Blades clash, flesh and blood fight, and fight to the death.

It's actually a little bit cool.


Mu En was shocked.


How can you feel good about something as painful as being stabbed?

Could it be that he has been stabbed so many times that he has become a masochist?

"No, no, no, no, this is not a masochist!"

Mu En shook her head vigorously to reject it.

The reason why he felt good was because his brain secreted dopamine crazily in order to neutralize the physical pain.

Just like people who exercise regularly will become more and more addicted to fitness. This is not a masochistic tendency with psychological distortion, this is just the most normal chemical reaction in the body.

"Yes, I am a man determined to be on top. How could I be a masochist?"

After receiving the scientific explanation, Mu En smiled with satisfaction, then twisted her body and completely collapsed on the bench.

Anyway, let’s relax first…

"Moon Campbell!"

The sudden familiar shout made the snow fall from the branches.

"You are indeed here!"


Mu En casually tilted his head to avoid the falling snow, and then looked in the direction of the sound.

Her black hair is spread out casually, and her face without makeup is not too stunning, but it is very attractive. There is an uninhibited and confident smile at the corner of her mouth.

The girl put her hands on her hips, wearing a simple uniform that was a bit too wide, and her trademark... flat chest.


And... Liya behind her.

However, Liya deliberately tilted her head and did not look at Mu En, with no intention of talking to her. Mu En would not be looking for trouble.

His eyes moved back.

Mu En glanced at Ariel's deliberately raised chest, and couldn't help showing a look of pity.

Nothing has changed at all.

But yes, according to Liya, Ariel can only eat black bread every day during this period, so it would be strange to see a change.

"Where are you looking?" Ariel suddenly raised her eyebrows and shouted sharply.


Mu En coughed twice in embarrassment, concealed her impolite gaze, and said with a smile:

"Long time no see Ariel, how are you doing lately?"

"Hmph, don't be pretentious, I'm not that familiar with you."


Still just as unfriendly.

"So, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Well... I just saw you coming back to class recently, so I came to return your things." Ariel crossed her arms and said coldly.

"Give me something back?"

Mu En was stunned.

He didn't remember what Ariel owed him.

Just as he was wondering, he saw Ariel take out a huge suitcase.


It was naturally filled with banknotes that Mu En was familiar with.

"Take this million back, I don't want your dirty money!"

"...Is it really this?"

Mu En sighed, "You don't have to pay it back. I said this is my apology for what I did to you before, and it's also my gratitude before."

"I don't want it."

Ariel curled her lips and sneered:

"The devil knows what you are paying attention to. Just because of this, you want to corrupt my soul and make me relax my vigilance against you and let me dream!"


"Anyway, take your dirty money back, we won't owe each other anything!"

Ariel threw the suitcase to Mu En, pulled Liya, and turned to leave.

Mu En lowered his head and glanced at the box in his arms, then glanced at Liya who didn't say a word, and said to Ariel's back:

"Are you really not going to need it? I heard that you have been having a hard time recently, so I can lend it to you without interest."

"……Need not."

Ariel paused for a moment, then said firmly:

"I will definitely overcome all those difficulties with my own efforts. I don't need you to pity me!"


"Of course, you, a guy who secretly sleeps here and wastes time in broad daylight, won't understand." Ariel said disdainfully.

"Don't you understand..."

Mu En tilted her head and thought for a moment, then smiled freely: "Then there's nothing we can do."

Since Ariel doesn't want it, he can't force her, right?


Ariel snorted coldly and pulled Liya away. Her back looked arrogantly like the invincible brave man in the story who was about to bravely step into...

But halfway through, the brave man suddenly turned his head and came to Mu En aggressively step by step.

Stretch out your little hand.



"What?" Mu En was confused.

"I said box!"

Ariel gritted her teeth and said in embarrassment:

"The box also costs money, so you don't want to take it away for nothing!"


The brave man finally turned back for the one hundred and twenty-six pieces of money from Emile's box.

A few minutes later.

A figure returned to this place again.

It's Liya.

"Feel sorry."

Liya came to Mu En, clasped her fingers and said softly:

"Ariel is so stubborn."

"I don't remember anything worthy of your apology."

Mu En raised his eyebrows and looked at her, smiling:

"And isn't Ariel's temper pretty cute?"


It can also be called persistence.

Stick to the bottom line and keep your faith.

If you don't have these strong qualities, even if you have luck and opportunity, you can't become the only protagonist of Feng Aotian in this terrible world view.

In a sense, it's not surprising that Ariel has made this decision.

It's just that if you focus too much on the road ahead, you will subconsciously ignore the people around you.

Just like the lovely girl in front of Mu En.

"Then I'll start."


Without too many words, in this sycamore forest where there are no other people, as agreed, Liya picked up the violin and played the music.

Mu En closed his eyes and listened.

The music flowed like a stream, gently soothing the fatigue.

Unknowingly, Mu En fell asleep...


"I... am I not playing well?"

I don't know how long it took, when Mu En opened his eyes again, he saw Liya's angry face.

"I actually made you fall asleep out of boredom!"

"Ah, sorry."

Feeling his mind no longer empty, Mu En stretched out contentedly and smiled:

"It's not that I'm too bored. On the contrary, this kind of wonderful music that makes me feel extremely at ease is extremely rare."


"Of course."

Mu En took out a stack of the one million that Ariel had just returned, handed it to Leah, and said jokingly:

"Be more confident, Miss Leah. You are my private musician hired at a high price. If you don't live up to your reputation, I won't pay you."


Liya took the money and hummed cutely. I don't know what she thought of, and her pretty face blushed again.


After Leah left, Mu En still lay on the bench, watching the sky gradually darken, listening to the laughter and playfulness coming from not far away after the afternoon class ended.

"I always feel...calm down."

No evil gods.

No enemies.

No life-and-death crisis.

No Shura field.

There is no hatchet on the neck at any time.



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