
“In the final analysis, is it still physical strength?”

The superposition of several times of strength in an instant will bring about several times of physical burden in an instant.

Coupled with the burden brought by the time delay itself, if the physical strength is not enough, I am afraid that the attack will not fall on others, and I will explode on the spot first.


"not enough!"

Mu En stood up suddenly and said in a loud voice:

"Come again, I want more and more!"

"Come on kid."

Teacher Meira didn't move, just rolled her eyes, "With your current small body, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of bed for half a month."


Mu En slipped back into the pool, "Okay then..."


Seeing Mu En's disappointed expression, Teacher Meira suddenly showed a bright smile:

"If you like to be abused so much, I can satisfy you."


Mu En was stunned.

Haven't reacted yet.

I saw Teacher Meira snap her fingers happily.

The scene around Mu En changed instantly.

He is in the air.

And under the butt... is a well of mercury as calm as a mirror.

"Depend on!"

Mu En looked up to the sky and roared with grief and anger:

"You old loli, remember this for me. I will definitely do it when I have the chance..."

The endless mercury rolled up and gradually submerged the raised middle finger.

"Oh, I am such a good teacher for being so satisfied with my disciples."

Listening to the roar coming from the soles of her feet, Teacher Meira stood up and clapped her hands with satisfaction.

Then her expression instantly became serious.

"Skills, moves, etc. are all minor issues. With how desperate that kid is, I'm afraid he will master them soon.

The real big problem is..."

Teacher Meira held her little hands behind her back and walked back and forth in the sea of ​​flowers. While frowning slightly, she kept saying:

"Transforming death into life, transforming death into life... is it so difficult to transform only part of death into life?"

Suddenly, she raised her eyebrows and looked aside.

The space suddenly became distorted, and Professor Plank's voice came from it:

"Teacher Meladomir, I have your letter."

"Whose letter is it from?"


Professor Plann paused: "His Majesty the Pope of the Church of Life."

44. Angry

"Ah, it's snowing."

I don’t know how long she was tortured in the sea of ​​flowers. When Mu En walked out of the big bell tower, she happened to see the first snowflake falling in the white sky.

Winter has arrived.

Mu En suddenly felt a little sad.

Unknowingly, he had experienced three seasons here. It didn't sound like a long time, but Mu En always felt like he was in another world.

"Speaking of which, it seems like it's been a long time since I went to class as usual."

In front of the big bell tower, students passed by in a youthful way. When they saw Mu En beside them, they would show their surprised eyes.

However, Mu En rarely saw the fear and disgust in their eyes before, only the surprise and strangeness of a person who had suddenly disappeared for a long time appeared again.

There was even a brave first-year girl who came over to talk with a smile: "Senior Mu En, you have disappeared for so long, are you hooking up with another super battleship?"

"What do you think?" Mu En blinked and joked.

"I heard that the date for your engagement ceremony with the student council president has been set. If you continue to flirt with women like this, aren't you afraid of being sanctioned by the president?"

"She dares?"

Mu En made a serious face, "Do you know who has the final say in the Campbell family?"

"Hehe, I recorded it and I'm going to tell the president."

"Don't, don't, don't..."


After some joking, Mu En also gave up the idea of ​​going to class now.

Anyway, I've been absent from school for so long, so I won't miss this day.

And since he became a disciple of Teacher Mela, the professors and teachers at the college seemed to have acquiesced in his behavior of not going to class for a long time.

Sure enough, it's good to have thighs. Like before, he had to spend a long time with Teacher Cade to take a month's leave.

"Anyway, let's go relax first."

After being ravaged back and forth in the sea of ​​flowers by Teacher Mela and the well of mercury for a long time, although the physical damage and fatigue have been completely recovered, the spirit still needs to be appropriately relaxed.

Only by combining work and rest can efficiency be maximized.

As for ways to relax…

Mu En rolled her eyes and looked at the elementary school girl aside:

"Junior girl, do you know anyone who is good at plant-based magic?"

Ancient Potions Classroom.

In the quiet classroom, a rhythmic knock on the door suddenly sounded:

"Little Rabbit, little Rabbit, open the door, here comes the Big Bad Wolf."


"Hey, isn't the little white rabbit here?"

The classroom door was suddenly pushed open, and a golden head poked in.

Mu En turned her eyes and saw Anna sitting quietly by the window.

She was still sitting at the desk where she usually sat, leaning sideways with her chin in her hands and quietly looking at the falling snowflakes outside the window.

The silver uniform on her body outlines the devilishly perfect curves. Under the light red pleated skirt, two slender thighs wrapped in black silk intersect, and then hang naturally from the desk. The polished small leather shoes are lightly Tread lightly on the ground.

She seemed to be humming something and tapping her feet.

"Eh? Didn't you hear that?"

Mu En blinked, raised his voice and shouted:

"Little white rabbit? Senior sister?"

Anna still didn't look back, as if she didn't even notice that there was an extra person in the classroom.

"Something's wrong..."

Mu En knew something was wrong, and her expression suddenly became serious.

He tiptoed into the classroom, stretched out one foot and flicked it, closed the classroom door, and then locked it.

Then he walked up to Anna in a hurry.



"My dear senior sister?"


"My dearest senior Anna?"


"Ah, is it possible that you are angry?"

Mu En leaned down, trying to peek into Anna's eyes.

But she kept looking out the window with her chin on her head, refusing to look at herself no matter what.

Mu En could only see her profile.

The tear mole at the corner of her eye still revealed a charming temperament, and her beautiful face was full of calm, as if there was no change in emotion.

But she was definitely angry.

"It's strange. I don't seem to have done anything to make my senior sister angry."

Mu En scratched his head in confusion.

During this period of time, he has been being abused in the sea of ​​flowers, so there is no way he would do anything that would make his senior sister angry.

Could it be that she was angry just because she hadn't come to see her in the past few days?

When did senior sister become so clingy?

"Senior, are you really going to ignore me?"

"..." Still ignored.

"You can ignore me..."

Mu En moved closer and said softly:

"But you can't ignore this bouquet of flowers that I spent a lot of effort to find for you in this desolate winter. It's the most beautiful flower in the entire college."

As he spoke, Mu En suddenly took out a bouquet of flowers from behind.

The bright red petals are delicate and green, and are even more beautiful when reflected by the white snow outside the window. The light floral fragrance fills the air, intertwined with the fragrance of Anna's body, and is particularly sultry.

Seemingly attracted by the flowers, Anna finally turned around.

"The most beautiful flower in the college?"

Ana lowered her head, a smile appearing on her beautiful face.

"Yes, yes, the most beautiful flower!"

Seeing Bingyan thawed, Mu En was immediately overjoyed and said hurriedly:

"Senior sister, look at the vast whiteness in this college. Where can I find such beautiful flowers? I have spent a lot of effort to..."

"But since it is the most beautiful flower, why don't you give it to your fiancée who is about to get engaged? Why did you give it to me?"

The senior sister is still smiling.

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