It was clearly class time, but she suddenly came to this old club building that she would never come to normally and was said to be abandoned soon.

It was her first time here, and the unfamiliar environment made her a little nervous. She only relied on a piece of paper in her hand to determine the location.

"The innermost classroom..."

Liya raised her head and looked at the doorplate on the door of the classroom in front of her:

"Ancient Potion Club? Hey, does our college have this club?"

"Forget it, according to the address Muen Campbell gave me, it's here."

Finally found the location, Liya put away the note with satisfaction, but suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew, making her shrink her neck and shiver.

"This place... is so remote..."

She looked around.

Although it is class time now, not all students' classes are crowded together.

Logically, there should be one or two students passing by.

But at this moment, there was no one in sight.

The whole floor was filled with abandoned classrooms, with some strange club names written on them. They were probably some niche clubs that gradually declined over time.

The empty classrooms and empty buildings reminded Leah of the horror stories about ghosts and demons that Ariel had told her before to scare her.

"Moon Campbell really has bad intentions for inviting me to such a remote place! I was almost fooled by his sweet words before!"

Leah clenched her fists and waved them, saying with some gritted teeth.

She hadn't contacted her for nearly a month, and she thought that Moon Campbell had forgotten what happened before, and was labeling that guy as treacherous.

She had spent all the money she had saved before, and she was planning to sneak out of the college again and make money by playing.

But Moon Campbell suddenly contacted her.

Now it seems that Moon Campbell may not have forgotten, but was planning something in the past month!

Otherwise, the whole college is so big, why would he invite herself to such a secluded place?

There must be a conspiracy!

Ariel was right. People like Muen Campbell should not be trusted easily!

A glimmer of wisdom flashed in Liya's eyes.



I was careful.

It was a very genius choice to come here one day in advance to check the place.

Otherwise, I might really fall into his trap!

"Hehe, Muen Campbell, do you really think I am big-breasted and brainless?"

Liya proudly put her hands on her waist for a while,

"I will beat you up!"

Muen Campbell must have chosen such a remote place for a deep meaning.

That is, at this time, I just need to come secretly to investigate and naturally reveal his conspiracy!

"It's just..."

Liya poked her head in confusion, "It seems that I can't get in."

All the windows of the classroom were covered tightly by light blue curtains, without even a gap.

And Liya pushed the door of the classroom hard, and found that it was also motionless, as if it was locked.

"It's so hidden, there must be something that can't be seen in the light!"

Liya waved her fist vigorously again, and the waves on her chest surged.

She became more and more certain of her guess.

She also became more and more determined to find out the truth!

After walking around, she returned to the window of the classroom.

It was definitely not possible to break the door by force, so her attention gradually fell on the light blue curtains.

The window was closed, but there was room for manipulation.

Besides, she just wanted to take a look at it, which was not difficult.

So Liya stretched out her fingers and rubbed them gently.

From her fingertips, a golden holy light spot bloomed.

The light spot gradually changed into a golden butterfly. With her manipulation, it flapped its wings and passed through the window silently.

It landed on the curtain.

Then, the curtain was pulled open little by little by the butterfly, and Liya saw the scenery inside.

"Hey, is there someone?"

Seeing the figure in the classroom, Liya subconsciously focused and looked carefully.

"That's... Muen Campbell?"

"What is he doing?"

"And it seems that there is more than one person, there is another... girl?"

In the dim classroom, it seemed to be blocked by something, and no sound could be heard, but Muen Campbell's golden yellow hair was still very conspicuous.

[The following 1,000 words are omitted in the river crab, please use your imagination...]

"This is..."

Looking at this scene, Liya suddenly widened her beautiful eyes, and countless lightning and thunder roared in her mind.

This is...

Muen Campbell is bullying people? !

In an instant, her mind completed the picture of Muen Campbell locking an innocent girl in this closed classroom, pressing her under his body, and kicking her hard with his knees!

Too cruel!

Too terrible!

Too unbelievable!

Muen Campbell, how could you do this to a delicate girl?

