Mu En did not break this tacit understanding.

Agree on a place.



Pay the money.

Simply employer and performer.

Liya played seriously.

He listened to the music.

That's all.

"not bad."

Looking at Liya who was playing beautiful music like an elf, Mu En smiled slightly.

Then time passes.

St. Mary's College a month later.

After nearly a month of snow, Belland finally ushered in a rare good weather today. The warm winter sun shone on the silver-covered land, making everything in the world seem to be decorated with gems and sparkle. Bright, as if this long winter is about to pass like this.

Perhaps due to the influence of certain factors, this year's winter came faster and more violently than before. The continuous snowy weather for a month almost dyed the city pure white. This was extremely unusual in the entire history of the empire. Rare.

Although under the maintenance of certain external forces, the continuous heavy snow has not had any major impact on this prosperous city, such good weather will naturally make people bathing in the sunshine feel happy.

Even the college seemed to be infected by this pleasant atmosphere, and the sounds of students laughing and playing could be heard everywhere.

Of course, the reason why the students are happy is not just the sunny day, but calculated based on the date, because they only have less than a week before they will have the long vacation that they love to see.

As for the annoying exam, it ended three days ago. Those who did well in the exam welcomed the holiday with even more joy, while those who didn't do well in the exam had already chosen to break it.

But today, it still seems a little special.

"Quick, quick, quick! Liya, are you ready?"

In the early morning, Ariel did not let Liya wake her up for the first time. Instead, she rushed into Liya's room in a hurry.

"Little lazy pig, time is almost up!"

"Who is the little lazy pig called!"

Liya, who had already finished dressing up, had bulging cheeks and gave Ariel a cute look:

"I always get up earlier than you!"

"Hey, I'm not afraid that your little mare will stumble at the critical moment."

Ariel scratched her head and giggled.

"You are the filly!"

Leah angrily pinched the soft flesh of Ariel's waist.

But he didn't use any force. The uniform he had just dressed and tidied up was not suitable for fighting anymore.

The two looked at each other and smiled.


"Kind of."

"Humph, I'm not nervous at all."

Ariel put her hands on her hips, with strong confidence in her eyes.

Today is very special.

Because today is the day when the college announces the candidates who will go to the Holy City to participate in the Holy Ceremony.

According to what the college said a month ago, they will finalize candidates based on students' past performance, grades, and overall strength.

Places are few and competition is fierce.

Because even the students at St. Mary's College are mostly followers of the goddess Emile, it is an extremely honor for them to be able to visit the Holy City in person.

Not to mention, this is a major ceremony to determine the future saint.

If I could establish a relationship with the future saint...

Therefore, as soon as this matter was announced, many students began to gear up.

It is a pity that the college restricted participation to students under the age of twenty from the beginning, which made many senior students beat their chests and sigh, otherwise this competition would be even more terrifying.

But even so, only seven students were selected from hundreds of qualified students in the college. This terrible elimination rate means that if there is any achievement that is not the top of the college, then don't even think about it.

But even if the conditions are so harsh, Ariel is very confident.

Because she had worked hard for so long just for this moment.

Not only for himself, but also for the girl beside him who has been silently helping him.

On the contrary...

"Liya, it's okay."

Ariel looked at Leah worriedly.

Even though Liya is one of the protagonists of this ceremony and the church's candidate saint, she still needs to meet the standards of the academy in order to participate in the ceremony with the academy.

This is probably the reason why the church does not allow the saint to reveal her identity during mortal trials. If she is not even qualified to participate in the ceremony based on her own ability, then how can she become a saint who will lead countless believers in the future?

"no problem."

Liya nodded vigorously, suppressing all the uneasiness at the bottom of her heart, signaling Ariel to feel at ease.

"I can."

Although she has always performed extremely inconspicuously, her results have always been extremely outstanding.

Moreover, she worked harder during this time.

So, nothing to worry about.

Well, I can do that.

"That's good."

Seeing that Liya finally showed confidence, Ariel reached out to her:

"let's go."


When the two entered the auditorium door, they found that there was already a commotion inside.

A large number of students had already found their seats and began to discuss the allocation of seats in small groups.

Although the quotas related to the lower grades were only announced, many senior students came to watch the fun.

"Damn, we're late."

Ariel pulled Leah through the noise, looking for a spot.

It took a lot of effort to find a few adjacent empty seats in the corner.

After sitting down, both of them took a long breath and waited quietly.

However, before the list was announced, Ariel saw a familiar figure passing by her. She hesitated for a moment, and finally passed her and sat down unceremoniously in the empty seat next to Liya.

The disgusting smell came to my face.

"Moon Campbell?"

Ariel's eyes widened:

"Why are you sitting here?"

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it..."

Mu En helplessly spread her hands towards Ariel, "As you can see, I'm also late and haven't found any vacancies yet."

"Then won't you look for a little longer? I think you did it on purpose!"

Ariel hugged Liya tightly and said warily:

"Tell me, are you trying to catch Liya's attention?"


Looking at this scene that had a strong sense of familiarity, Mu En's mouth twitched.

Why is it that after three volumes, this guy still has such strange thoughts?

He hasn't taken action this month, will he do it in front of you now?

Does he seem to have the guts to pry into the corner of Feng Aotian's protagonist?

"If you don't want me to sit with Liya-san, you can change places with Liya-san."

Mu En patted the armrest and said with a smile:

"I don't mind sitting with you."


Ariel's eyes widened even further.

Sitting with this annoying guy, she...


Liya secretly pinched the soft flesh of Ariel's waist in Ariel's arms.

"There are so many people, Mu Entong... How can Mu En Campbell do anything to me? Ariel, you are too worried."

"Hmph, my intuition tells me that I can't relax about this guy."

Ariel muttered and let go of Leah.

She glared at Mu En again, then turned her head and looked towards the front of the auditorium.

here we go.

Liya also straightened up and sat upright with her eyes straight, not even looking at Mu En.

On the stage, the funny pink bear acting dean spoke first, talking a lot of nonsense, announcing that he would step down as acting dean, and lamented that he could not wait until summer, and it was a pity to see all the girls taking swimming lessons... …

In the end, Professor Plan, who couldn't bear it anymore, kicked him away.

Then, get to the point.

"About the candidates to represent the college to the Holy City this time..."

Everyone became nervous.

Ariel held her breath and concentrated.

"Third grade, Fanny Sawyer."

From somewhere in the auditorium, the cheers of girls could be heard.

This is the first one.

"Third grade, Vicki Morse."

The cheers were equally intense.

This is the second one.

"Third grade, Marshall Eddy."

This is the third one.

"Third grade, Aaron Mack."


This is the fourth one!

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