
Mu En's head rang out as she was blown away by the sudden and shocking information.

He looked at An blankly, and then saw himself with a frightened look in An's eyes filled with fervent desire.


What does an mean?

According to her, in the original book, Moon Campbell was so useless because of her, the deliberate guidance of her personal maid?

How is this possible? How is it possible in this world to make such a crazy plan just to possess someone?

No, this seems possible.

Because both the description in the original book and Mu En’s memory all support one thing——

Moon Campbell trusted his personal maid Ann so much that in the original book, even the matter of drugging the princess was not hidden from her.

No, no, it was An who instigated the drugging of Celcia!

Suddenly an idea came to Mu En's mind.

It seems to be mentioned in the original book that Moon Campbell was angry that Celia was getting closer and closer to the protagonist. At this time, Ann inadvertently said:

[In this case, why not let the princess become yours completely? Master. 】

Yes, it was this sentence that made Moon Campbell determined to do this in the original book!

"But why did she do this? Isn't she killing herself by doing this? In the original book, she was executed for being an accomplice!"

Mu En looked at An, and suddenly a frightening thought came to her mind.

In the original book, is An really dead?

If she was just an ordinary maid, she would definitely be executed without any accidents.

But judging from the strength she showed before, being able to knock out Mu En in an instant, is she really that easy to die?

After all, being executed was just a few words in the book. What if she faked her death, or used some method to make others think she was dead?

Thinking about it further, in the original book, is it really because of the so-called "destiny" that the protagonist meets Moon Campbell?

At least judging from what Mu En has experienced now, the so-called "destiny" is not that reliable.

Finally, going one step further, Moon Campbell in the original book lost his hands and feet and became a beggar. Is it really because of loan sharking as Moon guessed?

Did he lose his hands and feet in order to escape from a certain existence, and even became a beggar?

It’s scary to think about it.

36. It’s time to drink medicine, Master

The connection of just a few words is enough to deduce a terrible truth.

And nothing in An's behavior at this moment indicated that she was not the harmless maid that Mu En was serious about.

She is far more terrifying than Mu En imagined.

"Don't worry, young master, I won't hurt you for the time being."

An said: "As long as you stay here obediently."

"Be good...stay here?"

"Yes, stay here."

An's eyes showed great joy:

"Then be with me forever."

"Together forever? How is that possible?"

Mu En understood what An meant, but it was precisely because of his understanding that he could not accept it:

"Are you going to imprison me forever?"

"There's nothing I can do about it."

An showed a slightly regretful expression:

"If the plan goes well and the young master's body and mind belong to me, I don't have to be so extreme.

However, the plan failed. "


"Actually, I can't understand why it failed? There have been no problems for the past ten years, but suddenly, young master, you seem to have changed."

An opened his eyes wide and stared at Mu En, as if trying to find some clues from him.

"You become brave, motivated, humble, and polite. You will care about the sick maid, greet guests respectfully, and even stay in the library that you have never seen before. You will stay all day long.

Master, tell me, what suddenly caused you to undergo such a big change?

Could it be that you are not a young master at all? "

Mu En's heart skipped a beat.

His intuition told him that once the fact that he was not Moon Campbell was exposed, he might actually be killed directly by An.

So he could only force a smile and explain:

"Maybe... this is growing up. Isn't it the same with men? They always grow up suddenly and overnight."


Ann tilted her head.

"Forget it, you are indeed the real young master, I have confirmed this."

An licked her lips, as if she was still savoring the taste just now.

"So, since I can't let the young master's body and mind belong to me, I can only settle for the next best thing."

An stared at Mu En, and the dark desire in her eyes flowed out again, as if she wanted to swallow Mu En completely.

"At least, I want you, young master, to stay with me forever."

"Let me go!"

"It's not okay for you to do this, you're committing a crime!"

"I am the son of a duke. An, you must know the consequences of doing this!"

"Even if you get my body, you will never get my heart!"

After understanding that An really wanted to imprison him for the rest of his life, Mu En began to struggle in fear.

He roared at An, threatened, tempted, and even begged, but An remained unmoved.

"Give up, young master. Your heart, since you said you wanted to let me go, I have long stopped asking for it, so everything I do is just to get your body completely and forever." An smiled.

"Do you think you can get my body?"

After trying all methods, Mu En gave up and sneered:

"To tell you the truth, I don't have any desire for a woman like you who has an evil heart!"


An smiled slightly.

Then she stood up and restrained her smile.

She became dignified again, with a cold expression.

But her hands unbuttoned the buttons on her chest little by little.

As the buttons were unbuttoned, An's white and round thing, which was no less than Celia's in size, broke out like a beast in a cage and broke into Mu En's field of vision.


Mu En took a breath of cold air.


Take off clothes expressionlessly.

Imprisonment P L A Y.

No, there are too many factors, too exciting... Oh no, too irritating.

Is this what a dignified maid should do?

"Oh, Master, you don't seem to be what you said."

An lowered her head, stared at a certain part of Mu En, and suddenly giggled.

She leaned down, slid one of her feet out of the polished little leather shoes, then lifted the hem of her skirt with both hands, raised the jade foot wrapped in black silk, and slowly stepped on a certain part of Mu En.


"How is it, comfortable?"

"Comfortable... No... Damn... I won't give in!"

Although this scene is indeed very exciting, especially the black silk, Mu En didn't expect that An actually hid such a killer under the long-sleeved maid outfit!

Black silk maid, who can stand it!

But Mu En is determined not to give in!

Being forcibly pressed down by Celia is fine, he can't tolerate his dignity being trampled like this again!

"It's useless to say anything. I won't give up so easily this time."

"Taishang Laojun Queen Mother Buddha Tathagata Jesus is here, hurry up and give the order!"

"Give me a little! Little! Little!"

Mu En closed his eyes tightly, never looking at those exciting pictures, and kept shouting some strange spells, trying to cover up An's seductive voice.

At the same time, he also imagined the touch of that place in his mind as the painful friction of having too tight fat but running a thousand meters in physical education class.

Under such visual, auditory, and sensory multiple self-hypnosis... seems to be really useful?

"I underestimated your will, young master."

Feeling the obvious change in the touch of the soles of his feet, An narrowed his eyes unhappily.

"It seems that I have to use some special means."


Special means?

Mu En squinted his eyes curiously and saw An took out two small and crystal glass bottles from the deep ravine on his chest.

God knows how a glass bottle can get stuck in that place, with such elasticity...

No, now is not the time to think about this.

Moon looked at one of the glass bottles with red liquid, and suddenly had a very bad feeling.

This thing... looks so familiar.

"Fortunately, it was not used up before."

An shook the glass bottle, watching the red liquid inside shake like blood, and suddenly smiled as if everything was under control.

"There...could there be evil dragon blood in it?"

Looking at the red liquid in the bottle, Muon asked with trembling teeth.

"I didn't expect that the young master actually knew about evil dragon blood?"

An replied: "Yes, this is a drug mixed with evil dragon blood. This is what I put in the black tea before."

"Then...this here, could it be the powder of ambergris?"

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