Organ transplant surgery.

"Rejection...reaction?" Mu En squeezed out these words from her throat.

"Yes, rejection reaction, and as you have felt before, due to the complexity and particularity of the alchemy core, and the materials I use to construct it are a little bit special, even the power of the Silent Moon can only The rejection reaction can be suppressed briefly.”

Teacher Meira knocked on Moon's head and gloated:

"So kid, don't think about messing up this time. If you don't solve this problem in the church, you will really die in the future.

No one can save you, not even the Blight King! "

56. Knife

"Okay, okay, don't be discouraged. In fact, it's not that desperate."

In the sea of ​​flowers where everything had returned to its original state, Meira knelt down, her pink nightgown wrapped around her white feet, and stretched out her fingers to poke Mu En, who was already exuding an aura of despair like a dead fish:

"Think about it carefully. You only need to go to the Holy City and participate in that ceremony. It doesn't matter whether there are any good results. As long as you take a baptism of the goddess's holy light at the end, that's it."

"How can the baptism of the goddess's holy light be so easy to bathe in?"

Mu En jumped up and said sadly and angrily:

"And just asking me to go to the Holy City is a very desperate thing!"

"Have it?"

Teacher Meira tilted her little head and comforted:

"Oh, actually you don't have to worry so much. With the concealment of the divine favor itself and the aura of the alchemy core, in the current Life Church, no one should be able to tell between you and the Pope, except for the Pope. The Blight King is connected.”

"But it is His Majesty the Pope who wants to see me in person!"

Then he won't just press me down with one finger?

"That's okay too."


"Although that pope is only a few hundred years old and has a big gap in life experience compared to mine, in terms of mind, he is still able to achieve the average level of a church pope. He will not Because the little power of the evil god’s favor in your body will do whatever it takes to you.

And the church itself..." Teacher Mu En paused suddenly, as if she realized that she said something she shouldn't have said.


"Well, forget it."

Teacher Meira changed her words and stared at Mu En with her red eyes:

"Anyway, you just need to remember one thing."


"Moon Campbell."

"He is my disciple, Meladomir."

Teacher Meira said calmly:

"Those who don't know this will never see the weirdness in your body, but those who know this will have confidence in you...or in me.

Therefore, no matter how strange abilities appear in your body, as long as you don't put the words "I am related to the evil god" on your head and put them randomly, there will generally be no big problem.

Although the power of the evil god is terrifying, it is not something that is inaccessible. "

At this moment, an extremely powerful and domineering aura slowly rose from Teacher Meira's petite body.

Just looking at the indifferent red eyes and the windless white hair, Mu En couldn't help but feel a mountain-like worship in her heart.

As expected of Teacher Meira.

Domineering loli, so awesome!


Mu En came back to her senses, blinked, and asked excitedly:

"Even if the church sees that their holy sword has been refined into Elizabeth, they will take it out of Teacher Meira's name and won't pursue it, right?"




"Hey! Speak, you damn girl...poof!"

"Oh, I really don't know why you, as my disciple, are so cowardly."

Teacher Meira withdrew her tulle disciple's fist, wiped it with a handkerchief, and said with a look of hatred:

"Can't you be more rogue and imitate that pink bear?

You have more than one holy sword, and since they are all like this anyway, what else can the church do to you?

At's just a pair of small shoes for you to wear. What's the big deal? You won't die! "

"Damn, the church's little shoes... are already scary."

Mu En held her stomach and said with an ashen face.

He was just an ordinary son of a duke, and he couldn't get enough of him in front of the behemoth that was the church.

"Oh...that's it."

Teacher Meira sighed helplessly, turned around and fiddled with it for a while, and then handed something to Mu En.

"this is for you."

"This is……"

Mu En lowered his head and said in surprise:


"That's right, since you are going to the Holy City, please help me give this letter to that boy in Hezikaya. I have mentioned the baptism issue of the alchemy core fusion and the issue of the Holy Sword in the letter. , you don’t have to worry too much.”

