raised the four fingers of her other hand again, and said in a serious tone:

"If I really have sex with classmate Liya one day, let me be quartered alive with a hatchet and die!"


Liya looked at Mu En playfully, her lovely eyes constantly scanning his face, as if she was trying to determine how true or false the words spoken by this man were.

For a long time, just when Mu En was unable to maintain his expression, Liya suddenly smiled, which eclipsed all the flickering candlelight in the restaurant.

"Well, since you don't seem to be as bad as Ariel said, I'll believe you for once."

She held Mu En's hand and shook it playfully.

"Then please give me your advice, Mr. Employer."

"Well, please give me your advice, Miss Performer."

Mu En also smiled slightly.

Thus, as the palms of the two people touched each other, a secret contract belonging only to two people was concluded in this quiet and charming restaurant.

PS: At the beginning of the month, please vote for me.

37. Dandy (please ask for a monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)

After Liya left, Mu En sat alone in the quiet restaurant, seeming to still miss the touch of her fingertips just now.

She truly deserves to be the future saint, those little hands are so...


But at this moment, a rapid dry cough interrupted his thoughts.

Sean came to his side and said respectfully:

"Master Mu En, the interrogation of everyone in the restaurant has been completed. No one knows the two people who assassinated you. They seem to have sneaked in halfway."

"It's normal. After all, my behavior is unpredictable. A temporary assassination like this cannot lie dormant for a long time."

Mu En crossed her fingers, held her chin, and glanced at Sean vaguely:

"What worries me more is why I was assassinated in such a terrible way just for a meal? Did the assassin come too fast? Not everyone can send an assassin of that level. "

"I...I definitely did not reveal the whereabouts of Master Mu En!"

Sean suddenly lowered his head and said, sweating profusely:

"I also met you by chance. I didn't know about it before, and I was with you all the way. I didn't have the chance to report the news. Master Mu En, please believe me. I'm..."

"Okay, I didn't doubt what you meant."

Mu En glanced at him lightly and then looked away.

Sean Jones is a staunch member of the royal faction, and he also hates killing his wife. He has no motive to betray himself no matter what he thinks.

As for the reason why his whereabouts were leaked...

The one who was being stared at was probably Celcia.

No, it should be said to be Celcia’s small courtyard.

Otherwise, the chocolate at that time would not have been delivered so accurately.

He was probably targeted when Lawrence was carrying him away from there.

I just didn't expect to be targeted in the morning and assassinated in the afternoon.

Those people were really decisive in taking action.

"Then Master Mu En, what should we do next?"

Seeing that Mu En did not doubt his intentions, Sean breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"What to do... of course go back to the academy and hide. I don't think that this failed assassination can catch those people. Since they dare to do it, they must have made a follow-up plan."

Mu En knocked on the table and thought:

"As for you, be your consul for the time being. You don't need to worry about other things. I'm afraid you are not qualified to step into the whirlpool yet. Regarding the assassination, someone will help me handle it."


"By the way, you can interrogate the living assassin carefully. The result is not important. What is important is that you have to hand over the result to His Majesty."

Sean was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. A trace of cruelty that he had never shown in front of Mu En flashed in his eyes, and he grinned and said with a sneer:

"Don't worry, Master Mu En, I'm very good at interrogating things like this."

"Really? That's good."

Looking at the confident Sean, Mu En couldn't help but smile.

He didn't care how much trouble the things he pried out from the assassin's mouth would bring to those hiding behind the scenes. As long as he could disgust them, Mu En was very satisfied.

After all, it can be said that he is the only commander in the entire Duke's family. Although he can also mobilize some resources in the name of the Duke, and even spend some money, it is not difficult to hire strong people to protect him personally, but it is not difficult to confront those people head-on. This is very irrational behavior.

After all, those people are still hiding in the dark.

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