"Wait for the heat? You just said the heat is high, right?"

"Oh, you heard wrong. What I just said was temperature, temperature. In order for my dear disciple to be able to comfortably soak in a hot bath with a suitable temperature after being exhausted from several battles, is it possible? Isn’t that what I, the teacher, should do?”

"You definitely talked about the heat just now! I heard you!"

Mu En jumped up in excitement and said angrily:

"I just said why is there something wrong with this hot spring pool? There is no hot spring pool with a semicircle at the bottom. It turns out to be a pot!"

"Nonsense, how can there be such a big pot!"

While putting various strange-shaped things into the hot spring pool, Teacher Meira took out a spoon that was taller than her from somewhere and stirred it, and said in a gentle tone:

"Come on, lie down obediently. It won't be that painful. Just open and close your eyes and you'll be fine!"

That look reminded Mu En of the big bad wolf boiling water and stewing lamb.

"It's only when you open and close your eyes that you feel familiar! You really want to eat me, right?"

Mu En struggled to leave, but an invisible force suddenly acted on him, forcing him directly into the pot... No, into the hot spring pool.

"Oh, actually I don't want to be so radical, but after seeing my dear disciple who I haven't seen for a few days, his body suddenly becomes a lot stronger, how can I, a teacher, endure this jelly-like heart?"

"Gulu, Gulu... didn't you say... Gulu... that you have to wait until I'm completely adapted to... Gulu, Gulu... sixty times the time delay... Gulu, Gulu... before you start the next step?"

"Yes, although your progress is indeed a bit beyond my expectations, but if you want to reach that stage, you must reach at least the third level. You are still a little behind."

"Then...gulu gulu...why?"

"Strictly speaking, it is just optimizing on the basis of the previous one, or to make a certain subsequent step go more smoothly. There is an important process that must be started in advance."

"GuluGulu...what is it?"

"Oh, why are you talking so much nonsense when you're already in the pot? Be good, so it tastes better!"

Teacher Meira raised the spoon and hit the still struggling Mu En on the head. Mu En suddenly felt her whole body go limp, and her whole body was completely submerged in the hot water.

Gulu gulu...

The water gradually heats up.

Those materials that Mu En didn't recognize at all melted into the water, making the water in the pool appear a light golden color.

The water in the entire hot spring pool was like a pot of soup that was constantly simmering, becoming gradually richer.

Gradually Mu En's figure was no longer visible from the water.

Teacher Meira stood by the hot spring pool, throwing away the spoon in her hand, her face became serious.

"Bite your teeth, kid, let's start."

She stretched out her slender fingers and tapped it gently. In an instant, the water in the entire hot spring pool began to boil.

Under the water, Mu En's eyes suddenly widened with anger.


So hot!

At this moment, it seemed that what was wrapping him was not rich soup, but boiling molten iron!

The intense high temperature stimulated his body, making him turn red like a cooked prawn.

His face was ferocious and his pores were wide open, as if his whole body was about to melt with the pot of soup!

His teeth clenched unconsciously, because this was another brand-new feeling that he had never experienced before. It made him so happy that he wanted to rush out and beat up that unscrupulous old loli!

And when Mu En's consciousness gradually blurred in this extreme pain, he suddenly felt the same hot thing.

Alchemical core.

And...those artificial magic lines that were engraved by Teacher Meira himself.

Those things carved and carved from special materials and embedded in Mu En's body also became extremely hot without any active stimulation!

Hot body, hot core and lines.

One is a living body of flesh and blood, and the other is a dead object made of special materials. The two things that were originally incompatible seemed to gradually merge into one in the rolling soup...

"here we go."

Beside the pool, Teacher Meira's little face was not only serious, but even extremely dignified.

She waved her little hand lightly, and countless mysterious lines fell into the pool water, attached to Mu En's body surface, and began to perform a series of extremely small and detailed operations.

Ensure that the entire magic matrix and alchemy core remain stable and will not gradually collapse in the subsequent changes.

But in this intense change of compatibility, Teacher Meira began to clearly feel a layer of estrangement.

Just like simmering boiling water and boiling oil, it will never subside until the other party completely disappears.

Teacher Meira seemed to have expected it. She raised her little hand, and in the palm of her white palm...a touch of cold moonlight appeared.

"The power of death from the moon, I wonder if it can erase the uncrossable boundary between these contradictory things."

She sighed softly, and with the expectation that even she did not know the outcome, she threw the moonlight into the cauldron of life and death.

40. Make gestures

The cool moonlight fell into the rolling hot spring pool.