"Hetsikaya... refers to His Majesty the Pope."

Mu En stared blankly: "Teacher Meira, are you familiar with His Majesty the Pope?"

"Of course, we just met not long ago."

Teacher Meira put her hands on her hips and said:

"That guy was very enthusiastic at the time. He offered his seat to me and gave me things. It made me feel a little bit uncomfortable."


Mu En looked at Teacher Meira, who had her hands on her waist and raised her white chin high, and couldn't help but take a breath.

Although he knew that Teacher Meira was one of the best in the world in terms of strength and qualifications, he originally thought that Teacher Meira, who was unable to leave the academy, was just a nerdy loli who liked to sleep and concentrate on research.

I didn’t expect that she is so good even in terms of connections!

"I can rest assured that."

Mu En said with a moved face:

"I wrongly blamed you, Teacher Meira, but you are still kind to me."

"Of course, there's no way you can do anything bad to your own disciples."

Teacher Meira patted Mu En on the shoulder:

"Now that the gossip is over, let's get down to business."

"Huh? Business?"

Mu En's moved face suddenly froze:

"Anything else serious?"

"It's not a big deal, but since it's confirmed that you are going to make this trip, you have to make some preparations in advance.

——Just like I told you before, there are not just one alchemical matrix that should be inserted into your body, but seven. "

Teacher Meira said with a smile:

"If it wasn't done in advance, wouldn't you still have to make seven trips?"


Although Teacher Meira was smiling all over her face at the moment, Mu En's body started to tremble unconsciously:

"But didn't you say that you will wait until my physical strength reaches a certain level before proceeding?"

"Oh, just like last time, the situation has changed, and I won't install it on you immediately. With your current physical strength, the seven alchemy cores will definitely drain you dry in an instant. I will There is a special way to put it into sleep mode. When you are ready, wouldn't it be enough to turn it on one by one?



"At this stage, it may be a little painful for you."

"How much does it hurt?"


Teacher Meira thought for a moment and said vividly:

"Actually, it's not too painful. Compared with what you had before, it's just the difference between giving birth to one child and giving birth to septuplets."

No no no!

The difference is huge!

Giving birth to one child already made him want to die, but the septuplets were not even...

"Hey, kid, relax."

Looking at Mu En's increasingly pale face, Teacher Meira came over and hugged Mu En's head like a gentle big sister, while dragging him towards the room that had been prepared for a while and surrounded by various knives, awls and drills. On the operating table, he said softly:

"Think on the brighter side. When the alchemy core is completely integrated with you, the benefits are not limited to connecting to the Eternal Clock. By then, it will become your real organ-like existence.

It's no different than having seven more kidneys in your body.

That’s seven more waists! "

Teacher Meira turned her head and said meaningfully to Mu En:

"What's the saying? If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. If you want to open a harem, how can you not get stabbed a few times?"

57. Only hard work... (big chapter, three in one)

"Boy, you have to start learning magic."

After the transformation was completed, Teacher Meira changed out of her soulless white coat and said to Mu En, who was lying on the cold operating table, as motionless as a zombie's ideal salted fish.


After a long time, Mu En raised his head blankly, his face full of numbness as if he had given up on treatment.

But gradually, as if some switch was turned on, the light shone in his eyes again.


Mu En sat up in excitement, but immediately rolled on the ground in pain. But even so, he raised his head and looked at Teacher Meira excitedly.

"Can I learn magic?"

He has not forgotten that the reason he came to this academy in the first place and studied so hard was to learn powerful magic!

Although the goal of dividing the power of the King of Blight is no longer available, what macho man can refuse powerful and gorgeous magic?

What is art?

Art is a blast!

And only magic can bring about the ultimate explosion!

"Well... to be precise, you need to learn the precise manipulation of magic power."

Teacher Mela said:

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