What to do?

I must save her!

"It's probably too late to call for help, I have to do it myself!"

Liya gritted her teeth and began to gather holy light in her palm.

Although frontal combat is not her strong point, as a candidate saint of the church, how can she sit back and watch such a cruel act happen?

She must stand up!

But just as she was about to forcefully smash the window and shout "beast" to stop this behavior, the actions of the two people in her sight suddenly changed.

[Hehe, the following 1,000 words are omitted, please use your imagination...]


Liya was stunned.

Liya was stunned.

The thunder in her mind fell from the sky, but was rebounded by the invisible force and flew back.

Countless thoughts surged in her mind, and in an instant, they drowned out the idea that Muen Campbell was "bullying" the girl.

Because with the change of actions, she noticed the details that she had not noticed just now.

[Hehe, the following 1,000 words are omitted, please use your imagination...]

"This, this, this, this..."

Looking at this scene, Liya's little head seemed to have many balls of thread played by cats, and countless thoughts were mixed together and messy.

Then, she finally caught the only thread from this messy ball of thread.

Because, even if she had never experienced such a thing, she had never really seen such a thing.

But she still instinctively realized the meaning of this behavior.

"Is this... the legendary... [two words omitted below, please use your imagination]?"

Liya's little face turned red with a puff, and a faint steam floated on her head.

She received strict education from the church since she was a child, and her understanding of the two sexes was still limited to holding hands and kissing. It was just because of curiosity that she read some vague descriptions in novels and stories, and under the influence of Ariel, she occasionally dared to say a few words...

This pure and incomparable future saint was shocked by the scene in front of her!

48. Caught on the spot!

"Is it... the legendary creation of human beings?"

Liya opened her beautiful eyes and stared at the scene in the classroom. The holy light in her hand had long disappeared without a trace, and she subconsciously restrained her own breath.

Looking at the extremely sexy scene once she realized it, Liya's face had already turned red to the root of her neck, and her heart was beating faster and faster, as if it would jump out of her chest at any time.

"This... this is too shameless."

This is a classroom.

How can it be in the classroom?

And in broad daylight?

For that kind of thing, shouldn't it be done secretly in the bed at night, with the lights turned off?

So open and aboveboard...

No, it's not open and aboveboard, after all, the door and curtains of the classroom are well closed, and if I hadn't opened the curtains myself, no one would have noticed.

But... there's not even a bed, standing like this, it's too... too that.

In the field of vision, the girl stood with the help of the table, and even took the initiative to raise her hips, while the blond man hugged the girl's waist and even her chest, and was standing up and conquering vigorously.

Although the pleated skirt perfectly covered the important parts, just from the swing of the pleated skirt, Leah seemed to see that with every powerful thrust of the blond man, a layer of rippling flesh waves would be aroused on the girl's perfectly curved buttocks.

This picture that did not exist in imagination at all, while bringing Leah unparalleled stimulation to her senses, also made her innocent little head like a blank sheet of paper fall into a state of shutdown.

What should I do?

Should I take action to stop this shameless behavior?

But how can I stop it... Where do I get the position and motivation to stop it?

If Muen Campbell really forced the girl to do this, she could certainly stand up.

But the two people in front of her were obviously willing.

Even the girl seemed to be more proactive.

Not to mention her passionate kiss, at this moment, as Leah observed more and more deeply, she finally found that the painful expression on the girl's pretty face, which was also covered with red, was not because of pain.

On the contrary, it was an expression of being unable to bear the extreme pleasure after the pleasure of the mind and body was satisfied at the same time, even full and about to overflow.

Even if she couldn't hear the sound, just by looking at the girl's slightly opened red lips, Leah could imagine how beautiful and gentle it was.

Would that kind of thing really be comfortable?

Leah subconsciously tightened her legs and twisted them hard.

Although she was just watching, she felt a warm current flowing from somewhere in her body, and it also brought a restlessness that made her mind shake.

Ariel said that doing that kind of thing between men and women naked is the most filthy behavior in the world.

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