Once you agree, you will lose something important.

But at this moment, Mu En only had a burning fire in her brain, and she could no longer hear the voice deep in her heart.

"Swear... to become... An's... possession, and never... to leave An..."

"This is right, my young master."

After getting the answer he wanted, An An smiled with satisfaction and completely took off the last clothes on his body.

She hugged Mu En, who was already hungry and thirsty, and sat down slowly.


Accompanied by a soft moan that sounded like pain and satisfaction, there was endless spring in the dark prison.

38. Constructed desperate situation!

Five thousand words have been omitted above.

"Despicable! Despicable! I will never agree with it! Using such despicable means!"

After the spring light passed, Mu En protested to An in front of her.

But the tone of his protest was obviously lacking in confidence. Perhaps it was because he lacked physical strength after being squeezed dry just now, or perhaps it was because he was so wet at the moment that his waist was really not that hard.

"At this time, the young master is like a child."

An's cheeks still had the afterglow from before, and she was slowly putting on her clothes with her head lowered. She didn't shy away from Mu En's thoughts at all, and Mu En was staring at her, or her body, as if she wanted to regain some ground.

But not only was An not shy at all, but she also cast flirtatious glances at Mu En from time to time.

It's like asking, will the young master do it again?

Mu En couldn't help but feel a little bit bitter. He glanced at Yin Hong somewhere on the ground and secretly slandered in his heart, why are these women so fierce?

After Celia was done, she continued to fight with others, and An seemed to be fine, as if she could still fight Mu En for 300 rounds.

Mu En looked like she had been squeezed dry, and she couldn't stand up for the time being anyway.

Could it be that I can't do it?

No, no matter how you calculate it, it must have been more than two hours just now, and with the help of medicine, Mu En felt like she was suddenly out of control!

"Sure enough, it's because I'm too weak. If I don't get stronger, I may have to be dominated by these terrible women for the rest of my life!"

Mu En secretly gritted his teeth and once again confirmed the urgency of gaining strength.

"It's getting late, young master, please rest for a while."

An casually picked up Mu En's clothes, as if she had returned to her role as a personal maid. Thinking of Mu En, she respectfully saluted:

"I still have some things to deal with, so I'll excuse you now."


Mu En stopped An in horror:

"You can leave, please give me back my clothes!"


An tilted her head, as if she couldn't understand what Mu En said:

"Master, do you still need to wear clothes now?"

"Of course! I am a living person! Shouldn't people wear clothes?"

"Oh? Has the young master forgotten our previous agreement?"


"Yes, promise."

An lowered her head and showed an intoxicating smile, but in that smile, Mu En felt a creepy darkness.

It was as if there was some indescribable monster looking at Mu En behind that smile.

"Master, you are now my property." An said softly.

"That's me, I can control everything about you, including whether the young master needs to wear clothes, it's up to me to decide.

And my decision now is...

Master, you don’t need to wear clothes at all for now, right? Because there is no one else here except me.

Besides, the young master may have to stay here for a long time. "


Obviously she didn't feel cold, but Mu En's teeth had begun to tremble, as if being looked at by An with a smile like this was more terrifying than the peek of a bloodthirsty beast.

"Okay, young master, rest peacefully. After I finish handling the matter, I will come and play with young master~"

An rubbed Mu En's head, took Mu En's clothes and left here.

Mu En kept watching An disappear into the darkness.

"have they gone?"


"An? Are you there?"

"Moxi Moxi, anyone?"

"I know you haven't left yet, stop pretending!"


There was no sound in the darkness.

After confirming that An had indeed left this place, Mu En couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Then immediately, his expression became fierce:

"What do you mean by your belongings? I don't remember that I promised you such a thing!"


I seem to vaguely remember that this happened while under the influence of drugs.

But that’s because of the drugs! How is it possible to count!

Can you believe what a man says when his lower body is thinking?

Moreover, the decision made by the lower body is a matter of the lower body. Does it have anything to do with his upper body at the moment?

What does your arrest of my second brother have to do with my brain?

Of course there is no such thing!

So regarding the second half of the sentence "Never leave An", Mu En just pretended that she had never heard it at all.

In short, the most urgent thing now is to escape from here.

He doesn't want to be imprisoned by An for the rest of his life like a doll!

"There is always a way, there will always be a way!"

Mu En cheered herself up.

After calming down, Mu En finally had time to look around carefully.

This seems to be a basement.

It has smooth walls and a standard square floor, with only a dim oil lamp above the head, emitting a faint light.

Right in front of Mu En is a cold iron fence, the railing of which is as thick as a wrist, and it is obvious that Mu En's small arms and legs cannot break it.

The door of the iron fence seems to be the only exit. When An went out just now, he thoughtfully hung a lock on it that was bigger than Mu En's fist.

"Damn, I'm locked in shackles, is it necessary to be so cautious?"

Mu En couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

As for other places...

Mu En touched the wall with his backhand, and then rubbed the ground under his butt with his feet, and a chill came spontaneously.


The walls and floor of this basement are actually fucking metal!

In other words, in order to completely imprison Mu En and not give Mu En a chance to escape, An built a cage made entirely of metal!

Mu En can't learn from a famous movie and dig a tunnel to escape.

And the only gap in this place is...

Mu En tilted his head and looked upward. In the corner of the ceiling, there was a passage that was obviously like a vent.

However, the passage was very small. The only people who could pass through it were probably rats in the underground ditch.

"How to play this?"

Mu En was suddenly a little desperate.

The secret space made entirely of metal, there was no guard, and there was no escape route.

The only exit was the main door made of iron fence.

But An would never forget to lock it. As the object of service, Mu En knew that An was a shrewd and capable maid who was meticulous and would never make any mistakes.

And An was also the person who knew Mu En best.

She knew Mu En's strength and Mu En's behavior.

She knew that Mu En could not do magic, and except for the cultivation of a first-level warrior, he was useless.

So An did not use any special locks or fixtures, but reinforced these things that bound Mu En to the point that he could not shake them at all.

It can be said that An had blocked all the loopholes in advance, and it can be said that Mu En's intention to escape was completely strangled in the cradle.

And now Mu En has no way to break free from the shackles on his hands!

"Does it mean that I can only spend the rest of my life here as An's property?"

39. Maids who know how to cook always get extra points

"Master, it's time to eat."

Accompanied by An's call, Mu En opened his eyes.

An's call was so gentle that Mu En seemed to have returned to the past, when he slept on that soft big bed and was woken up by An every morning.

Unfortunately, that was only in the past.

Mu En was imprisoned in a cage at this moment, and under his bare buttocks was steel that was colder than his heart.

"How long has it been."

Mu En raised his eyes and looked at An, and the fatigue in his eyes flashed.

"It's been a night."

An put the food box in his hand in front of Mu En and chuckled:

"Master, are you used to living here last night?"

"What do you think!"

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