Mu En's expression suddenly stiffened.


Mu En looked blankly at the girl in front of him who didn't exude any dangerous aura, but his teeth trembled involuntarily:

" shouldn't be still angry about what happened that day."

"That day? I have no idea what day you are talking about, Classmate Mu En."

Anna flipped up her hair and chuckled:

"Are you talking about the day you were taken away by Her Royal Highness the Princess? How is that possible? Am I someone who would be angry over such trivial things?"

That’s weird!

He is definitely angry!

Mu En shivered and immediately explained:

"Senior, please listen to my explanation. There was nothing I could do about the situation at that time. You know, Celicia is so strong, and I am no match for her. There is nothing I can do about being dragged away by her!"

"Really? It's true. After all, my junior is so weak that there's nothing he can do about being dragged away by force."

Anna's voice changed and she suddenly said: "Then if strength is not considered, give the junior another chance to choose..."

Listening to the soft words in her ears and looking at the red lips opening and closing in front of her eyes, Mu En's eyes suddenly widened.

The premonition of death buzzed crazily in his mind again.



You can't let the senior sister continue talking, otherwise he will definitely fall into that terrible death question again!

"Give junior another chance to choose, junior will... ugh!"

Anna's question ended.

Because Mu En suddenly leaned forward and chose to kiss her senior sister's lips, which were more delicate than flowers.

45. One of the reasons

Mu En suddenly leaned forward and kissed Anna's lips, which were more delicate than flowers.


Anna's delicate body stiffened for a moment, but then became enchanting and soft, and she gradually became blurred when she looked at Mu En's autumn-like eyes.

She stretched out Rouyi, hugged Mu En's neck, opened her red lips to greet him, and responded enthusiastically.

The four lips touched each other, tongues and teeth intertwined, constantly rubbing and intertwining, constantly exchanging sweet fluids. A thrill like an electric shock spread throughout the two people's bodies, making both of them tremble slightly, and then the movements became more intense.

Mu En stretched out a hand to wrap around Anna's small waist, looking at the girl's intoxicating and beautiful face so close at hand, sniffing the girl's fragrance that filled her entire nostrils, her movements became more powerful, and she wished she could completely melt the girl into her arms. .

And Anna felt the increasingly strong masculine aura surrounding herself, felt the hot savage snake that rushed into her warm cave, captured her softness, and kept licking and charging. She couldn't help but fall softly into Mu En's arms, as if to Completely eliminate the ordinary.

After a long time, the lips parted.

Anna straightened up and was stunned for a while, as if recalling the passion just now.

Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked at the man in front of her with blurred eyes. The anger in her mind had long since flown away, leaving only warm love filling her heart.

"Junior is such a bad person."

Anna beat Mu En's chest coquettishly:

"You're like this...what do you want me to do?"

"Bad people will be bad people."

Mu En chuckled, grabbed Anna's Rouyi, put it in his hand and kneaded it gently, then raised the flowers held in his other hand again.

"Then...can the best senior sister in the college accept this bouquet of the most beautiful flowers in the college?"


Anna gave Mu En a charming look, took the flower and sniffed it gently.

"It smells so good."

"Of course, I am very picky..."

"It's full of magical ripening smell."


"The one responsible for the ripening process is a female magician. Judging from the smell, she is no more than twenty years old..."

"Why can I smell this!"

Mu En hugged Anna and gently apologized:

"Forgive me, senior sister. It's winter, and I can only use this method to get flowers for you. Those in the college's plantation are all medicinal materials. If I pick them, I will be scolded by the professor."


Anna tilted her head and stared at Mu En for a long time, then suddenly smiled, stroking Mu En's hair, her eyes crescent moon:

"Okay, okay, I forgive you, my junior really likes to act like a spoiled brat."

"Humph...because I'm a senior."

Mu En took the opportunity to rub Anna's elastic chest again, raised her head, changed the subject and said:

"By the way, senior, what's going on?"


"Those ones……"

Mu En pointed to the back of the classroom.

At this moment, the bookshelves in the back half of the classroom have been cleared out, and the ancient classics originally stored on them have been put into boxes.

Those precision instruments were also wrapped in cloth and tightly wrapped with ropes.

Mu En actually noticed this as soon as she entered the classroom, but now she had the opportunity to ask about it.

"Senior sister...are you moving the classroom?"


Anna shook her head:

"I'm just packing my things."

"Pack your things? Why?"

"Because I'm dropping out of school."

"Drop out of school... drop out of school?"

Mu En was stunned for a moment, and then a stern look flashed in his eyes:

"Why? Why do you want to drop out of school? Is there anyone else who is forcing you? Is it the silence agency? No, I will go find them now. They are going too far. You are obviously..."


Anna stretched out her fingers and pressed Mu En's mouth, with a hint of sweetness at the corner of her mouth:

"Junior, don't be so anxious. It was my initiative to drop out. No one forced me."


Mu En was even more confused, "Why?"


Anna flipped her hair and said softly:

"I'm going to join the Silence Agency."

"What...what? Join the Silence Agency?"

Mu En's eyes widened in astonishment, unable to accept this turn of events for a moment, and her brain was confused.


Mu En said angrily: "They have obviously persecuted you like this before!"

"They are also following the rules, aren't they?"

Anna comforted:

"And their original intention at that time was to protect me to a certain extent. They just didn't expect those evil believers to be so crazy that they would directly attack the Silence Agency branch."


"Okay, junior, don't be angry, let me tell you another secret."

Anna hugged Mu En again and whispered in his ear:

"Remember the old man I took you to meet last time?"

"That...your adoptive father?"

"Well, his true identity is actually... the sword holder of the Silence Agency."

"What...sword bearer?"

Mu En couldn't accept this turn of events again, and her brain was confused.

The old man did show something unusual at that time, but he never thought that he was the famous sword holder!

What kind of place is the Silence Mechanism? It's a place where no one except the evil god and His Majesty can take advantage of it.

And the sword holder is even more...

"I didn't know about it until now."

Anna tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and sighed:

"Before, I always thought he was just a mysterious old man with some tricks."


The corner of Mu En's mouth twitched hard.

What a cool plot this is.

My adoptive father who runs a grocery store is actually a super awesome boss behind the scenes?

The kind who can have a hundred thousand silent people come to help his grocery store improve its performance with just one order?

"Furthermore, this is not the only reason why I joined the Silence Agency."

"Not only?"

"Well, I told you before..."

Anna smiled slightly, "But it's more straightforward to show it to my junior."

As she spoke, Anna suddenly stretched out her hand.

At the back of the classroom, under the clutter that had been sorted, the shadow reflected by the light outside the window suddenly began to squirm.

Then it turned into a dark pool, gradually swallowing up all the debris.

Soon, the entire back of the classroom was empty.

"This is……"

Mu En swallowed.

"Probably part of the power of Silent Moon was something he didn't have time to take away from my body at that time." Anna said.


Mu En thought of Silent Moon who desperately wanted to take away her senior sister at that time, and suddenly realized something, and then looked at Anna nervously, "It's no problem, after all, he is the evil god..."

"Don't worry, the moon is dead." Anna said softly.

Mu En was also immediately enlightened.

Yes, the moon is dead.

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