Then think carefully.

As the details just unfolded in my mind bit by bit.

Mu En's eyes widened little by little involuntarily.

"That move just now... was thunder?"

My, thunder?

"Yes, it is indeed the trick you used. It took me 0.01 second to learn it, and then another 0.01 second to improve it, that's all."

Damn, what kind of ultimate golden collector's edition Sharingan is this?

It's too exaggerated to know how to do it at a glance and to improve it easily.

"This is the benefit that experience brings. No matter what martial arts or magic, I can basically understand the principle of its operation at a glance, and I can make certain improvements based on the original basis.

As for the improved power..."

Teacher Meira showed a proud smile and said:

"In my hands, even with magic power, the power will be about a hundred times that of yours."

But you are probably about a hundred times my age.

Mu En complained secretly in her heart.


The smile at the corner of Teacher Meira's mouth suddenly dropped, she lowered her head to look at Mu En, and suddenly said:

"Speaking of which, strictly speaking, I haven't really taught you anything since you became my disciple."


Mu En was stunned.

"I have to fulfill my duties as a teacher, don't I?"

Teacher Meira stood up and said:

"Or are you unable to get up anymore?"

"Who can't get up!"

Mu En's eyes lit up, he stood up straight, pulled out Elizabeth, and said fiercely:

"I'm still holding on."

"very good."

Meera nodded with satisfaction, then looked around, and picked up a toothpick from the leftover melon and fruit plate beside the hot spring pool.

"Since we are going to use weapons to teach, I will use this to practice with you."


Looking at the toothpick, Mu En twitched the corner of her mouth, subconsciously glanced under herself, breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Teacher Meira, your connotation is too forced."

"What's the connotation?"

"Ahem, I'm talking nonsense, don't pay attention."

Teacher Meira glanced at Mu En strangely, and then her eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, and her smile returned to Mu En's familiar bright smile.

"By the way, before that, I have to ask you a question in advance."


"What do you think about the tulle loli punch, the King Kong Barbie, and the hundred times your age? What do you mean?"


Mu En's body suddenly stiffened.


Forgot that this old loli can read minds and hold a grudge!

But it's too late.

Teacher Meira twisted the toothpick.

At this moment, the sky was bright.

There seemed to be endless thunder wrapped around that little toothpick.

Falling with a bang.

42. Stack

A few minutes later.

After a period of fierce and unwilling struggle, Mu En finally exhausted her last bit of strength and collapsed to the ground like soft mud.

A head of yellow hair was blown up to look like a killer.

Teacher Meira sat on him again, elegantly eating the fruit on the plate with the toothpick in her hand.

"Not bad, boy, three minutes and five seconds, better than I thought."


With a numb face, Mu En turned her head and looked at the slender toothpick in Teacher Meira's hand, with deep fear in her eyes.

He never thought that an ordinary toothpick could explode with such terrifying power in the hands of Teacher Meira.

He could feel the fragility of the toothpick,

It can be felt that Teacher Meira did not instill much fighting spirit, nor did she even use much strength.

He could even feel that Teacher Meera's moves were still just thunder.

But that simple thunder move had a different change in her hands.

Thunder thunders.

It was originally just a shock wave that sounded like thunder, but when she used it, it seemed to have truly become the evolution of thousands of thunders.

He could still clearly recall the terrifying feeling he endured when he held Elizabeth in his hand and came into contact with the toothpick, as if he was really being hit by a thousand thunderbolts at the same time.

But that wasn't thunder.

Thunder is just an ordinary martial skill without any elemental characteristics.

Its essence is still the shock wave caused by the sound of the body or fighting spirit.

But why can the power of a simple shock wave be so different?

Is Teacher Meira's "slight" improvement really so terrifying?


It seemed that Mu En was confused, but Teacher Meira did not answer directly and asked instead:

"Boy, do you know what your current flaw is?"


Mu En took a hard breath and thought carefully, "The moves are too single? Three axes? Lack of powerful martial arts?"

Actually, you don’t have to think about it carefully.

These shortcomings had long been discovered by Mu En when she was dueling with the banshee who was a level above him.

The skills he can use now are Shadow Step, which is a sword technique evolved from the dagger fighting technique, and Thunder.

Other than that, no more.

That's why it's the three-axe.

Sanbanaxe has no problem when facing opponents with similar strength to himself, but once the opponent is stronger than himself in terms of physical strength, this weakness will become apparent.

"Hey, it seems that you are very clear about your current situation."

Teacher Meila glanced at Mu En unexpectedly and said:

"But in my opinion, your problem is not here."

"Not... here?"

Mu En frowned, a little puzzled.

"The so-called skills are not the more the better, but the more suitable the better. Your footwork and swordsmanship are very suitable for you, and can fully show the characteristics of time delay, so for you, that is the best."

"Even the move you call thunder..."

Teacher Meila grabbed her hand and said: "Well, it has a short pre-swing, rapid burst, strong concealment, can catch people off guard, and can interrupt many skills or magic. It is a move with a wide range of applications for you.


Teacher Meila changed her voice, "In all your moves, that is, the three axes you call yourself, there is no ability in a certain aspect."

"A certain aspect?"

"Yes, it is a means of breaking force with force."

"Breaking force with force?"

Mu En couldn't help frowning.

He was a little confused.

So far, he has been walking all the way to the end on the road of a mad assassin with agility, sharp swordsmanship, and fearlessness of death.

Suddenly asking him to break through force with force, isn't it a bit...

"It's a bit of a waste of time?"

Teacher Meila seemed to see through him directly and sneered:

"Think carefully, what are the difficulties you have encountered so far?"

"What situation..."

Mu En subconsciously fell into recollection.

Then, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In fact, it is not difficult to think, because so far, he has not had many direct confrontations with the enemy.

And every time he suffered a loss, it was because...

"'Forced' to fight the enemy head-on, but at a disadvantage in strength, so he suffered a big loss.

Is that right?"

"...That's right."

"That's right, no matter how fast you are, how weird your steps are, and how strong the Eternal Clock is, you will always have to confront the enemy head-on, or fall into a moment where you can't show your advantages.

Like now."

Teacher Meila clapped her hands.


Mu En felt that the soft body pressing on him suddenly became heavy, as if a mountain was crushing down.

Caught off guard, Mu En almost fainted.

"Look, for example, in this situation, which of your three tricks is effective?"

Teacher Meila lowered her head, looked at Mu En's blushing face, and asked with a smile.


Mu En took a deep breath, and finally came back to his senses under the pressure of this thousand-pound loli, gritted his teeth and said:

"The power difference is too big, any trick is useless."

"Well, that's right, it's like this under normal circumstances, but you are different."

Teacher Meila stared into Mu En's eyes, and her amber-like red eyes bloomed with an extremely deep and fanatical light,

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