
Anna came to Liya, stretched out a finger, lifted Liya's chin, and looked at her pretty face carefully. After a moment, she suddenly sighed:

"This face... looks like it would please that guy."

"That's...no way!"

Liya's pretty face turned red again and she said loudly:

"I... really have nothing to do with that guy, and... besides, it's impossible for me to have anything to do with that guy who is full of filth and filth!"




Ana suddenly chuckled meaningfully and said nothing more.

"In that case, I'll leave first, and you can continue with your music appreciation class."

"Hey, are you leaving now?"

Mu En was stunned, then immediately went to hug Anna and said nervously:


"No, who wants to be angry for a bad guy like you?"

Feeling the warm aura that enveloped her, Anna's heart softened and she said helplessly:

"I've wasted enough time just waiting for you. The Silence Agency has urged me several times."

"But there's no need to be so anxious."

Mu En originally wanted to change places with Anna and continue what she was not satisfied with just now.

"This is punishment."


"This is your punishment for being dishonest, junior."

Anna tapped Mu En's forehead hard and said coquettishly:

"Whenever you become honest, come see me again."

"Eh...I don't want..."

"You die..."

"Let me hug you, no, give me a kiss and then leave..."

"Who wants you to hug me? Well, let go."

"Hehe... Senior sister said she didn't want it, but her body is quite honest."


After some tenderness, Mu En reluctantly watched her senior sister leave.

Then he turned his head and looked at another girl in the classroom.

Seeing Mu En turn around, the girl, who was blushing and heart-beating, immediately turned her head to the other side.


Mu En sighed helplessly and went to untie Liya.

The atmosphere in the classroom suddenly became quiet and weird.

For a long time, Liya moved her arms that were tied so numb, lowered her head and asked softly:

"Moon Campbell."


"Why didn't you say anything just now?"

"say what?"

"That's... the real reason why you hired me."

Liya wrung her fingers and said:

"If you tell that senior sister what happened that night and let her understand that you are just helping me out of kindness, there won't be so many misunderstandings at all."

"...I have never wanted to help anyone. I just lack a personal musician, that's all." Mu En glanced at Liya and said fiercely.

"And if there is a misunderstanding, you, the guy who did this, is the culprit of the misunderstanding!"


"Oh, forget it. I've been keeping you for a month and haven't made it clear to you yet. I'm also responsible."

Mu En sighed again:

"You don't have to worry. Only a sensible and gentle person like Senior Sister will not have unnecessary misunderstandings about this kind of thing."


A trace of confusion flashed in Liya's eyes.

She thought of the senior sister just now.

That senior had a mature and intellectual temperament, and her rank was obviously not at the same level as a lower-grade girl like her, nor did she look like she would be deceived by a scumbag at will.

However, it was so obvious that she was so passionately and desperately infatuated with Moon Campbell.

Thinking of her meaningful gaze at that time, Liya couldn't help but raise her head and look at the blond man in front of her.

He stood in the dim light reflected from the window, staring sideways at the white snow and ice, as if he was chasing someone's back.

It was obviously a strange atmosphere where a man and a woman were alone, and they had just experienced that kind of thing, but his blue eyes were still clear and free from any impurities.

"Feel sorry."


Mu En turned her head and looked at the girl who suddenly apologized strangely.

"Sorry, classmate Mu En, I misunderstood you again."

Feeling the warmth that was touched in her heart, Liya sniffed hard, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes with her fingers, and smiled:

"It seems that you are indeed different from what the rumors and Ariel said."

"I have been working hard for so long, but you have finally discovered this now, but it really makes me feel a little ashamed."

Mu En also smiled, took out a handkerchief and handed it to Liya:

"Wipe it. I don't want my personal musician to cry while playing."


Liya took the handkerchief and wiped the corners of her eyes.


But as she rubbed it, she discovered something was wrong.

This handkerchief actually has a strange fragrance and warmth.

Moon Campbell: How could a grown man imitate those little girls and spray perfume on his handkerchief?

Moreover, the color and material...

Liya lowered her head and looked at the handkerchief silently.

The black "handkerchief" has a particularly rebellious and weird shape and lace, and the lace on the edge gives Liya a wonderful touch in her palm.

And in the most conspicuous position of the "handkerchief", a small red bow is fluttering gently in the breeze, as if it is about to turn into a butterfly flapping its wings at any time.



The "handkerchief" also unfolded in her hand.

But this is not a handkerchief at all.

This is...

Liya's pretty face suddenly turned red again. She opened her eyes full of tears and looked up fiercely at Mu En, whose expression also froze.

"Wait, Liya, listen to my explanation. This is a misunderstanding. This time it is really a misunderstanding!"

"Mu En Campbell, you——"

The humiliated whine resounded throughout the building, accompanied by a clear and crisp sound and someone's scream.

"Pervert! Pervert! Shameless! I misjudged you! You are really full of such dirty thoughts!"

"Woo woo... bad guy!"

50. Declaration and Prayer

"Li! Ya!"

It was night.

Ariel looked at the girl who sneaked into the room in front of her, put her hands on her hips, and said angrily:

"Where have you been?"

"Ai... Ariel?"

Liya, who had just entered the room, was frightened, shrank her neck, blinked and said:

"Why are you here?"

"Is it strange that I'm here?"

Ariel frowned slightly, a little confused about Leah's question.

This is Leah's room.

St. Mary's College has always been a single dormitory. If someone else suddenly appeared in Leah's room, it would definitely be extremely abnormal, and it might even evolve into a major event that alarmed the professor.

But Ariel is different.

With her relationship with Leah, she had already obtained the key from Leah through soft and hard work.

Not to mention suddenly appearing here, she basically comes to this room every day.

But Leah is now...

There is something strange.

Ariel's eyes suddenly became sharp, sweeping over Leah like a hawk.

The girl is still the same girl, and it seems that there is no change at all.

But Ariel was so sharp that she still found something different.

For example, at this moment, Leah's cute face looked particularly red and shiny under the light, just like a ripe apple, making people want to take a bite.


"Hmm... Hmm?"

"Why is your face so red?"

"Huh? Is it?"

A trace of panic suddenly appeared in Leah's eyes, and her hands subconsciously touched her cheeks.

Sure enough, there was a strange warmth in her palms.



It took so long to come back.

"Liya, you can't..."

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