very dark.

Her expression did not change at all, as if she had become accustomed to this darkness.

She groped in her arms for a long time and finally found a...candle.

Ordinary candles.

Only half of it.

Ariel lit the candle with a pinch of her fingertips. The crooked candle even had traces of collecting wax tears and pinching it again. The burning candle light was not very bright.

But for Ariel, it was enough.

It's a good time to practice the [Night Vision] skill.

Kill multiple birds with one stone.

She carefully held the candle, walked into the room, came to her desk, and sat down.

Lost in thought.

a long time.

She touched the warm banknotes in her palm and showed a happy smile.

"Liya, you are so kind to me."

"That little girl is lying."

The second person's voice sounded, the dim candlelight flickered, and a misty shadow gradually floated up. Although the figure was hazy, it could be vaguely seen that she seemed to be a beauty.

Ariel's master.

Mysterious soul powerhouse.

Her silhouette in the candlelight outlines her figure sitting sideways on the desk, looking down at her apprentice.

"I know."

In response to her master's sudden words, Ariel's expression did not change at all and she said softly:

"How could I not be able to distinguish her lies after spending so much time with her? That silly girl can't even lie. How is it possible with the church's funding? This money..."

Ariel looked down at the pile of Emile, tears of emotion welling up in the corners of her eyes:

"I'm afraid Liya earned all this money through her own hard work. You fool, you have been sneaky during this period. Do you really think I didn't notice it?"

At this point, Ariel began to imagine Liya clumsily working hard to make money in her mind.

She is good at Holy Light Technique. Is she going to heal other people's wounds? Or are you going to work for some professors in the college?

To be able to earn so much money, no matter which one you do, it must be very hard. Judging from the look on her face when she came back just now, she must be exhausted.

"……is this okay?"

"Of course it's not good."

Ariel took a deep breath, "But since Liya chose not to tell me, if I keep asking, it will embarrass her."

"Since she sincerely wants to help me, I can't let her down!"

"So the only thing I have to do now is to work harder to improve myself!"

"I must become strong, become strong enough, so that I can really help Liya!"


Ariel looked aside.

At the other end of the desk is a stack of banknotes.

In front of the hill of banknotes, there is a newspaper stuck.

The most prominent section of the newspaper reports the most hotly debated news of the day.

[News came from the palace that Duke Campbell’s son and Princess Celcia will complete their engagement ceremony on the princess’s birthday. 】

"I won't lose to you, Moon Campbell!"

Looking at the newspaper, Ariel's eyes burst out with determination.

"...Well, it makes me very happy that you have such an idea."

Seeing his own disciple bursting with unparalleled fighting spirit and confidence, Xuying couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Although she experienced a lot of setbacks during this period, it still did not dampen her ambition. Instead, it forced her to become stronger mentally and more determined.

This is the necessary quality on the road to greatness.

Beauty Phantom increasingly feels that her vision is right. Ariel Bugarde, her future will eventually affect the direction of the entire world!

"Don't worry, with your efforts, that pampered Duke's son will never be able to catch up with you." Xuying comforted him.

"I know!"

Ariel clenched her fists, "But I still won't let up!"

"Very well, in that case, let's start today's lesson."

"Yes!" Ariel responded loudly and boldly.

"But before the class starts, you have to prepare something."

The beauty's shadow touched her chin, "Five ounces of overlord-level monster scale powder, one ounce of Monel flower pollen, and a pure magic crystal, as well as some accessories, well... I remember that the academy should be able to buy it. these things."

"Huh? You...have to spend money again?"

Ariel was stunned, her heroic expression suddenly collapsed, and she said with a sad face:

"Can we find a new training method that doesn't cost money?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

The beauty Xuying rolled her eyes at her stupid apprentice and said:

"Is there any reason in this world to become stronger without spending money?"

"But...but...those things...are so expensive..."

Ariel lowered her head and looked at the unheated bills in her hands. She originally wanted to dig out some money to add chicken drumsticks to lunch tomorrow, but now...



"Black bread……"

Ariel raised her head, with tears streaming down her face, and smiled:



On the other side, Mu En's dormitory was brightly lit.

It was late at night, but he was holding a piece of paper and busy with the custom-made marble bathtub in front of him.

"Five ounces of overlord-level monster's scale powder... huh? How much does it weigh in an ounce? Forget it, just pour it all in."

"One ounce of Monel flower pollen, um, one-fifth of the pollen just now...ah, it's too fast. How much is the one-fifth of the pollen just now? Forget it, just pour it all in."

"Pure magic crystal, I don't write much about this, I still have ten yuan..."

"And other auxiliary ingredients... they are all worthless things. Put more and more."

After a lot of work, Mu En looked at the liquid in her bathtub that was even a little viscous due to too much material, and twitched the corner of her mouth with a strange expression:

"I always feel that the prescription Teacher Meira gave me is more and more like making soup."

"But I guess she wouldn't trick me in a place like this."

Without thinking much, Mu En took off her clothes and lay down in the bathtub.

For a moment.

The medicine was not strictly mixed according to the prescription, and the violent power of the medicine was condensed, washing over Mu En's body like a tsunami, making his expression suddenly distorted.

If he were an ordinary person, his body might have exploded and died in this random body refining.


"Compared with Teacher Meira and the ravages of the Well of Mercury, you are still far behind!"

Mu En gritted her teeth.

The red flame burned majestically in the body, swallowing up the violent medicinal power, and turned it into pure life force, nourishing Mu En's body.


Mu En breathed a sigh of relief.

The power of the medicine was gradually absorbed bit by bit, and with these days of exercise and various promotions, it pushed Mu En's physical state to improve bit by bit.

Finally, it stopped in front of a barrier.

"Has the second level peaked?"

Mu En moved her hands, feeling the changes in herself with satisfaction, and praised:

"It is indeed a prescription that Teacher Meira said can only be used at the third level, and the effect is outstanding.


Mu En looked down at the liquid in the bathtub that had completely lost its medicinal power, and subconsciously touched her chin.

The middleman Chi Yan made a profit from the price difference, but the actual absorption was probably not even one-third.

"It always feels like a waste."

"……never mind."

But the guilt of this little waste was quickly forgotten by Mu En.

"It's not expensive anyway..."

52. Moving forward

The night was dark and the rain was pouring.

In the pouring rain, Mu En turned into a shadow and quickly walked through the complex and dim streets of the lower city. The cold wind swept across his brows and eyes, making his outline look a bit cold at the moment.

The silent streets were deserted, except for... the snake-like murderous intent circulating.

A ray of cold light suddenly cut off the threads of the falling heavy rain, as if it had been rehearsed thousands of times, piercing Mu En's fatal heart without missing a beat.

Mu En turned slightly, and as if he had practiced it thousands of times, he turned sideways to avoid the long-prepared blow, letting the sharp dagger scratch the corner of his clothes. He turned his head and glanced at the figure in the shadow.

It's a woman.

Wearing a maid outfit.

His expression was as cold as a steel mask.

There was no emotion in the eyes that did not reflect any light.

The sneak attack failed and failed to make the slightest change in her eyes, not even the slightest change in her breathing rhythm.

— Just like when she was still alive as an assassin.

Women do not retreat but advance.

The small dagger flipped flexibly in her hand like a flying butterfly, and then stabbed Mu En's throat with a more fierce move.


Blades touching.

The sparks flying between Elizabeth and the dagger illuminated the faint smile on Moon's lips.

"It seems..."

Mu En flicked the dagger away.

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