In an instant, the water in the pool became calm.

This is the remnant of authority from the former evil god, the Silent Moon, which still has the power to turn everything into death.

Fierce conflicts were suppressed by deadly silence.

Teacher Meila's ten fingers moved slightly, and the golden silk thread on her fingertips swayed. Mysterious fluctuations continued to burst out from her petite body and poured into the golden pool of water.

She was using external force to promote the change.

Mu En could feel the heat in his body begin to subside. In this silent coldness, the alchemical core constructed by dead objects and the magic matrix began to gradually cross the natural barrier and completely merge with his flesh and blood.

Teacher Meila was looking forward to it. With her state of mind, she couldn't help but feel a little nervous at this moment.

If it can succeed this time, it means that one of the most difficult parts of this plan will be completely solved.

It can be said that it directly paved the way for the subsequent progress.

Therefore, she held her breath and concentrated more, and her smooth forehead was covered with a layer of fine sweat.

Mu En gradually calmed down.

It seemed that the unbearable severe pain had faded from his body. He seemed to be really in the warm spring water, with a peaceful smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the red eyes of Teacher Meila, who seemed to be able to see through everything, the changes in Mu En's body had reached the final stage.

Under the influence of external forces, those complex magic matrices had completely merged with his flesh and blood, as if they had really turned into his own meridians.

And the most important alchemical core was only one step away at this moment.

As long as this last step was completed, it would be possible...


Suddenly, Mu En in the spring water cried out in pain.

And this cry of pain soon turned into a scream.

His whole body spasmed violently, as if he had touched high voltage electricity.

There were tragic wounds that inexplicably appeared on Mu En's body, and the bright red blood flowed out, dyeing the entire golden pool red in an instant!

The red flames lit up, but even the flames could not catch up with the speed of the wounds. In just a few breaths, Teacher Meila could feel the vitality in Mu En's body quickly fading!

"Damn it!"

Teacher Meila's eyes were gloomy.

Then, without hesitation, he stretched out his hand and pointed.


A melodious bell sounded, and a huge clock shadow appeared behind her.

Countless gears under her feet turned.

The longer hand on the clock suddenly reversed!


The bell sounded again.

Change began.

As if it was played backwards.

The blood in the pool flowed back into Mu En's body, and his wound healed. His expression changed from ferocious to calm, and then to ferocious again.

A ray of moonlight flew up from the pool and fell back into Teacher Meila's palm.

The alchemical core and magic matrix in Mu En's body returned to their original state, as if nothing had happened just now.

The golden pool water also began to roll again.

"Did it really appear? Rejection reaction."

The huge clock shadow disappeared, and Teacher Meila also turned her hand to put away the moonlight.

After a brief annoyance, she quickly regained her composure.

Emotional changes cannot solve any problems.

Moreover, she did not gain nothing.

"It is certain that this road is not feasible."

"The silent power of the moon can indeed calm the fierce conflicts in the process of change, but it cannot change the nature of this change."

"Rebirth from death... enough to overturn the existing alchemy system, is it really not so easy to break?"

"I need to think of other ways, think again..."

But thinking about it, Teacher Meila suddenly became dazed.

I always feel...did I forget something?

"Fuck you!"

Almost at the same time when this thought came up, a roar with three parts of shame, seven parts of pain, and ninety parts of anger sounded throughout the flower sea.

"Mei! La! Teacher!"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot about my stupid apprentice, he is still soaking in the water."

Finally remembering what she forgot, Meila raised her head suddenly, and then saw a red figure like a shrimp jumping out of the pool.

Mu En felt the burning sensation that almost boiled his whole body, and almost couldn't help but burst into tears. He looked at Teacher Meila with grief and anger, and gritted his teeth and said:

"What do you want to do? Do you want to boil your only disciple, your cute, handsome, gentle and charming disciple to death?"

"Oh, there was a little accident. I accidentally raised the water temperature a little."

Teacher Meila spread her hands and said cutely:

"My dear disciple, please forgive me."

"What do you mean the water temperature is a little high? Don't think that you can pretend that nothing happened just because you turned back time!"

Mu En said angrily:

"I can also contact the Eternal Clock, and the memory after the time is reversed will not disappear!"


Teacher Meila was stunned for a moment, then smiled nonchalantly:

"I almost forgot this, silly disciple, what do you want to do?"


Mu En pursed his lips hard and stared at Teacher Meila. The grief and anger in his heart rolled like a tide.

It's so hateful!

It’s fine if he tortures me normally, but at least he would remind me in the past.

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