Take a step.

Press forward.

The woman turned into an afterimage and retreated several meters in an instant.

But when she raised her head, Mu En was still close to her.

The pure white short blade outlines a bright sword light, which suddenly blooms in the dark night.

"My skills are far superior to yours."

Mu En lowered her eyes, letting the blood on her cheeks be washed away by the heavy rain, and quietly watched the headless maid assassin in front of her fall, then turn into black particles and disappear.


Mu En murmured softly.

Countless swings of the knife, countless lives and deaths.

From being instantly killed at the beginning to defeating him with the skills I learned from her, more than half a year has passed before I knew it.

And this period of time is enough for a man to change completely.

"But it's not enough..."

Mu En took a deep breath and let Elizabeth in her hands dissipate.


make a fist.



It was like thunder splashing in the heavy rain. Under the huge loud noise, the raindrops turned into fine mist, which suddenly spread around the two touching fists.

In a short period of time, a "vacuum" was formed within a few meters around Mu En that rain could not penetrate.

Feeling the pain and numbness from his fist, and looking at the naked man in front of him who exuded a ferocious aura like a beast, Mu En grinned ferociously.


he shouted.

Take the initiative to punch again!




One punch.

Another punch.

There is no bells and whistles, just a simple collision of fists between men!

But this wasn't the style at the beginning.

When Mu En first faced off against this naked man, she couldn't force him to use his full strength. He just used a few tricks at will and was tortured to the point of excruciating pain.

The feeling that every bone and muscle in the body was almost being dismantled with bare hands was still fresh in Mu En's memory.

But as long as it’s a skill, it can be learned.

And when the strength is weak, people will pay more attention to using skills to make up for it.

In countless life-and-death duels, Mu En learned more than just thunder.

Now, everything the naked man has done has now become his nourishment!


The records in the black book are not simply copied dolls.

Apart from being emotionless and unable to think, they are almost the same as when they were alive.

So when this experienced adventurer found that his skills could no longer work on Mu En, he immediately instinctively chose another fighting method specifically targeting Mu En.

That is to use force to defeat force!

When the skills are almost similar, state and strength will become the real key to victory or defeat.

With the man's realm and strength still far surpassing Mu En's, it should be extremely easy to crush him.

Yes, it should be.

"So, as expected of you, Teacher Meira!"

Mu En laughed.

A deafening roar erupted from his fist.

The roar was rapid and short, like thunder striking through rocks.

But in fact, if you lengthen this moment, you will find that it is not a roar.

It was several roars, superimposed in an instant, thus bursting out several times Mu En's original power!

The superposition of several times of instant power will naturally bring an even more terrifying physical burden to Mu En.

During the period of fisting with the man, every bone in Mu En was whining and every muscle was trembling.

His skin cracked like porcelain, and hot blood kept squeezing and splashing out from the flesh, dyeing him into a bloody man.

But even though he was covered in blood, Mu En had no intention of retreating.

On the contrary, his eyes became brighter and brighter, his blood surged, his adrenaline surged, and the ferocious look on his face became more and more fanatical!


Keep coming!

not enough!

Make me more happy!

After exchanging countless punches and kicks, he saw the naked man suddenly pull away, his fingers slightly curled like the claws of a wild beast.

"Haha, I can too!"

Mu En also made the same move as the naked man.




And...five stacks!

A total of five chimes condensed in Mu En's palm, and then burst out instantly!

Like the thunder of creation, tearing open the silent night!

The aftermath dissipated.

Mu En glanced at his arm, which was almost twisted into a deformity, and sighed softly and said:

"I checked your identity..."

"Your name is Rod, Rod Kazir, right."

"Today is the first time I call your name."

After a pause, Mu En put a hand on her chest and said softly with respect:

"Then, Mr. Rhodes, please allow me to say goodbye to you with my sincere gratitude."

Amidst the gravel and dust that gradually dissipated under the heavy rain, the naked man still stood erect.

But in the silhouette of the night, his entire left hand, including half of his chest, had completely disappeared.

The winner has been decided.

Mu En raised her head.

I don't know if it was his imagination, but this man who should only exist in his memory nodded slightly towards him.

Then, it turned into a shimmer and disappeared.

"It's so short and so long."

Mu En let out a breath, unknown emotions brewing in her chest.

The opponent whom he could not even look up to in the past, was now defeated by himself.

What should he do at this moment?



Celebrate wildly?


None of them are right.

This little progress is not worth being proud of.

The enemies he will face in the future will not give him the opportunity to redo countless lives, nor will they wait for him to stagnate in the same place.


He must.

Keep moving forward.

His thoughts returned, and the death crisis in his mind also sounded at the same time.

Mu En instinctively dodged sideways, but the knife light that lit up from the darkness still accurately fell on his body, leaving a huge wound on his abdomen.

It was just avoiding the vitals.


Mu En cursed angrily and looked at the enchanting snake man swaying out of the darkness.

"They're all dead, and you're getting more and more cunning."

"But forget it, it's not like you've cunned me once or twice, I'm used to it."

Mu En sighed lightly, stuffed the intestines that flowed out of the wound back, and took out Elizabeth, the blades crossed, flashing cold light.

"Come on, let's continue."

Mu En laughed:

"I didn't die even ten times tonight, I'm far from... having fun!"

53. Daily ups and downs


Mu En let out a long breath, opened his eyes, and stared at the white sky.

His vision was confused for a while, as if he hadn't recovered from the scene just now, until a little cold touch flowed into his mind, and completely pulled his soul back from the dark night of blood and blades.

Sparse snowflakes fell from the sky and melted on his skin. The bare branches of the sycamore tree were condensed with silver frost, like a work of art under the brushstrokes of a painter.

He was sitting under the sycamore forest he often visited at the moment, and the surroundings were very quiet and no one disturbed him.

Quiet and beautiful.

"I haven't exercised in the Black Book for a while. I feel... maybe I played too exciting."

Feeling the faint emptiness in his mind due to the dryness of his spirit, and the phantom pain that seemed to really remain in his limbs, Mu En rubbed his temples and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Unconsciously, he, the originally spoiled son of the Duke, has become a person who can't rest at all.

It was not long before he got rid of the evil hands of Teacher Meila and could enjoy this rogue leisure time, but not just at night. After a little trance, he once again stood in the virtual space created by the Black Book, facing those almost real records, and holding Elizabeth.

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