"I've told you before that basic magic cognition is necessary, because when there is more than one alchemy core, the output and input paths of magic power will become many times more complicated. In addition to those complicated magic patterns, if you don't manipulate the magic power accurately, it's easy to lose control of yourself and it will go all out in a few strokes."

"Why do I feel like you are implying something again?"

The corners of Mu En's mouth twitched, but immediately, his expression became tense, and he asked seriously:

"So, what about the powerful, awesome, and cool magic I want to learn?"

"...Well, about this...I also heard about the current situation of your Campbell family from that kid Plan. I didn't believe it before, so I also touched your talent before..."

Teacher Meila's eyes were erratic, and she said:

"You can still learn, but..."


"But...I suggest you treat learning powerful magic as just a hobby."


Mu En was stunned.

Stupefied again.

Stupefied again?

What does hobby mean?

Meaning... don't let me pursue the result too much?

In other words...

"Are the genes of the Campbell family really so terrifying that you, Teacher Meila, can't do anything about it?"

Moon came to his senses, covered his face, and burst into tears.

"You can't say that. If I want, I can easily make you a great magician of the truth level, but..."

Teacher Meila stared into Muon's eyes and said seriously:

"Are you really willing to give up everything you are working hard to get now and focus on magic?"


Moon was stunned.

Is he willing?

Of course he doesn't want to.

After all, he has already walked so far on this road now, how can he change lanes at will and drive towards the unknown?

For magic, he just yearns for it, that's all.

"Although I admit that some people always say that my fate is in my own hands, it does exist, but blindly defying something that is destined is stupid, very stupid in my opinion."

"Those who often say this often have more roads and choices than ordinary people, so they will disdain the retreat and compromise of ordinary people."

Teacher Meila patted Mu En on the shoulder and comforted him:

"But don't be too sad. The Campbell family's genes that are not good at magic have exchanged for your exceptional talent in the physical body. Otherwise, you would have been exhausted by me... trained by me for so long."

"...Okay, okay."

Mu En smiled bitterly and quickly accepted the reality.

In fact, he had nothing to be dissatisfied with, because he was no longer like before, unable to find a specific goal, and rushing around like a headless fly in order to survive.

Since he has embarked on this road, he can only do his best to go all the way to the end.

For this, he has always been very grateful to Teacher Meila.

"And don't underestimate the basic magic manipulation. For you, it will take a lot of time and effort to learn." Teacher Meila added.


Mu En looked over expectantly...

"Don't look at me."

Teacher Meila ruthlessly refused:

"Learn the most basic things that will be taught in class by yourself. I don't have so much free time to teach you everything in person."


Mu En responded and lay back in the sea of ​​flowers.

A breeze blew from nowhere, and the pleasant fragrance of flowers flooded into his mind.

Today, the sea of ​​flowers seemed to be blooming with different flowers, which was different and pleasant.

Mu En stared at the false blue sky in a trance.

Magic or not is actually a trivial matter. The most important thing now is...

"Holy City..."

In the end, he was still involuntarily drawn into the whirlpool of fate.

Leaving the academy, leaving Belrand, leaving the protection of Teacher Meila, and going to the Holy City where even his identity as the son of the Duke did not help at all.

This should have been a path that would never appear in his plan, and it was absolutely contrary to the future he longed for.


When he really decided to step into it...

He was not as flustered as he had imagined.

"I've gotten used to it."

Mu En suddenly felt a little emotional. He raised one hand, grabbed the void, and then clenched it suddenly.

"Then let's do more preparations before the wave of fate arrives, just as before."


The wave was still approaching, but Mu En's life calmed down again.

However, when he devoted himself to preparation and learning, the leisure he dreamed of was far away from him.

Magic manipulation method.

Alchemical matrix engraving.

Learning skills.

Becoming stronger.

And the upcoming journey.

Unconsciously, there was a lot of pressure on him again.


Just as I said before.

He had gotten used to these things.

Just keep moving forward at the same pace as before.

So Mu En got busy again.

He seemed to have returned to the time when he was striving for excellent results for the task assigned by Teacher Meila.

Like a machine, he kept moving between the black book, the classroom, the cafeteria, the sea of ​​flowers and the dormitory.

There was no senior this time.

However, in the midst of all the busyness, he also had a different pastime.

That was Liya's music performance.

It was one of the few moments of the day when he could relax.

"Huh? Why did you fall asleep?"

In the haze, Liya seemed to hear Mu En's voice.

Then, I felt something pinched my cheek.

Liya suddenly woke up, looking at Mu En who was awkwardly holding out his fingers, her face turned red for a moment:

"You, you gangster, what are you doing?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, you were too cute, so I accidentally..."

"What's so cute, you bad guy, have you finally shown your true colors?"

Seeing Liya who skillfully hid behind the tree in an instant, with only half of her head exposed and staring at her warily, Mu En wished she could give herself a slap.

Can you change my habit of pinching something cute when I see it?

One day he will die because of his stupidity.

"So, Liya, you were..."

Mu En's eyes fell on the place where Liya was lying just now, and he changed the topic and said:

"Reading? You're working so hard, at a time like this..."

"It has nothing to do with... you!"

Liya teleported back again and quickly stuffed the books into the storage space in shame.

"Alright alright."

Mu En looked at the faint tiredness in Liya's eyes, said nothing, raised her hands in surrender:

"Can we perform today? Miss Liya."


Liya hummed cutely and raised her violin.

Beautiful music flows and melts the snow on the treetops.

Mu En leaned back on the bench and listened quietly.

Since the last accident, the two have changed their meeting method, exchanging the frequency of the sound transmission stone and agreeing on the location and time through the sound transmission stone.

The time is uncertain, but the location is mostly this sycamore forest.

Because there are few people, it is quiet.

Especially at the end of the year, when the college announced that it would be selecting people to go to the Holy City, almost all the students stopped having fun and started working hard.

And a certain Feng Aotian started to have money to buy chicken legs, and no longer had to secretly cut corners for a few loaves of black bread.

No one comes to the already remote trail.

This place seems to have become a secret base for the two of them.

As the number of performances increased, Mu En could feel that Liya was no longer as wary of him as before.

Although he still occasionally acted like he was frightened just now, Mu En could feel that it was mostly a joke.

And the music was no longer as programmed as before, but began to gradually pour some emotion into the performance.

It sounds more and more beautiful.

But every time she played recently, Mu En could see something familiar in Liya's expression and eyes.

It was the look of someone trying his best for something.

He could also see the girl's fatigue.

But Mu En did not stop playing.

Because he found that the girl could only slightly relax the tight string when playing.

Unknowingly, this short performance has become a rare moment for the girl who has no other purpose to relax.

The holy light that unconsciously escapes along with the music can not only brush away Mu En's fatigue, but also slightly soothe the girl's heart.

It seems that unconsciously, this act of playing is not just for money.

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