In the black book space, he had almost perfected the shadow step. On several occasions, the dagger in his hand had even scratched the assassin's skin, leaving scars visible to the naked eye.

Although there is still a long way to go before defeating the assassin, at least it is not as far away as before.

However, no matter how proficient he is with his shadow steps in the black book space, the proficiency recorded in the black book is always stuck at LV2 and no longer improves at all.

On the other hand, the dagger fighting technique has improved rapidly after this period of continuous actual combat, and it is already LV5.

"Sure enough, is it still because of the limitations of the realm?"

Mu En sighed softly.

In the black book space, he can clearly feel the improvement in his proficiency, but the display is always only LV2. This shows that it is not that his own proficiency has not improved, but that in his current state, he can only use LV2 proficiency. Shadow step.

And judging from how painful it was to use Shadow Step at LV1 once before, it would probably be very reluctant to use LV2 with this body that doesn't even have fighting spirit.

"But there is no other way. I must seize the time now to improve every ounce of combat power!"

Mu En's eyes were firm.

Even if he is imprisoned, raised, and abused by a beautiful maid, he still has a heart that yearns for freedom!

"Hmph, do you really think that after reaching this point, I have no way to escape?"

Looking at the lock on the iron fence, which was about the same size as his fist and seemed very strong at first sight, Mu En couldn't help but tilted her mouth and smiled evilly:

"You underestimate me, Ann."

"Now everything is ready, all I need is the east wind. I'll be waiting for the fish you promised to bring."

"Wait, there must be some accident..."

Mu En suddenly opened her eyes in fear.

Although there was no time in this room, judging from the hunger in his stomach, lunch time had already passed.

But Ann hasn't appeared yet.

"It shouldn't be the case. Although Beboer Lake is quite far away, we should be able to get there in time if we hurry up."

As time passed by, Mu En couldn't help but think too much.

"But if I can't come back, won't I really be trapped and die here? And judging from the remoteness of this place, I'm afraid no one will find my body for hundreds of years!"

"Maybe my dead soul will linger here forever and never be reincarnated."

"There isn't even a female ghost in this wretched place. I'm the only starving ghost left alone."

"Uuuuuuuah, don't do that kind of thing! I at least want Miss Sadako to accompany me..."

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have made such an exorbitant request."

"But there's nothing we can do about it. If he just asked to eat fish, with An's sensitivity, he might find something."

"And just in case."

"Forget it, I don't want to anymore."

Mu En leaned his head against the wall and smiled to himself.

"It seems that I have been locked up here for too long, and my nerves are a little sensitive."

"It's just catching a fish. How difficult will it be for An?"

"It's not like I asked her to fight monsters."

Beboer Lake, stormy.

An stood about a few hundred meters away from the lake, wearing a windbreaker and hood to protect her from the rain. She looked expressionlessly at the unshaven man in front of her chattering to her.

"Ma'am, you can't pass here!"

"Beboer Lake has been completely closed. If you want to enjoy the scenery, please wait until the weather clears up before coming!"

The majestic rainstorm mixed with thunder seemed to drown the world, so the man could only stand in front of An and roar with all his strength.

"Anyway, let's turn around first, it's very dangerous here!"

"What happened?"

An frowned and asked, her displeasure visibly released. She didn't know whether she was dissatisfied with the man in front of her or the terrible weather.

"Madam, this is not your place to ask, please leave!"

The man was also a little impatient and stretched out his hand to drive An away.


An grabbed the man's hand that was about to push An, her expression suddenly became cold, and her fingers suddenly exerted force.

"I hate men other than the young master touching me."


The man screamed, his face showing pain, and his body bent in the direction of the twist of his arm.

"If you still want this hand to hold a knife, tell me what happened here."

"I said...I said..."

The man heard the screams coming from his own arm bones and said with a horrified expression:

"It's the owner of Bebor Lake, it appears!"

"The owner of Bebol Lake? Isn't that a baseless rumor?"

The so-called owner of Lake Bebor is a rumor spread in the fishing villages around Lake Bebor. It is said that in the depths of Lake Bebor, there exists a fish god who survived from ancient times. He is the owner of this lake. The master is in charge of the weather changes in this area, the rapidity and slowness of the waves.

