The terrifying power of the evil god is that once you are infected with this power, it will be difficult for you to cut off the connection with the evil god.

But Silent Moon is dead, and his power has become ownerless.

There is no purer power in the world than this.

"So, you want to join the Silent Agency?"

"Well, apart from the Church's Judgment Temple, there is probably no place in the world that knows more about the evil god than the Silent Agency. There, I can learn how to master this power thoroughly."

Anna gently rubbed Mu En's cheek and said:

"Didn't I say it? I can protect my junior in the future."

"Senior sister..."

Anna's gentleness made Mu En's heart warm, and he took the opportunity to stab her broad chest hard.

"But this is just one of the reasons."

"Still one of the reasons?"

Senior sister joined the Silent Agency, and she actually considered so much?

Mu En blinked and asked curiously:

"What other reasons are there?"

"As for this last reason..."

Anna stared at Mu En straight, her expression somewhat meaningful.

But just when Mu En felt uncomfortable being stared at by this gaze, she suddenly smiled and said playfully:

"I won't tell you this bad guy~"

46. Create memories

"I won't tell you this bad guy~"

Looking at the playful senior sister, Mu En was helpless.

The gentle senior sister often showed this kind of devil-like playfulness.

But every time, he was helpless against her teasing.

But such a senior sister is also more charming, isn't it?

Mu En couldn't help but kiss Anna gently on the forehead again.

The girl had made up her mind, so he had no reason to say anything else.

Although it was a pity that I couldn't often be affectionate in the academy in the future, the headquarters of the Silent Agency was in Belrand. At most, I could skip a few more classes, and nothing hard to see would happen.

"So, the senior sister is waiting for me?"

Mu En asked with a smile again.

Although the things had been packed long ago, the girl was still waiting in the place that they were most familiar with.

The girl's little thoughts touched Mu En's softest part.

"Yes, I'm waiting for my junior."

Anna's face was gentle and she smiled:

"I knew my junior had returned to the academy, so I waited here on the first day, but he never showed up, and I couldn't contact him, so I could only wait and wait and wait...

You see, I didn't wait for long, it was only less than a month."

"One... one month?"

Mu En felt a chill on his back, and shivered:

"So long?"


Anna suddenly narrowed her beautiful eyes and said coldly:

"You didn't go out to fool around again during this period, so you forgot the time."

"No, no, no, absolutely not, I was just obsessed with cultivation during this period, and I definitely didn't do anything strange."

Mu En hurriedly explained and quickly told about the abuse he had suffered in the sea of ​​flowers during this period.

Anna's eyes became even colder, "White-haired Loli..."

"More than a thousand years old, she is more than a thousand years old!"

Mu En looked around and said cautiously:

"No matter how I think about it, I can't have any feelings for the ultimate boss who is more than a thousand years old, or my teacher."

"Is that so..."

Seemingly accepting this explanation, Anna finally smiled:

"So my junior has been so hard during this period, I have wronged my junior."


Mu En breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a smile:

"It's not hard, but I did make you wait for a long time, so I have to compensate you."

"Compensation, how to compensate?"


Mu En smiled evilly , and suddenly leaned over, gently hugged Anna, and whispered in her ear:

"How about making up for a good memory?"


Anna blinked, and then suddenly thought of something, her cheeks flushed, and her little hand hammered Mu En's chest, and said coquettishly:

"This is a classroom."

"Isn't the classroom better? And since it's a good memory, it has to be in this place where we have the most memories, so it can be called profound, right?"

Mu En stroked Anna's cheek and said:

"Don't worry, this place is very remote, and now it's the time for most students to go to class, no one comes."

"The place with the most memories..."

Anna's eyes swept across the classroom.

Indeed, this place carries many of her memories.

She opened this club, where she constantly studied ancient classics and snake diseases.

And the quiet and beautiful time with her junior here.

Just thinking about it makes people smile.

In this case...

"Then... okay."

Anna turned around and gave Mu En a charming look.

"I just can't beat you, a bad guy."

"Senior sister, you are so nice!"

Getting Anna's consent, Mu En gently hugged Anna tighter, and his dirty hands had begun to grope her sensitive parts.

"Wait a minute."

But Anna suddenly pushed Mu En away, exhaled orchid fragrance and said:

"Don't...just like this."

"Just like this?"

Mu En blinked, a little puzzled.


Anna responded softly, and with a sudden wave of her hand, all the curtains closed automatically, plunging the entire classroom into darkness.

She unbuttoned the two buttons on her chest, but did not continue down. She just raised her head slightly, looked from bottom to top, and glanced at Mu En charmingly.

That goblin-like gaze, combined with her half-exposed white and round skin, and the bottomless ravine, immediately made Mu En's mouth go dry.

Seeing Mu En's impatient look, Anna showed a wicked smile on her lips, and the tear stains at the corners of her eyes were even more charming.

But she still didn't let Mu En hug her.

Anna sat on the desk, and her slender fingers suddenly followed the slender black silk thighs, slowly going up, up, and up again.

Until the short skirt covered the depths that Mu En's eyes could not reach.

Then, under Mu En's increasingly hot gaze, her snake-like waist twisted slightly.

Fingers twitching.

Accompanied by the clear sound of swallowing saliva, Anna's two slender thighs were gently rubbed, and then, a small, black, lace fabric slowly slid down her smooth thighs.

And on the small piece of fabric, a small red bow was trembling slightly with Mu En's heavier breathing, as if it would flap its wings and float up at any time.

Ana held the desk with both hands, slowly raised one of her slender thighs, hooked the piece of fabric, and her black silk-wrapped feet lightly moved in front of Mu En's chest.

The buttons were unbuttoned, but there were still only two buttons, just enough to reveal Mu En's increasingly strong chest muscles under her thin clothes.

Anna hooked the fabric, lightly swept it on Mu En's chest, and said with a wicked smile:

"Junior, girls don't like men who are impatient."

"But who made you, a little devil, so seductive?"

Mu En suppressed the evil fire in her body, grabbed the cloth, stuffed it into her pocket, and said viciously:

"To punish you, this belongs to me!"

Anna rolled her eyes at Mu En and said coquettishly:


"I'm a pervert, doesn't my senior understand that very well?"

Mu En chuckled, then lowered his head, grabbed the senior sister's feet, and rubbed them gently.

And his eyes followed her calves all the way up.

The pleated short skirt still fit Anna's round thighs, perfectly blocking the sacred area that should have been unobstructed at this moment.

At this moment, Anna, from top to bottom, was just missing an insignificant piece of fabric.

She is not even as exposed as some of the bad girls in the academy usually dress up.

But just like that, at this moment, the uniform she was wearing that could be seen everywhere in the academy seemed to be contaminated with special magic power, giving Mu En a different kind of charm and excitement.

"Damn it, did you do this to me?"

Mu En took a deep breath, and a hot light burst out of her eyes.

He stroked the smooth and tight palms, sniffed the alluring fragrance at the tip of his nose, and kept moving forward, following the guidance that had been prepared for him.

Just like a brave explorer, with the mentality of victory, taking firm steps, walking into the unknown depths without hesitation.

He is determined to continue to open up a warm path that is unique to him in this dark forest.

47. Very shocked!

"It should be right here."

In the empty and silent corridor of the building, a pretty figure suddenly appeared.

It's Liya.

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