The first four are all in third grade.

But this is natural. Even if there are age restrictions, the third grade who is closest to this condition will undoubtedly have the greatest advantage.

After all, one year is enough to widen the gap.

It’s possible that all of them are in third grade!

"Second grade, Ariel Boogard."

the fifth……


Although it was expected, Ariel jumped up excitedly when she heard her name, and hugged Liya.

"Liya, I'm hit!"


Liya also held her hand firmly and said happily: "Congratulations, Ariel."


Ariel was about to say something, but suddenly paused.

Because she noticed the uneasiness in Liya's smiling face.

She woke up with a start.


I won, but there are only two places left!

There are so many outstanding students throughout the second grade!

Liya, she...

"'s okay, Liya. Don't worry. Even if you really fail, I will use other methods to take you to the Holy City. I will definitely!"

Ariel comforted her seriously. After saying that, Ariel continued to look back, clasping her hands and staring nervously at the stage.


Liya let out a small hum.

That's right.

Nothing to worry about.

Even if such a useless person fails, as long as Ariel is here, I can...

"You really don't have to worry, Liya-san."

Suddenly, Liya heard a familiar voice ringing in her ears.

"Believe in yourself, you can definitely do it."


Liya was startled a little. She secretly glanced at Ariel who was watching the front seriously, bit her lip, turned to look at Mu En who was speaking in a low voice, and said in the same low voice:

"Why...why? Why are you so sure."

"Because of intuition." Mu En smiled.

"Intuition... is so unreliable..."

"And...because you work hard."

A calm but determined voice rushed into my mind.

Liya paused and looked at the man beside her who didn't feel nervous at all.

His blue eyes were clear and there seemed to be no falsehood at all.


Liya suddenly came back to her senses, her cheeks were slightly red, and she spat cutely.


I was almost fooled by the rhetoric.

You only have a brief encounter with me every day when I play, so what do you know about me?

Moreover, how could a stupid person like me, simply work hard...

"Second grade, Lea Angel."

Professor Plann's serious reading sounded in his ears.

Liya was stunned.

In Shui Ling's big eyes, it was as if the lake where stones had been thrown began to stir up faint waves.

For a moment, it was like going back to the moment before I was ready to play.

Everything is quiet.

She stood up in a daze, lowered her head in a daze, and stared blankly at the handsome man holding his chin and smiling.

"Let's see."

Mu En said happily:

"My experience is not wrong. In this world, hard work will never deceive you, Liya-san."

58. The final candidate

"Yeah! Liya! You're hit too!"

Ariel's sudden excited exclamation made Liya wake up from her brief trance. The inexplicable ripples just now dissipated and turned into joy from the heart.


This is just the first step.

But fortunately, she finally succeeded in taking this step.

Although Ariel had just comforted her that there were other ways, if this step failed, she didn't know how she would have the face to return to the Holy City.

So suspenseful.

Liya breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but pat her majestic chest, causing the waves to ripple immediately.

At the same time, she couldn't help but peeked to the side again.

The blond man still had a clean smile on his face and was applauding gently to express congratulations.

Moon Campbell, you...

"Okay, you've just been selected, and you got carried away and started showing off your big cow!"

Ariel didn't notice Liya's little movements, waving her claws and showing an evil smile. She would rush up to fight with Liya out of habit, and by the way, she would wipe out the oil that she had refrained from wiping in the morning.

But just when her claws were about to succeed...

"Wait, wait a minute."

Liya's cheeks were slightly red, she crossed her arms and quietly took a step back.

"So many people are watching here."

Ariel was stunned.

At this time, her excitement faded and she felt the gazes from around her.

Also, both candidates appeared in the same position, which naturally attracted the attention of most of the auditorium.

"Hug...Sorry, I'm too excited."

Ariel scratched her head in embarrassment, but then she hugged Liya tightly in her arms, raised her head and glared fiercely at those who looked over:

"What are you looking at! What's there to see? Haven't you seen Genius Girl?"

Liya is hers, how can she be looked at by such a dirty and smelly man?

I didn't see the scene I wanted to see, and there were a few small sighs of disappointment from around me, but those eyes quickly moved away.

This illegitimate daughter of the earl, who was once looked down upon by many people, is now extremely famous throughout the entire college. In addition, she skipped several grades not long ago and defeated a fifth-year senior, severely slapping the faces of those who wanted to humiliate her again. Naturally, few people are willing to provoke her now.

Seeing the unpleasant gaze moved away, Ariel raised her head and looked around like a victorious rooster. Finally, as if she felt something, her eyes suddenly fell on the nearby.

"And you, Muen Campbell, what are you looking at?"

Ariel raised her eyebrows:

"Move your filthy gaze away!"

"Uh... is there?"

Muen's hands froze as he clapped his hands, and he blinked his pure eyes:

"I just want to express my congratulations, there is nothing else to say."

"You don't need to congratulate me. Are you familiar with Liya?" Ariel snorted angrily.

In her memory, Muen Campbell and Liya had no intersection at all, but he always came up to talk to Liya. If he didn't have any tricks, who would believe it?

"Okay, Ariel, you are too nervous."

Liya gently pushed Ariel, "How can it be so exaggerated? Just being looked at won't lose a piece of meat."

"Alas, Liya, you are too kind."

Ariel hummed twice and shook her head helplessly.

Kindness, cuteness, purity, these are the fascinating shining points of Liya.

These shining points are like gems, which will always attract the covetousness of others.

Because of this, she has to work harder to protect Liya, who belongs only to her!

Especially this guy Muen Campbell!

Others were deceived by him, but only when I really saw his true face before, I knew what a bad person he was!

But... Fortunately, Liya is going to the Holy City with me.

As for Moon Campbell, the son of a duke who has nothing to offer except family and money...

You will live forever in Belland and be your dandy...

"The last candidate..."

Suddenly, Professor Plan's deep and serious voice sounded in Ariel's ears.

"Second grade, Moon... Campbell!"


Ariel paused and screamed subconsciously.

Not only him, the entire auditorium burst into a clamor after a brief silence.


Moon Campbell?

Which Moon Campbell?

After a brief stagnation, everyone came back to their senses.

There is naturally only one Moon Campbell in the academy.

But why...

The first few candidates were all well-known and outstanding in the entire academy, so when the names were announced, most people just sighed, but were not surprised.

But he, Muen Campbell…

Although his reputation and behavior have changed a lot this semester, and he has raised his score in the Basics of Magic course to 80 points in just one month, which has been talked about for a long time.

But when evaluating such candidates, the first thing to look at should be the overall strength.

Even if Muen Campbell is really no longer that annoying dude, what strength does he have?

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