A hint of coldness flashed in Tiger's eyes.

He smashed the mallet in his hand violently, and his roar seemed to be mixed with an ear-splitting tiger's roar:


The room suddenly fell silent.

All the animals came back to their senses and looked at the tiger in the center.

There may be respect, complexity, or disdain in the eyes.

But no matter what, everyone's attention finally came to him.

"That stupid emperor has put a knife on our necks, but you are still here arguing over petty profits!"

"It seems that time has passed for so long that you have forgotten where this place is and the purpose of our gathering here!"

The tiger man stood up and looked into each pair of eyes with his cold eyes.

"Then let me say it again, this is... Parliament!

It is not that the emperor outside built us a parliament with mockery and ridicule, and let us discuss government affairs without any real power.

But to maintain the glorious blood of the empire for thousands of years!

In order to prevent the empire from being corroded by those stenches!

For the empire to stay on the right path!

In order to make that fatuous emperor understand his mistake!

It is also to prevent later counterfeiters like Campbell, who have filth and lowliness in their blood, from dominating our heads!

Adhering to the concept of the glory of the empire for thousands of years, we gathered together, connected only by the noble blood in our bodies, and built this together to make this country more beautiful and prosperous——

In the parliament! "

"Everything...for the blood of glory!"

The tiger's shouts were deafening, like a strong wind, sweeping through everyone.

The emotions of the animals were aroused. Their eyes were shining, their faces were fanatical, and they shouted excitedly:

"For...the blood of glory!"

"Very good, it seems you haven't forgotten the noble blood flowing in your body!"

The tiger pounded the table hard to signal that the raging storm had stopped, and said majestically:

"The top priority is that we must first get rid of the current predicament. If the Campbell family is completely bound to the royal family, those filthy untouchables will have a backbone. With the acquiescence of the fatuous emperor, just like this time in the Lower City Just like the Archons, they will eat away at what belongs to us little by little!”


Suddenly, the white rhinoceros on the seat raised his hand tremblingly, with hesitation and cowardice flashing in his eyes, and said:

"Even if the marriage contract is reached, Moon Campbell is nothing but a waste. Now that he is the only one in charge of the Campbell family, what threat can he pose to us? For this reason, we completely broke up with the Campbell family..."


The tiger yelled angrily:

"Is the focus on Moon Campbell? The focus is on Celcia Leopold, that famous princess!

She is not a waste!

When she can legitimately mobilize the resources of both the Campbell family and the royal family as a duchess, do you think there will be any flaws in the entire royal faction?

When the time comes, do you think you losers who have been arguing over petty gains until now will be able to withstand the constant attacks of the fatuous emperor and the entire royal faction?

I even think that the emperor’s purpose in being so eager to get married was not just that, he might even be doing it for..."

Tiger paused and continued angrily:

"You idiots, don't talk about your lovers and red wine when the time comes. You will be kicked out of your comfortable manor, and the gems and collectibles that suit your status will be taken away. You will be left with nothing, and in the end you will have to fight with the Lower City Those lowly pariahs huddled together!

Tell me, are you willing? ! "

The white rhino lowered his head in shame.

Not only him, but the animals that had made the most noise just now also blushed in shame.

"Believe me, whether it's the black income in the lower city or the positions that were taken away, we will get back everything that belongs to us!"

Tiger said coldly, he looked very confident.

"But you failed, Mr. Speaker."

But right here, an untimely and indifferent voice sounded.

It's a robin.

He had been standing there quietly, with his small bird body forming a huge gap between the white rhinoceros next to him, making him look extremely inconspicuous.

But the feathers on his body are delicate and elegant, and the red pattern on his chest is as indifferent as his temperament. Even when others were shouting at their most fervent just now, he still looked on with cold eyes.

He is one of the few people here who dares to question Tiger.

And the questions he raised were as sharp as his tone.

"And twice, you failed twice, in one day."


Tiger's eyes darkened, "Mr. Robin, you know more than I thought."

"As you can see, we have a lot of idiots among our teammates, so of course I have to be cautious."