Villagers in the fishing village will sacrifice cattle and sheep into the lake regularly every year to obtain the protection of the lake owner.

But this is just a rumor. If there really was a fish god in the lake, the Church of Life would have already labeled this place as the evil god's lair and started a new round of holy war expedition.

"But, the owner of the lake really showed up, and it was a very, very big fish!"

The man wailed:

"The Adventurer's Association has sent people to identify it as a dominant monster. Now they are sending a B-level adventurer team to fight it, so Lake Bebol is now closed and no one is allowed to approach."

"I see, a dominant monster?"

An let go of the man, looked up at the sky, and let the rain pour down on his face:

"Then this strange celestial phenomenon is also due to that monster."


The man rubbed his arm, grimacing in pain, and said:

"Anyway...anyway, you'd better leave quickly. I can let you off the hook for what happened just now. After all, a good man doesn't fight with a woman, but if you disturb the adventurer team's mission, you will definitely suffer!"


An ignored him and walked past the man towards the lake.

"Hey, wait, if that's the case, are you still going?"

The man looked at An's back, his eyes full of confusion.

"You know there is danger ahead, but you still want to go. Why do you insist on going there?"


I thought I would not get an answer, but An suddenly turned around.

With a happy and gentle smile:

"Of course it's because of love."

41. The little troubles of the girl

"I will confess to him after completing this task."


"Eluka, what are you daydreaming about? Hurry up and cast healing magic. I can't stand it anymore!"

"Oh oh!"

Eluka came back to her senses, waved the magic wand in her hand, and injected a lot of magic power into it.


The gorgeous magic circle was constructed in an instant, and the power filled with vitality turned into a green light and merged into the body of the man wearing close-fitting armor.


Rhodes, who regained his strength, shouted loudly, and the blood-stained long sword in his hand burst out with sharp sword energy, and slashed fiercely at the turbulent lake surface under his feet.

The lake surface was violently torn apart, revealing the giant beast lurking under the deep water.

It was a huge black fish at least 20 meters long, covered with cold iron scales and hideous bone spurs, with a hard exoskeleton covering its head, and a sharp horn pointing to the sky from the top of its head, with a creepy and unique beauty.

This is the Overlord-class Magical Beast, the Lake Lord of Lake Bebol!

Looking at this terrible beast, even though Eluka has been an adventurer for three years and has seen countless terrible monsters, she still can't help but feel a little weak in the knees.

"Am I still not used to the profession of adventurer?"

Taking advantage of the gap in the release of magic, Eluka entangled a strand of hair with her fingers, looking at the man standing in the front, constantly fighting with the Lake Lord with a complicated look.


Nicknamed the Iron-blooded Knight.

He became an adventurer three years ago, and like a soaring dragon, he became a B-level genius adventurer in just three years.

He is already a little famous in Belland.

And she, Eluka, is Rhodes' childhood sweetheart, and at the same time, she is in unrequited love with him.

"I chose to become an adventurer because I like him, but now I still feel scared..."

"I've been secretly in love with him for eight years, but I don't even have the courage to confess. Am I too useless?"

"Will Rod hate me if I'm so useless?"

"Will he think I don't deserve to stand by his side?"

"What should I do..."

Today, Eluka is still deeply trapped in the little troubles of a girl.

But her troubles are far more than that.


After forcing the lake owner out of the water, Rod gave another order.

"Use magic to attack!"

"Okay, okay!"

The distracting thoughts were driven out of her mind in an instant. The instinct she had developed over the past three years made Eluka wave her wand and chant magic at the first time.

"God of ice and snow, please..."

"Explosion magic!"

Someone was faster than her.

Beside Eluka, the female magician with outstanding appearance, good figure, and especially big breasts seemed to have been prepared long ago. The moment Rhode spoke, the powerful magic that even omitted the chanting process shot out.

The blazing fire dispelled the darkness brought by the dark clouds, and the terrifying high temperature evaporated a large amount of lake water in an instant, and at the same time, pierced through the hard scales of the lake owner.

"Well done, Tia!"

Seeing that the defense of the lake owner was penetrated, Rhode showed joy on his face and praised him. At the same time, he seized this rare opportunity and stabbed the long sword in his hand into the huge wound of the lake owner that was burned with carbonized marks.


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