Mu En looked at the white powder in another glass bottle, and even her voice trembled.

"Does the young master actually know all this?"

An licked her lips and said teasingly:

"In that case, the young master should know what I am going to do."

An quickly mixed the two together to make a pink potion that looked extremely ominous at first sight.

An put the potion to Mu En's mouth and whispered:

"Come on, it's time to drink medicine, Master~"

37. People always lose important things inadvertently.

"That red medicine..."

Mu En looked at the red medicine bottle and was sure at a glance that it was exactly the same as the medicine she bought from the mysterious store manager.

But Mu En didn't know why An had this medicine.

Could it be that……

The figure wrapped in a black robe flashed through Mu En's mind...

"I won't drink, I won't drink!"

After that incident with Celia, Mu En not only learned how humiliating it was to be pinned to the ground by a woman, but also learned a novel piece of knowledge that she had never known before.

That is the evil dragon's blood, and when added with ambergris, it becomes a terrible poison.

Dirty and poisonous!

It was a poison that even Celiacia couldn't bear, and was called an incurable poison!

"I definitely don't want to drink it!"

Mu En struggled crazily. He knew that as long as he drank this medicine, no matter how determined his heart was, he would inevitably end up with a tragic end!

"Master, do you think you still have room to resist?"

Seeing Mu En struggling desperately and shaking her head, looking like she would not drink until she died, An was not very angry.

Instead, he smiled slightly and suddenly drank the pink potion in his hand.


Mu En was stunned.

Isn't this for me? Why did you drink it yourself?

But before Mu En could react, An suddenly stretched out her delicate hands and grabbed Mu En's chin.


It hurts!

Mu En's eyes suddenly widened, full of panic and disbelief.

Because he felt that what was holding his jaw was not a girl's catkin, but an iron pincer that could crush even stones!

Mu En's head was fixed, and then An leaned down and kissed her without hesitation.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Mu En's eyes widened even more, as if the corners of his eyes were about to tear apart. He felt the beautiful touch of An's warm lips, and he could feel An's soft and dexterous little tongue constantly moving deep into his castle. attack.

How can it be repaired?

How could I give up so easily!

Mu En gritted her teeth, like the hardest city gate, resisting An's frantic efforts to seize the camp.

Even though almost all the territory has been lost and only this last castle is left, Mu En still feels that she cannot give up!

Countless times of history have proven that giving up too quickly in the face of the enemy will never end well!


Facing Mu En's desperate resistance, An's eyes showed a hint of impatience.


Mu En suddenly heard a strange sound.

It was like the sound of a dislocated joint.

Then, there was severe pain.

"woo woo woo woo……"

Mu En struggled painfully again, because An's hand holding his chin was forcefully opening the city gate that Mu En thought was unstoppable little by little!

Click, click, click...

His jaw was wailing wildly, and Mu En suddenly remembered that this was how An had crushed the porcelain cup into powder!

It’s over!

Mu En looked desperate.

No matter how firm his decision is and how unshakable his will is, he still cannot resist the fact that his opponent is a superwoman who can tear apart city gates with her hands!

By the way, why are you all so outrageous, especially An, as my personal maid, I have never seen you practice at all!

Unfortunately, Mu En has no way of knowing the answers to these questions.

While tears of regret flashed in the corners of his eyes, he only knew one thing...

The city is broken.

The tongue is as flexible as a small snake and can't wait to get into it, plundering the loot wantonly, and what follows is the slightly sweet potion.

Without any more accidents, the potion was put into Mu En's mouth, and then he forced Mu En to swallow it.

The moment the medicine entered his stomach, Mu En felt dizzy.

It is indeed worth 130,000 Emile's **, even Celiacia can be fascinated in an instant, let alone his favor.

However, this time the drowsiness only lasted a moment.

Because of a more terrifying feeling of heat, Mu En's consciousness immediately came to her senses.

"Don't worry, young master, I controlled the ratio of evil dragon blood to ambergris, so you won't faint."

An said softly:

"It's just that... the effects in some aspects will be more significant."

In some ways?

What are some aspects?

You made it clear!

Forget it, I probably already know it if you didn’t tell me.

Mu En leaned against the wall slumped, like a salted fish that had been dried out in the sun, her eyes were blank.

He gave up struggling and could no longer struggle.

Because in just a few short breaths, he felt the terrifying heat begin to burn his brain.

It made his breathing a lot heavier.


An looked down at Mu En and said with satisfaction:

"It seems to be working well."

An slowly took off her maid outfit, leaving only her black lace underwear.

At this moment, Mu En stared at An's beautiful body with eager and greedy eyes, like a wild wolf.


At this time, An was not in a hurry.

She stretched out her hand and took off Mu En's clothes bit by bit. Her slender fingers touched Mu En's skin from time to time, causing goose bumps and making the drug more effective.

"What do you think, Master? Do you want it?"


Mu En's eyes were red, and he seemed to have lost most of his sanity. He struggled hard, as if he wanted to pounce on An, but was locked tightly by the shackles.

"Give... give it to me."

Mu En squeezed out a hoarse and low voice from his throat.

"Hurry... give it to me, I can't... stand it... it's so hot."

"Ah, is it not okay like this?"

An smiled softly:

"It seems that I have mixed the effect of the medicine too much."

"Gu... give it to me..."

"Unfortunately, it's not okay now."

An seemed to have a brilliant idea suddenly, and couldn't help but smile evilly.


Mu En was stunned.

The terrible heat brought by the medicine stimulated his nerves all the time, making him want to pounce and press the girl in front of him hard.

And the effect of this medicine was too terrifying, Mu En could even feel that if he couldn't vent it as soon as possible, he might be completely burned to death by the terrifying flame of desire.

But An suddenly said, no?


"Because... the resistance in the young master's eyes has not completely disappeared."

An leaned close to Mu En's ear and whispered.

The virgin fragrance on her body was like poison at this moment, making Mu En feel like he was about to explode.

An still kept a distance.

"The obedience I want is not the obedience brought by drugs."

"What... mean..."

"Hey, Master, become my property."

An said with an endlessly tempting tone:

"As long as you become my property, I will let you be free."


"Yes, it will be very comfortable."

"Gudong... comfortable..."

Mu En swallowed hard, as if An's words had endless appeal to him.

"Master, follow me."

Seeing the resistance in Mu En's eyes fade away little by little, An chuckled and said:

"I, Mu En Campbell, swear to become An's property and never leave An."

"I, Mu En Campbell..."

Mu En had a voice in his heart, telling him not to, not to...

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