So the safest way now is to hide back to the academy obediently.

He couldn't believe that those people were so smart and dared to put their claws under Teacher Meira's nose.

Obscene development is the right way.

And, no matter what, time was on his side in every sense of the word.

When the engagement ceremony with Celcia is completed, he can hug her black silk thighs openly and openly every day.

When the time comes, as long as you hold yourself tighter, are you afraid of these little bastards who don't dare to show their faces and only dare to secretly play tricks?

After all, this is Belland, not their back garden.

"It's getting late, I'll leave first."

"You walk slowly."

"I'll leave the finishing touches to you."

"This is what I should do."

After saying goodbye to Sean casually, Mu En clasped her hands behind her back, humming a tune, as if she had never experienced a thrilling assassination, and walked towards the academy unsteadily.

It's a pity that I couldn't walk side by side with the future saint, otherwise it would have been a joyful thing.

late at night.

The moon is dark and the wind is high.

Lawrence took off his conspicuous armor, put on casual clothes, covered his face with a wide-brimmed black hat, and cautiously arrived at a remote manor.

After confirming that no one was following him, Lawrence knocked on the door of the manor.

"It's me, Lawrence."

He whispered into the manor.


The rusty door slowly opened, emitting an unpleasant sound like a howling ghost.

But there was no one behind the door, as if the door opened by itself.

Without making a fuss, Lawrence lowered his wide-brimmed hat and walked into the manor.

The door automatically closed behind him.

There was silence in the manor, with no lights or people.

There were overgrown weeds on both sides of the path that could barely be considered a road, almost covering his waist.

This place seems to have been abandoned for a long time, with no trace of life in sight.

Lawrence carefully pushed aside the weeds and reached the deepest part of the manor.

The building covered with withered vines is full of the atmosphere of time, like the residence of a ghost in a story novel.

Lawrence took a deep breath and glanced at the closed door, but did not go in.

Instead, he reached out and lifted the place where the vines were most dense, and a hidden secret door appeared in front of him.

He stooped and walked through the door.

In the dark passage, dim candlelight lit up.

At the end of the spacious room, a man whose face could not be seen clearly, but whose figure was extremely tall, was standing with his hands behind his back, staring at a huge portrait on the wall.

She is a woman, but the light is too dark to see her true appearance.

Lawrence stood in the shadows, his head lowered, and he stood quietly and respectfully.

a long time.

The man didn't even look back at Lawrence. He looked at the portrait seriously and asked casually:

"Saw him."


"How does it feel?"

Lawrence thought for a moment and said:

"As the information said, his fighting spirit is at the second level, but his foundation is very solid. It can be seen that the Duke laid a very good foundation for him.

As for magic power...the magic power capacity is good, but the realm level...I can only say that it has reached the average level of the Campbell family. "

"anything else……"


Lawrence paused for a moment and said:

"It's just like the rumors."


"With his sloppy steps, dark circles under his eyes, and obvious signs of overindulgence, from all angles, he is indeed just a wanton noble nobleman."


In the suffocating silence, the man finally turned around, and he took a deep look at Lawrence.

Lawrence was covered in cold sweat, as if he was under great pressure, his head was lowered, and he didn’t even dare to look at him.


The man suddenly smiled and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Lawrence. You have just experienced a big battle. You should have a good rest."

"It's not hard work, it's my honor to serve you."

The man didn't seem to want to say anything more and just waved his hand.

"I will have someone send you your reward."

"Thank you!"

Lawrence, as if granted a pardon, hastily retreated into the darkness.

When he walked out of the manor, he realized that his clothes were soaked through.

"Oh, did you fail?"

After Lawrence left, the man looked at a letter that appeared in his hand at an unknown time, and suddenly showed a biting sneer:

"What a dissolute and dandy son of a duke."

38. Lihui

"What a dissolute and dandy son of a duke."

A haze flashed in the man's eyes, and when he clenched his hands and opened them again, the envelope had turned into powder in his hands.

The two professional assassins sent failed.

Failure is not unexpected. After all, as the target, it is normal for him to have some life-saving props on him.

But what is surprising is that... he was caught alive.

This is very abnormal.

Could it be that the assassin's failure was not due to any props, but to being crushed by hard power?

Even asking them to commit suicide at a critical moment cannot be done.

Unfortunately, the action there was very fast and all the witnesses were under control. The details of the situation at that time are not yet known.


That's all harmless.

After all, this attack itself was just a test.

"Push all those sheep out."

All thoughts were collected to the deepest part, and the man's eyes were once again as deep and indifferent as an ancient well.


The dim candlelight twisted, as if someone passed by.

The man's eyes finally swept over the portrait, stretched out his hand, and rubbed it.

Then he pressed it gently.

The whole portrait suddenly sank, the hinge twisted, and a secret door appeared in front of the man.

The man walked into it.

After crossing a short passage, a bright room appeared in his sight.

But there was nothing in this room, only a chair and a long-lit incense.

The chair was plain, but it was flowing with a faint magical fluctuation.

As for the incense, it was just ordinary incense, which could calm the mind.

The man sat on the chair, leaning back on the soft pillow, and involuntarily relaxed his whole tall body completely.

He closed his eyes, as if he was falling asleep.

Then, on the wide chair, the magic luster became more and more intense, and finally condensed into a little firefly-like light, along the narrow chimney at the top of the room, all the way up, and up.

Finally, it disappeared into the endless night.

There was a noise in my ears.

The man opened his eyes.

"Damn it, we were cheated, that old thing Aldridge was so cruel, woo woo woo... My ancient magic device, that was my grandfather's collection, and he gave it all!"

"Why? We paid so much precious treasures and treasures, but got nothing, but those low-level lower-level noble families, just sacrificed a few insignificant lives, and they can get higher status and rewards. This is unfair! Unfair!"

"The gang of rats in the lower city! They said they didn't want to cause trouble during the crackdown? Have they forgotten who backed them? As a result, just because the lower city changed a rat leader, they actually acted like good babies?"

"Bruce Wei Well! Bruce Wayne, I found out this name. He is called the new dark emperor of the downtown area. The reason why those rats are so bold is because of him! "

"I want to kill him, I want to kill that Bruce Wayne. Damn it, if there is no income from the downtown area, I can't even support my more than ten lovers next month! I still have more than 30 children, and they are all still drinking milk!"

"Me too, if I can't afford to eat top-quality steaks, smoke top-quality cigars, and drink top-quality red wine from Locke Manor, oh, my God, I don't know how to live that kind of life!"

What was imprinted in the man's sight was such a chaotic situation.

In the stepped circular seats, there was a constant shrill noise, making him feel as if he was deep in the dirty downtown area.

But, strangely, those guys who quarreled with each other, sometimes wailing, sometimes cursing, and almost lifted the roof to the sky, were not human.

Or rather, their appearance was not human.

Giraffes, white rhinos, vultures, monkeys, peacocks, robins...

Those noisy creatures are actually lifelike animals! This place is like a zoo!

But in contrast to those funny appearances, those animals behave elegantly. Even if they are noisy and spitting, they still look like they are wearing the most formal dresses. Every move reveals the noble temperament of the upper class.

The man turned into a tiger.

The tiger sat at the lowest and most central position in this circular area.

He looked up and scanned the animals who were already overwhelmed by anger, shame and fear, and suddenly raised the gavel in his hand and knocked it down.


No one paid attention to him.

The animals were still immersed in their own world.

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