Seeing Leah's flustered look, Ariel confirmed her inner guess and her expression gradually darkened.

"You wouldn't, behind my back..."


Liya was shocked.

It's over...

The fact that she secretly went to see Moon Campbell, whom Ariel hated the most, was about to be discovered...

"You secretly went to play in the snow behind my back!"


"Hehe, you little brat, you still want to hide it from me. I knew that Leah's hometown is in the south. Seeing such heavy snow, she will definitely not be able to hold back!"

Ariel put her hands on her hips and showed a smug face that said I am really a genius.

"Your face is so red from the cold, it seems you are having a lot of fun!"



Ariel deliberately frowned again and said viciously:

"You are so mean to go out and play without calling me!"

"I... I am afraid of disturbing Ariel."

Liya pulled the hem of her skirt and forced a cute smile:

"Ariel seems to be very busy recently."

"No matter how busy I am, I still have time to play with you, and you actually left me and ran away during class today, causing me to fall asleep in class and be caught by Professor Plan."

Ariel gritted her teeth and said:

"Do you know how badly he scolded me?"

"...I'm sorry."

"If an apology is enough, what's the point of having breasts!"

Ariel rushed over with her teeth and claws, saying viciously:

"Let me rub your big cow, otherwise it will be difficult to relieve my hatred!"

"Wow...wait, Ariel..."

"Hehe, you can scream, it's useless even if you scream your throat out, the louder you scream, the more excited I will be!"

Ariel's fingers kept stretching and bending, and she scratched Leah's ticklish flesh with ease, ready to teach this childhood sweetheart who has been getting more and more swollen recently.

Liya was also quickly conquered by her claws as usual, laughing and crying, struggling and begging for mercy.


Just when Ariel's claws were about to touch some sensitive parts of Leah smoothly...


Under the sudden force, Ariel staggered back a few steps, and then froze in place.

"Li... Liya?"

Liya actually pushed her away?


Did she go too far?

No, today is not as good as before...


Liya also quickly realized her loss of composure, and in panic, she didn't know where to put her hands:

"Are you...are you okay, Ariel?"

"Are you finally starting to hate me?"

Ariel said loudly in grievance:

"Are you also starting to despise my flat chest?"

"No, no, no, I'm not."

Liya explained more and more panicked:

"How could could I hate Ariel?"

Of course, she couldn't hate Ariel.

It's just that when Ariel wanted to touch her habitually just now, she couldn't help but think of the scene at that time.

The erotic scene she secretly saw during the day.

And as long as she thought of it, her heartbeat would speed up involuntarily.


Damn Moon Campbell.

"I don't hate Ariel, I just... I just feel a little uncomfortable suddenly."

"Feeling a little uncomfortable?"

Ariel's eyebrows were raised, and the grievance in her heart disappeared immediately. She came over anxiously:

"Are you okay?"


Liya shook her head: "It's just a small problem."

"You didn't play in the snow for too long and caught a cold."

Ariel frowned and touched Liya's forehead with her little hand.


It's really hot.

"Why are you so careless, like a child!"

Ariel blamed worriedly.

Liya didn't follow the path of a warrior, her body was relatively weak, and catching a cold was a normal phenomenon.

But being able to play and catch a cold, it feels a little inconsistent with Liya's character...

No, why do I think about these things.

Liya is so innocent, how could she lie to me?

Ariel shook her head, drove those inexplicable thoughts out of her mind, and quickly pulled Liya to stuff her into the quilt.

"Have a good rest. Have you used the Holy Light on yourself? You can't be unable to cure even such a minor illness."

"It's okay."

Liya nodded, then shook her head:

"It's not what you think. I'm not sick, and the discomfort is only temporary..."

"Oh, whether it's temporary or not, have a good rest!"

Ariel tied Leah up like a dumpling with the quilt, and then clapped her hands in satisfaction:

"Then I'll leave first and won't disturb your rest."


Liya responded softly, but then she suddenly stretched out a hand from the quilt as if she thought of something.

"Ariel, this is for you."

"This is..."

Looking at the stack of banknotes in Leah's hand, Ariel widened her eyes in astonishment:

"Where did you get so much money?"

"It''s the subsidy issued by the church."

"Subsidy? Isn't it during the trial period? The church won't help you at all?"

"In terms of funds, they will still provide some subsidy."

"Is that so? I thought the church was really so ruthless."

Ariel nodded without any doubt, then bit her lip and hesitated:

"But if you give me all the money, what will you do? And I have borrowed so much money from you, it's really a bit..."


Liya puffed up her cheeks and pretended to be angry:

"With the relationship between us, you still have such an idea? Are you underestimating me too much!"


In her eyes, Liya's cute and determined face was reflected, and Ariel suddenly felt a warm feeling in her heart.

Yes, with the relationship between her and Liya, why should she care about these?

"Thank you, Liya."

Ariel took a deep breath, took the big stack of Emile, and took Liya's hand tightly, staring into her eyes, and said firmly:

"Believe me, I will definitely make you a saint!"


"By then, I have something to say, I hope you can listen to it." As she said that, Ariel's eyes showed a cunning and shyness.


"Then I'll go first." Ariel waved her hand.


Ariel left the room and turned off the lights in the room.

The room was dark.

But Leah still stared at the empty ceiling with eyes that had not yet adapted to the darkness and could not see anything.

Ariel's statement, which should have deepened the bond between the two in the original plot, was not taken seriously by Leah under some strange influence.


She whispered in a low voice.

That had always been her goal.


Since meeting Muen Campbell, she had done things that violated the name of the saint one by one.

If this goes on...


Liya clasped her hands together and prayed to the faith in her heart:

"Will you forgive Leah like this?"

51. The unevenness of life

Ariel returned to her room.

Open the door.

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