Mu En angrily pulled the shackles on his hands and sneered:

"You take off the shackles for me, and put a two-meter big bed for me with a velvet quilt and pillows on it, instead of letting me sit naked on the cold ground. I might have a place to live. That’s the day I’m used to.”

"Please forgive me for not being able to meet the young master's request. After all, if the young master accidentally lets the young master slip away, I will be very, very sad."

"Aren't I just a dandy young master who was crippled by you? As for this kind of treatment? Even death row prisoners are not so miserable!"

"It never hurts to be cautious."

An slowly took out the breakfast from the food box and said with a smile:

"I saw that the young master was a little tired yesterday, so I specially drank Shiquan Dabu Decoction for him."

"Top ten supplements?"

"Well, I saw it in a book. It's probably soup made from tiger whip, bull whip, goblin whip, troll whip, Mololita giant bear whip, etc. I heard it's right Men are of great use.”

"What is the Morolita Giant Bear?" Mu En's face changed slightly.

"It's a kind of monster. I heard that when the male Morolita giant bear is in heat, if he can't find a mate, there will be many tree holes around the habitat overnight, so it is also commonly known as the tree hole giant bear."

"Tree hole..."

Mu En no longer wanted to ask where the tree hole came from.

He lowered his head and watched An unscrew the lid of the container with her delicate hands and pour the pungent-smelling black soup into the bowl.

For some reason, as the soup flowed, he felt his little heart tremble along with it.

"Are you sure you can drink these things together?"

"Of course I can."

An said: "Master, don't you know? In fact, since you were ten years old, I have secretly put these things in your food. Of course, considering your age, I don't put much."


Mu En's face changed drastically.

"Ten years old?"

In other words, he drank the so-called Shiquan Dabu Decoction for eight full years!

"You have to prepare for a rainy day. In fact, what I want to add the most is the dragon whip. Unfortunately, the dragon is not that easy to catch. I can only get it for the young master to try when I have the opportunity in the future."

"Don't make it so easy to catch the dragon, I'm so scared!"

"Why should the young master be afraid? As long as the young master is obedient, I will never hurt the young master."

An picked up the soup bowl and handed the spoon to Mu En.

"Come on, young master, open your mouth, ah——"

"I don't drink!"

Mu En shook her head and avoided the spoon.

Who knows if drinking too much of these things will have any side effects!

Perhaps the original owner was so stupid because of this so-called Shiquan Dabu Tang pot.

"Don't drink?"

An's smiling pretty face suddenly froze.

She leaned down and looked closely at Mu En.

In those mesmerizing eyes, Mu En saw the deep darkness flowing, as if it would sweep out at any time and swallow everything.

"you sure?"

The words were obviously without any threat, but Mu En seemed to feel like there was a bright hatchet pressing against his heart. As long as he answered wrongly, he would immediately give himself a heartache.

"No, I drink, I drink."

Mu Ensan smiled and nodded, then stretched his head forward hard and drank the Shiquan Dabu Decoction from the spoon into his mouth.

A real man can bend and stretch, but it is just Shiquan Dabu Decoction, there is nothing he can't drink.

I have been drinking for eight years, is this time still missing?


Needless to say, it tastes surprisingly good.

After feeding Mu En spoonful of Shiquan Dabu Decoction, An suddenly stood up. Before Mu En could recover, she saw An's maid uniform falling off to the ground, revealing her delicate white body.


Mu En couldn't help but widen her eyes and said with sadness and anger:

"How long has it been since?"

Ann wasn't even wearing underwear.

She had already planned it!

"There's nothing we can do."

An licked Yin Hong's lips, leaned down and crawled towards Mu En little by little, her eyes teasingly saying:

"I want to leave a mark that belongs only to me on the young master as soon as possible~"

"Bad woman, don't come here, eh..."

"Well... the young master said no, but his body is still very honest~"


"Really? Well...but the young master can move on his own..."

"How can we repair..."

Two hours later.

After finishing the work, An was satisfied and put on her shirt.

Mu En looked up at the ceiling, her eyes dull, like a girl who had been violated by a bad guy, feeling that her life was hopeless.

As if she felt that what she did was a bit too much for Mu En, An squatted next to Mu En, held her cheek with her little hand, and said with a touch of apology:

"It seems that I went too far towards the young master."


Mu En rolled his eyes at her and said nothing.

"My conscience is really disturbed when the young master is like this."

Mu En rolled her eyes again.


You have done all the bad things to me, do you still have a conscience?

"In that case, how about I just satisfy the young master's request?"

Mu En's eyes lit up, "I want to be free..."

"That's not okay."

An put her fingers against Mu En's lips.

"As I said, it's just a small request."

"Then let go of the shackles."


"I want clothes."


"I want a bed."


"It won't work either this way or that way."

Mu En wailed:

"How small must your request be!"

"let me see."

An thought for a moment and said:

"Probably to the extent that I can decide what to have for lunch."

"...That's really small."

Mu En sighed: "But it's better than nothing."

"So, the young master has already thought about it?"

"Well, that's right."

"what is that."

"Speaking of which, it's almost autumn."

Mu En did not answer immediately, but kept it secret.

"At this time in previous years, I seemed to have been boating on Lake Beboer, admiring the beautiful scenery and tasting the delicious autumn fish caught from it."

"Young master, you want to eat the fish from Beboer Lake?"

"Ah, the fish in autumn is the most plump. If it is steamed and paired with the red wine from Earl Locke's estate, it will be a delicacy."

"But Beboer Lake is so far away. If the fish is sent here..."

"Ah, last year I was boating on the lake, so high-spirited, but now I can only be locked up in this small prison. How sad and pitiful. What's the point of such a life? I might as well die. never mind."

"……All right."

An's eyes twitched, but she still smiled and said:

"I will get the fish. Please be patient, Master."


Mu En suddenly stopped wailing, looked at An, raised his eyebrows and said:

"Then I'll wait, Ann."

40. Because of love

I don't know how many times I opened my eyes in this oppressive and dark cell. Mu En's eyes were still full of exhaustion and bloodshot, as if she had stayed up for several nights in a row.


Mu En exhaled a breath and forcibly cheered up his spirit.

He briefly sensed the contents of the black book.

Dagger fighting skill LV5

Shadow Step LV2

"Another nearly three hundred death experiences."

"It's so painful."

"But I seem to have hit a bottleneck. No matter how much I train, my proficiency level will never improve."

"Especially Shadowstep."

Mu En's eyes darkened slightly.

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