The robin shrugged and said nonchalantly:

"May I be rude, Mr. Speaker, our current behavior can be said to determine our future destiny, so you must at least prove that you have the qualifications for us to follow, or cooperate."

"Huh... are you qualified?"

The tiger sneered, waved his claws, and a piece of information appeared in front of the robin.

"I don't know if this is enough."

"This is..."

Robin lowered his head and flipped through the information. After a few glances, his pupils suddenly shrank and he exclaimed:

"This...are you serious?"

"This is just the last resort. If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't use it easily."

"But this is still crazy! If it fails, all of us will be doomed!"

Robin read quickly, but stopped halfway through.

Because the information was only halfway through.

He raised his head and stared at Tiger with his red eyes.

"What about the rest?"

"I've said it before, it was just a last resort, wasn't it? As long as we can successfully get rid of that annoying Moon Campbell, then everything will be fine, and the rest will naturally be useless."

Tiger leaned back on the wide chair and said calmly:

"Admittedly, I failed before, but strictly speaking, it was just a test."

"But you made Moon Campbell alert, he will definitely hide in the college! Although St. Mary's College is openly restricted by the Council composed of the nobles, everyone knows that we can't get our hands in at all!"

Robin said angrily:

"Do you expect those useless sons of useless people to assassinate Moon Campbell in the college? No, I think it's more likely to let their daughters with good looks seduce him in bed!"

"Be patient, Mr. Robin, since I did this, it means I have subsequent plans." Tiger said lightly.


"According to my intelligence, it won't be long before a great opportunity comes."

The tiger knocked on the table, and another document appeared in front of the robin.

This time, all the animals received the document.

"Look, everyone, this is why I reopened the inner council to summon you!"

The tiger looked around at all the animals again, and there seemed to be light in his eyes, and he roared with the might of a mountain collapse:

"For us, for the empire, for the eternal glory of blood!

In the next opportunity, we must do whatever it takes,

-completely wipe out Muen Campbell!"

39, Tang

"Ah, I'm dying, I'm dying!"

In the misty heat, Muen raised his head and couldn't help but let out a comfortable groan:

"I'm about to die of pleasure."

The time was the next day.

The location was the sea of ​​flowers.

After returning to the academy, Muen comfortably made up for a beautiful sleep that would not consume any energy, and was called over by Teacher Mela.

At this moment, the sea of ​​flowers has changed a lot.

In the middle of the overlapping waves of flowers, there is a luxurious open-air pool made of marble. The pink gauze is floating, giving people a hazy beauty.

This is actually a hot spring.

And the first thing that Teacher Meila asked Mu En to come over was to let him take a hot spring bath?

Although he always felt something was wrong, Mu En did not refuse, because he knew that refusing would be useless.

He immediately took off his clothes and soaked in.

"Is it comfortable?"

Teacher Meila squatted beside the hot spring, staring at Mu En with amber-like red pupils, and her tender face looked very smiling.


Mu En shrank his neck, and the uneasiness in his heart became stronger, but he still told the truth, "It's more comfortable than the bathroom in Cecilia's house."

"That's good."

Teacher Meila narrowed her eyes, "You don't have to be so nervous, just soak it with confidence."

"I, I'm not nervous."

Mu En stretched his limbs, "Look, I'm very relaxed, right?"

There is no point in resisting anyway, so why not enjoy it now.

Teacher Meila can't eat herself.

"That's good."

Teacher Meila nodded her head and repeated the sentence again, smiling more and more brightly.

But she didn't do anything for the time being, just quietly watching Mu En soaking in the hot spring.

Mu En twisted uncomfortably.

Although he had taken off his clothes more than once in front of Teacher Meila, Mu En still felt a little flustered when she stared at him like this.

"That... Teacher Meila."

"Say it."

"Can you stop staring at me like this? It makes me feel uneasy."

"What's uneasy."

Teacher Meila curled her lips and said disdainfully: "Is there something on you that I can't see?"

"No... I just always feel that your current gaze... is very creepy?"

"Oh, you're so nagging. If I don't watch it, how can I know if the heat is right?"

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