"Although the extent of what you can use now is extremely limited, as long as you can use it, the possibilities that the power of time brings to you... are endless!"


These two words were like chisels, slamming into Mu En's mind, causing his mind to agitate involuntarily.

"Perhaps you yourself are aware of this subconsciously, so you want to learn powerful martial arts, because to a certain extent, powerful martial arts can also make up for your shortcomings in this area.

However, I do not recommend you to learn powerful martial arts at this time.

There are two reasons. "

Teacher Meira stretched out her fingers and gestured:

"First, powerful martial arts generally require a certain amount of forward movement. Other warriors who specialize in this art can create this opportunity through other moves, but you cannot.

Secondly, most of the exquisite martial arts require reaching the human limit at the fourth level and being able to use fighting energy to condense in order to exert their maximum power. For you now, this is a very uneconomical behavior.



Mu En looked straight at Teacher Meira, her mouth suddenly going dry.

"So your genius teacher thought carefully for a few tenths of a second and created a technique tailor-made for you.

——Stack. "

"Stack? Is that the move just now?"

Mu En smacked her mouth, "But I didn't see anything clearly."

"So you are a stupid disciple with such a poor understanding."

Teacher Meera curled her lips in disgust, then raised the toothpick in her hand again.

"Slow it down this time so you can see clearly."

In an instant.

Everything about time slowed down.

Extremely slow.

The toothpick in Teacher Meira's hand stretched out slowly. Because it was too slow, Mu En was a little doubtful whether the toothpick had moved.


The toothpick suddenly trembled.


Trembling again.

Thunder again.

Keep vibrating.

Ten times, twenty times...

A hundred times.

Thunder trembled a hundred times, but because time moved too slowly, the aftermath of the first time was not over yet, and the tremor of the hundredth time had just begun.

Then, time returns to normal.

The terrifying excitement suddenly opened in front of Mu En's wide eyes.

A hundred thunders.

bloom at the same time.

Like thunder falling from the sky!

"Now you can see clearly."

Teacher Meira chuckled and said:

"As I said just now, this is not a move, but a skill, a superimposed skill.

The power is superimposed instantly and then released instantly, thus bursting out with unimaginable power.

In short, if it doesn't work once, just do it ten times, a hundred times, or a thousand times.

If endurance and intensity are not enough, win through frequency and burst! "

43. Letter

"I always feel that Teacher Meira, what do you mean?"

Facing the old loli's violent remarks, Mu En couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, but then he fell deeply into Teacher Meira's ideas.

Continuously superimpose power, and then release it in an instant.

If it doesn't work ten times, it means a hundred or a thousand times. Just by imagining, Mu En can know what kind of terrifying power will burst out when the power is superimposed enough times.

And if, as Teacher Meira said, this is not a move, but a technique...

"Yes, since it is a skill, it can be applied to more than just thunder."

Seeing through Mu En's doubts, Teacher Meira stretched out a finger and waved it, showing a proud Loli face:

“That’s why I say it’s best for you, because the reason it’s called a technique is that it can be applied to any move you already have.

Whether it's your steps or your sword skills, whether it's ten stacks, a hundred stacks, or a thousand stacks, you can stack them up without limit, as long as you can do it. "

"Unlimited superposition..."

Mu En's breathing became heavy. Even just listening to Teacher Meira's story, he knew how terrifying this superposition was.


"Can I really do this kind of technique now?"

Mu En shook his fist.

The release of power is a fleeting process.

How to superimpose them in an instant and then release them together, in his opinion, that is simply unbelievable.

"Could it be that... we can only rely on the time delay of the Eternal Clock? Hey, wait..."

Mu En suddenly looked at Teacher Meira with wide eyes:

"Then you still cheated just now!"

"Do you think I still need to use the Eternal Clock to deal with a weakling like you?"

Teacher Meira rolled her eyes cutely:

"I did it just now with pure physical body and skills."

"Pure physical skills..."

"Yes, this technique can not only be done, but it can also be done without the help of the Eternal Clock."

Teacher Meira hooked her fingers lightly, and a continuous trembling sound was heard in the air.

"In fact, this technique is also used in some rare martial arts, but due to its limitations, the hard work involved is completely out of proportion to the rewards, so it is naturally regarded as useless by ordinary people.

But you are different. The existence of the Eternal Clock can magnify the results of this technique by multiples.

Because the key to this technique is to be fast enough, and the Eternal Clock, in a sense, allows you to go faster! "

"Hurry up and speed up..."

Mu En swallowed.

Dry mouth.

The mood is stirring.

After receiving Teacher Meira's explanation, he immediately understood how terrifying this skill would be with the blessing of the Eternal Bell.

If he is in a normal state, he can only achieve the most basic secondary superposition...

Ten times the time delay is twenty stacks.

The current limit of sixty times the time delay... is one hundred and twenty stacks.

One hundred and twenty times the power is instantly superimposed! How terrifying this must be!

"How about it, do you want to learn?"

Teacher Meira tilted her little head and asked with a smile.


Mu En clenched his fists and said solemnly:

"Please teach me, Teacher Meira!"

"Haha, since my only stupid disciple is begging me like this, there is nothing I can do. Can you stand up?"


Mu En turned over and held Elizabeth tightly in her hands.

Teacher Meira had already stood quietly, holding the small toothpick in her hand again.

"Nothing progresses faster than actual combat."

Teacher Meira smiled, not hiding the vindictive evil in her eyes, and said with a hooked finger:

"I'm not a grudge-bearing person. This time, I'll let you attack first."


Thinking of the ravage just now, Mu En grinned bitterly, but then quickly gathered his thoughts and held his breath to concentrate.

In sight, there was only Teacher Meira... and the toothpick in her hand.

"Then...I'm here!"

Mu En took a deep breath, and the strength in her whole body surged like a sea wave, without any reservation.

He bowed and turned into an afterimage like a cannon being discharged from the chamber, and rushed toward Teacher Meira.

The following time was nothing short of a hellish situation for Mu En.

It was said to be a demonstration teaching, but Teacher Meira showed no mercy at all, pushing Mu En to the limit every time. Every time, Mu En could hear the whine coming from the deepest part of her body.

It seemed that she only needed to add another grain of rice to make Mu En completely collapse.

But she kept teasing Mu En on the verge of collapse and refused to go in, which made Mu En really want to die.

However, I have to say that an excellent teacher shows its benefits here.

While feeling extremely painful, Mu En could feel her rapid progress.

That was an improvement that I couldn't compare to after spending more than a dozen days and nights immersed in the black book and experiencing hundreds of deaths.

Any wrong movement, wrong use of force, or even just a deflection of the sword will be pointed out sternly, and then the physical pain will be used to make him remember it firmly.

In the hands of Teacher Meira, he seemed to have turned into the simplest raw jade, being carved bit by bit into an unaffordable appearance, and would eventually shine brightly.

A few hours later, Mu En was finally drained completely.

After even the flames of the Wither King in his body couldn't squeeze out any strength, he completely collapsed to the ground, and then Teacher Meira dragged him into the hot spring pool like a dead dog.

The water in the pool, which had already cooled down, was still filled with a faint golden color. Mu En's body was like that of a hungry beast, madly and greedily devouring the majestic medicinal power in the pool to make up for the shortfall in the body.

"How about it?"

Beside the pool, Teacher Meira, who was happy with her revenge, asked with a bright face:

"Do you feel like you've evolved?"

"I haven't evolved at all. I feel like I'm melting."

Mu En leaned back in the pool, looked at her trembling hands, and smiled bitterly.

He finally understood why Teacher Mela said that this technique was extremely useless to other warriors. After so much effort and hard work, the results were still impressive. If he had this spare time, he might as well learn how to fly with big bricks. .

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